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Last active December 15, 2023 14:54
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  • Save msoutopico/4bbe0ac90b71f709a4f5d8fc3bdf91c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save msoutopico/4bbe0ac90b71f709a4f5d8fc3bdf91c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# run this script as:
# bash -i /path/to/project -o /path/to/final/repo
# e.g.
# bash -i /home/souto/Repos/ACER-PISA-2025-FT/pisa_2025ft_translation_it-IT_trend-prepare-files -o /home/souto/Repos/ACER-PISA-2025-FT/pisa_2025ft_translation_final
# flag -i/--input: $1
# flag -o/--output: $3
# etc
echo "Go to the project folder ${project_path}"
cd "$project_path"
echo "Sync project"
git pull --rebase
echo "Delete the final folder if it exits"
[ -d final ] && rm -r final
echo "Make a copy of the target folder and cd into it"
cp -r target final
cd final
echo "Flatten file structure"
find . -type f -exec mv {} . \;
# echo "Remove directories"
# find * -type d -exec rmdir {} +
echo "Remove the dummy locale suffix"
locale=$(echo "$project_path"| cut -d'_' -f 4)
echo "locale: $locale"
rename "s/_$locale//" *.xml
echo "Move all files to the final repo"
mkdir -p "${final_repo_path}/translations/$locale/batch1"
find $project_path/final -type f -name "*.xml" -exec mv {} "${final_repo_path}/translations/$locale/batch1" \;
# ~/Repos/ACER-PISA-2025-FT/pisa_2025ft_translation_final/translations/pb/batch1/
echo "Remove the final folder"
cd .. && rm -r final
echo "Push changes"
cd "$final_repo_path"
git pull --rebase
git add .
git commit -m "Updated target files for $locale"
git push
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