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Created July 16, 2019 14:04
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在编辑区域选中文字,然后在 keyboard maestro 的菜单栏里召唤空格之神
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>'use strict';
(function run() {
var app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
var clipboardStr = app.theClipboard();
//pangu start
const CJK = '\u2e80-\u2eff\u2f00-\u2fdf\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3100-\u312f\u3200-\u32ff\u3400-\u4dbf\u4e00-\u9fff\uf900-\ufaff';
const ANY_CJK = new RegExp(`[${CJK}]`);
// the symbol part only includes ~ ! ; : , . ? but . only matches one character
const CONVERT_TO_FULLWIDTH_CJK_SYMBOLS_CJK = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])[ ]*([\\:]+|\\.)[ ]*([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const CONVERT_TO_FULLWIDTH_CJK_SYMBOLS = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])[ ]*([~\\!;,\\?]+)[ ]*`, 'g');
const DOTS_CJK = new RegExp(`([\\.]{2,}|\u2026)([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const FIX_CJK_COLON_ANS = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])\\:([A-Z0-9\\(\\)])`, 'g');
// the symbol part does not include '
const CJK_QUOTE = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])([\`"\u05f4])`, 'g');
const QUOTE_CJK = new RegExp(`([\`"\u05f4])([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const FIX_QUOTE_ANY_QUOTE = /([`"\u05f4]+)[ ]*(.+?)[ ]*([`"\u05f4]+)/g;
const CJK_SINGLE_QUOTE_BUT_POSSESSIVE = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])('[^s])`, 'g');
const SINGLE_QUOTE_CJK = new RegExp(`(')([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const FIX_POSSESSIVE_SINGLE_QUOTE = new RegExp(`([A-Za-z0-9${CJK}])( )('s)`, 'g');
const HASH_ANS_CJK_HASH = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])(#)([${CJK}]+)(#)([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const CJK_HASH = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])(#([^ ]))`, 'g');
const HASH_CJK = new RegExp(`(([^ ])#)([${CJK}])`, 'g');
// the symbol part only includes + - * / = &amp; | &lt; &gt;
const CJK_OPERATOR_ANS = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])([\\+\\-\\*\\/=&amp;\\|&lt;&gt;])([A-Za-z0-9])`, 'g');
const ANS_OPERATOR_CJK = new RegExp(`([A-Za-z0-9])([\\+\\-\\*\\/=&amp;\\|&lt;&gt;])([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const FIX_SLASH_AS = /([/]) ([a-z\-_\./]+)/g;
const FIX_SLASH_AS_SLASH = /([/\.])([A-Za-z\-_\./]+) ([/])/g;
// the bracket part only includes ( ) [ ] { } &lt; &gt; “ ”
const CJK_LEFT_BRACKET = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])([\\(\\[\\{&lt;&gt;\u201c])`, 'g');
const RIGHT_BRACKET_CJK = new RegExp(`([\\)\\]\\}&lt;&gt;\u201d])([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const FIX_LEFT_BRACKET_ANY_RIGHT_BRACKET = /([\(\[\{&lt;\u201c]+)[ ]*(.+?)[ ]*([\)\]\}&gt;\u201d]+)/;
const ANS_CJK_LEFT_BRACKET_ANY_RIGHT_BRACKET = new RegExp(`([A-Za-z0-9${CJK}])[ ]*([\u201c])([A-Za-z0-9${CJK}\\-_ ]+)([\u201d])`, 'g');
const LEFT_BRACKET_ANY_RIGHT_BRACKET_ANS_CJK = new RegExp(`([\u201c])([A-Za-z0-9${CJK}\\-_ ]+)([\u201d])[ ]*([A-Za-z0-9${CJK}])`, 'g');
const AN_LEFT_BRACKET = /([A-Za-z0-9])([\(\[\{])/g;
const RIGHT_BRACKET_AN = /([\)\]\}])([A-Za-z0-9])/g;
const CJK_ANS = new RegExp(`([${CJK}])([A-Za-z\u0370-\u03ff0-9@\\$%\\^&amp;\\*\\-\\+\\\\=\\|/\u00a1-\u00ff\u2150-\u218f\u2700—\u27bf])`, 'g');
const ANS_CJK = new RegExp(`([A-Za-z\u0370-\u03ff0-9~\\$%\\^&amp;\\*\\-\\+\\\\=\\|/!;:,\\.\\?\u00a1-\u00ff\u2150-\u218f\u2700—\u27bf])([${CJK}])`, 'g');
const S_A = /(%)([A-Za-z])/g;
const MIDDLE_DOT = /([ ]*)([\u00b7\u2022\u2027])([ ]*)/g;
class Pangu {
constructor() {
this.version = '4.0.7';
convertToFullwidth(symbols) {
return symbols
.replace(/~/g, '~')
.replace(/!/g, '!')
.replace(/;/g, ';')
.replace(/:/g, ':')
.replace(/,/g, ',')
.replace(/\./g, '。')
.replace(/\?/g, '?');
spacing(text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
console.warn(`spacing(text) only accepts string but got ${typeof text}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
return text;
if (text.length &lt;= 1 || !ANY_CJK.test(text)) {
return text;
const self = this;
let newText = text;
newText = newText.replace(CONVERT_TO_FULLWIDTH_CJK_SYMBOLS_CJK, (match, leftCjk, symbols, rightCjk) =&gt; {
const fullwidthSymbols = self.convertToFullwidth(symbols);
return `${leftCjk}${fullwidthSymbols}${rightCjk}`;
newText = newText.replace(CONVERT_TO_FULLWIDTH_CJK_SYMBOLS, (match, cjk, symbols) =&gt; {
const fullwidthSymbols = self.convertToFullwidth(symbols);
return `${cjk}${fullwidthSymbols}`;
newText = newText.replace(DOTS_CJK, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(FIX_CJK_COLON_ANS, '$1:$2');
newText = newText.replace(CJK_QUOTE, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(QUOTE_CJK, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(FIX_QUOTE_ANY_QUOTE, '$1$2$3');
newText = newText.replace(CJK_SINGLE_QUOTE_BUT_POSSESSIVE, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(SINGLE_QUOTE_CJK, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(FIX_POSSESSIVE_SINGLE_QUOTE, "$1's"); // eslint-disable-line quotes
newText = newText.replace(HASH_ANS_CJK_HASH, '$1 $2$3$4 $5');
newText = newText.replace(CJK_HASH, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(HASH_CJK, '$1 $3');
newText = newText.replace(CJK_OPERATOR_ANS, '$1 $2 $3');
newText = newText.replace(ANS_OPERATOR_CJK, '$1 $2 $3');
newText = newText.replace(FIX_SLASH_AS, '$1$2');
newText = newText.replace(FIX_SLASH_AS_SLASH, '$1$2$3');
newText = newText.replace(CJK_LEFT_BRACKET, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(RIGHT_BRACKET_CJK, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(FIX_LEFT_BRACKET_ANY_RIGHT_BRACKET, '$1$2$3');
newText = newText.replace(ANS_CJK_LEFT_BRACKET_ANY_RIGHT_BRACKET, '$1 $2$3$4');
newText = newText.replace(LEFT_BRACKET_ANY_RIGHT_BRACKET_ANS_CJK, '$1$2$3 $4');
newText = newText.replace(AN_LEFT_BRACKET, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(RIGHT_BRACKET_AN, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(CJK_ANS, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(ANS_CJK, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(S_A, '$1 $2');
newText = newText.replace(MIDDLE_DOT, '・');
return newText;
spacingText(text, callback = () =&gt; {}) {
let newText;
try {
newText = this.spacing(text);
} catch (err) {
callback(null, newText);
spacingTextSync(text) {
return this.spacing(text);
const pangu = new Pangu();
// pangu stop
var someDataStr=pangu.spacing(clipboardStr);
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tankxu commented Oct 13, 2020


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