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Last active December 15, 2023 10:51
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/* :name = Set Latest Translations v3 :description=
* @author Manuel Souto Pico, Thomas Cordonnier, Kos Ivantsov
* @creation 2023.11.06: Manuel wrote first draft
* @edit 2023.11.07: Thomas added OmegaT internals
* @edit 2023.11.17: Kos added trick to avoid merge dialog
* @edit 2023.11.19: Manuel added condition to run only for certain projects on load
* @edit 2023.11.21: Manuel added check and warning if dummy file is missing
* @edit 2023.11.22: Manuel removed reload (call to reloadProjectOnetime)
* @edit 2023.11.22: Manuel added condition to discard translations in project if they are alternative
* @edit 2023.11.23: Thomas added condition to discard TMX entries if they are alternative
* @version 0.0.8
import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*
import static org.omegat.util.Platform.*
import static*
import groovy.util.*
//Since gui() is executed anyway, continueScript will change to false when needed
continueScript = true
changesMade = false
dummyFileException = null
// path to the folder inside the TM folder
path_to_tmx_dir = "auto" + File.separator + "prev"
def gui() {
if (eventType == LOAD) {
// skip
if (skipUpdate(LOAD)) {
LOAD.skipUpdate = false // reset the flag
// abort if a team project is not opened
props = project.projectProperties
if (!props || !props.repositories) {
final def title = "Set Latest Translations"
final def msg = "No project opened or not a team project."
console.println("== ${title} ==")
// showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, INFORMATION_MESSAGE)
continueScript = false
// abort if the team project is not a pisa project
projName = props.projectName
if (!projName.startsWith("pisa_2025")) {
final def title = "Set Latest Translations"
final def msg = "This is not a PISA25 FT project."
console.println("== ${title} ==")
// showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, INFORMATION_MESSAGE)
continueScript = false
curEntry = editor.getCurrentEntryNumber()
//Jump to the dummy file to avoid conflict resolution dialog
dummyFileName = "zz.txt"
sourceDirPath = props.getSourceRoot()
sourceDir = new File(sourceDirPath)
def txtFiles = new FileNameFinder().getFileNames(sourceDirPath, '**/' + dummyFileName /* includes */, '**/*.xml **/*.html' /* excludes */)
try {
dummyFile = new File(txtFiles[0]) // .absolutePath
assert dummyFile.getClass() ==
if (dummyFile.exists()) {
projectFiles = project.getProjectFiles()
dummyFileIndex = projectFiles.findIndexOf {
it.filePath == sourceDir.toPath().relativize( dummyFile.toPath() ).toString() // relative path to dummy file
dummyEntry = projectFiles[dummyFileIndex].entries[0]
} catch (Exception e) {
dummyFileException = e
if (!continueScript) {
project.transMemories.each { name, tmx ->
name = name.substring(props.getTMRoot().length())
if (name.startsWith(path_to_tmx_dir)) {
// console.println("Importing from " + name)
tmx.entries.each { entry ->
// see if the entry is alternative (= if it has id)
def isTmxEntryAlternative = entry.otherProperties.findAll { it -> it.type == 'id' } // or prev/next
// Search which entry in the project corresponds to the one in the tmx
// Note: to be improved, for the moment it works only with default entries
// and it is not optimized, we should use a cache as in ImportFromAutoTMX
def inProject = null
project.allEntries.each { pe ->
def translation = project.getTranslationInfo(pe)
if ((pe.srcText.equals(entry.source)) && (!isTmxEntryAlternative) && (translation == null || translation.defaultTranslation)) inProject = pe;
// Now search is done, if we found something we use it
if ((inProject != null) && (entry.source.equals(inProject.srcText))) {
def inProjectEntry = project.getTranslationInfo(inProject)
if ((inProjectEntry != null) && (!isTmxEntryAlternative) && (entry.source.equals(inProjectEntry.source))) {
long inProjectDate = inProjectEntry.creationDate
if (inProjectEntry.changeDate > inProjectEntry.creationDate) {
inProjectDate = inProjectEntry.changeDate
long inTmxDate = entry.creationDate
if (entry.changeDate > entry.creationDate) {
inTmxDate = entry.changeDate
// console.println(entry.source + " " + inTmxDate + " / " + inProjectDate + " => " + (inTmxDate > inProjectDate));
if (inTmxDate > inProjectDate) {
project.setTranslation(inProject, entry, true, null) //;
changesMade = true
console.println("Changes made!")
if ( dummyFileException != null ) { FlagDummyFileMissing(dummyFileException) }
// org.omegat.gui.main.ProjectUICommands.projectReload()
if (changesMade && eventType == LOAD) {
console.println("No need to reload?")
// reloadProjectOnetime()
// org.omegat.gui.main.ProjectUICommands.projectReload();
// functions
def skipUpdate(eventType) {
if (!eventType.metaClass.hasProperty(eventType, 'skipUpdate')) {
eventType.metaClass.skipUpdate = false
def reloadProjectOnetime() {
LOAD.skipUpdate = true // avoid potentially infinity reloading loop
} as Runnable)
def FlagDummyFileMissing(e) {
// @todo: create a generic function for all message dialogs
console.println("There was a problem: ${e}")
final def title = "Batch transition"
final def msg = "File missing error (merge dialog might appear): \n\n${e}.\n\nPlease report this message to cApStAn support."
console.println("== ${title} ==")
showMessageDialog(null, msg, title, INFORMATION_MESSAGE)
// continueScript = false
- consider only tmx files that have the same name as the batch
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