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Created February 3, 2014 02:31
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use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $db_name = shift or die "call as $0 [database_name] [mysql user] [mysql password]";
my $mysql_user = shift || 'root';
my $mysql_password = shift || '';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$db_name", $mysql_user, $mysql_password) || die DBI->errstr;
# first time we run, make a copy of the original forum_posts table so people can revert if they need to.
$dbh->do("create table if not exists forum_posts_original_do_not_touch as (select * from forum_posts)") or die DBI->errstr;
my $select = $dbh->prepare('select id, content from forum_posts');
my $replace = $dbh->prepare('update forum_posts set content =? where id = ?');
$select->execute or die DBI->errstr;
my %sizes;
my %tags;
while ( my $row = $select->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $id = $row->{id};
my $content = $row->{content};
#markdown doesn't do color
$content =~ s/\[\/?color.*?\]//gms;
# there were a lot of 24's
$content =~ s/\[size=24\](.*?)\[\/size\]/\r\n# $1\r\n/gms;
# there were a lot of 18's
$content =~ s/\[size=18\](.*?)\[\/size\]/\r\n## $1\r\n/gms;
# there were a few other 8's, 7's, 10's, 12's...just ignoring those
$content =~ s/\[size=\d+\](.*?)\[\/size\]/$1\r\n/gms;
# plain urls
$content =~ s/\[url\](http[^\[]+)\[\/url\]/$1/gims;
# images (some inside urls...those are later)
$content =~ s/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/![]($1)/gims;
# [url=]![]([/url]
$content =~ s/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/[$2]($1)/gms;
$content =~ s/\[\/?b\]/**/gims;
$content =~ s/\[\/?u\]/*/gims;
$content =~ s/\[\/?i\]/*/gims;
$content =~ s/\[\/h(\d)\]/\r\n/gims;
$content =~ s/\[h(\d)\]/"\r\n".("#"x$1)/igems;
#take out the ul tags...
$content =~ s/\[\/?ul\]//gims;
# ... but make their li's *'s
$content =~ s/\[li\]/\r\n* /gims;
$content =~ s/\[\/li\]/\r\n/gims;
$content =~ s/\[#+/[/gms; # size inside image/link text doesn't work
$content =~ s/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list\]/
if (defined($1)){
my $inner = $1;
$inner =~ s{^\s+(.*)\s+$}{$1}s; #trim space
$inner =~ s{(\r\n)(\s*\r\n)+}{$1}gms; #remove blank lines
$inner = "* $inner"; #first item
$inner =~ s{(\r\n)}{$1* }gms; #internal items
$inner =~ s{\*\s+$}{}s; #mechanism sometimes puts an extra li, remove it
$content =~ s/^\* ##/##/gms;# size hack inside list doesn't work
$content = reformat_quotes($content);
$replace->execute($content,$id) or die DBI->errstr;
my @tags = ($content =~ /\[(\w+)\]/g);
$tags{ $_ } ++ for @tags;
# this shows what bb tags--or things the look kind of like tags--are left, and how many
#print Dumper(\%tags); use Data::Dumper;
sub reformat_quotes {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/\[quote(?:=(\w+))?\]/my $start = ''; if (defined($1)) {$start ="\@$1:"}; "$start\r\nGORIGHT\r\n"/gemsx;
$text =~ s/\[\/quote\]/GOLEFT\r\n\r\n/gms;
my $quote_mark = '';
my $indentlevel = 0;
$text =~ s/(GORIGHT)|(GOLEFT)|(\r\n)/
if (defined $1) {
if (defined $2) {
if (defined $3) {
if ($indentlevel) {
' '.$3. ('>' x $indentlevel);
else {
return $text;
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