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Created September 21, 2023 21:46
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import Lean
import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Algebra
import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Int.ModEq
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.WithZero
import Std.Data.Int.DivMod
-- import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith
/- Q1: This theorem is in DivMod, but currently commented out. Is it not ported yet? -/
theorem div_lt_of_lt_mul {a b c : Int} (H : 0 < c) (H' : a < b * c) : a / c < b :=
/- This seems a lot of work for something that ought to be somewhere in the libraries already.
Q2: Is there a better way? If not, does this deserve inclusion into mathlib? -/
theorem mod_inv_cancels_out {a b : Nat} (H: NeZero b) (H_c: Nat.Coprime a b)
: ↑(ZMod.inv b ↑a) * ↑a ≡ 1 [ZMOD ↑b] := by
have eq a n b: (a % n = b % n) = (a ≡ b [ZMOD n]) := by rfl
have h: ↑(ZMod.inv b ↑a) * ↑a ≡ ↑(ZMod.inv b ↑a) % b * (↑a % b) [ZMOD b] := by
rw [ ← eq ]
rw [ Int.mul_emod ]
apply (Int.ModEq.trans h)
rw [ ← @ZMod.val_int_cast (↑b) (↑a) ]
rw [ ← ZMod.val_int_cast (↑ (ZMod.inv b ↑a)) ]
rw [ ← eq ]
have h (x y z: Nat): (↑ x: Int) * (↑ y: Int) % (↑ z: Int) = ↑ (x * y % z) := by
apply Int.ofNat_mod_ofNat
rw [ h, ← ZMod.val_mul ]
have h_r: ↑a * (↑a)⁻¹ = ZMod.inv b (↑ a) * ↑ a := by
rw [ ← h_r, ZMod.coe_mul_inv_eq_one (↑ a) ]
rw [ ← ZMod.val_int_cast ]
/- Montgomery Reduction, Algorithm 6 from -/
def mont_reduction
(q: Nat)
(R: Nat)
(minus_q_minus_1: Int)
(a: Nat)
(h_R: R > q ∧ exists n, R = 2 ^ n)
(h_q_minus_1: minus_q_minus_1 = - ZMod.inv R q)
(h_q: 0 < q)
(h_a: a < q * R)
(h_q_R: Nat.Coprime q R):
{ t: Int // t % q = (a * ZMod.inv q R) % q ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t < 2 * q }
-- the algorithm itself, carefully crafted to minimize field operations and
-- rather operate on regular ints, since this is mostly an algorithm (and not
-- a math object)
let f := (a * minus_q_minus_1) % R
let t := (a + f * q) / R
-- Modulo facts are spread across ModEq.lean (nice notation, usually in
-- Int.ModEq) and DivMod.lean (normal notation, usually in Int).
-- Q3: I ended up doing a lot of switching back and forth, and Int.ModEq.eq
-- goes only one way. Is there a canonical way of moving in and out of the ≡
-- notation?
have eq a n b: (a % n = b % n) = (a ≡ b [ZMOD n]) := by rfl
-- main goal
have h_t: t % q = a * ZMod.inv q R % q := by
-- step 1: multiply by R both sides
apply Int.ModEq.eq
have h_gcd: (↑ q: Int) / Int.gcd q R = q := by
rw [ ‹ Int.gcd q R = 1 › ]
rw [ ← h_gcd ]
apply (Int.ModEq.cancel_right_div_gcd (by simp; assumption))
-- step 2: multiplication cancels out, now
have h: ↑(ZMod.inv q ↑R) * ↑R ≡ 1 [ZMOD ↑q] := by
apply mod_inv_cancels_out
apply NeZero.of_pos h_q
apply Nat.Coprime.symm
have h' := Int.ModEq.mul_left a h
ring_nf at h'
apply (Int.ModEq.trans h')
have h_q: ↑(ZMod.inv R ↑q) * ↑q ≡ 1 [ZMOD ↑R] := by
apply mod_inv_cancels_out
have h_R_pos : 0 < R := by linarith
apply NeZero.of_pos h_R_pos
-- key divisibility hypothesis
have h_div: a + f * q ≡ 0 [ZMOD R] := by
rw [ ← eq ]
have h_simp: minus_q_minus_1 * ↑q % R = -1 % R := by
rw [h_q_minus_1]
-- Lots of legwork to put this into the form expected by Int.ModEq.mul_right
-- Q4: Any more efficient way of doing this?
have h_tmp : -1 = 1 * -1 := by simp
have h_tmp2 : -↑(ZMod.inv R ↑q) * ↑q = (↑(ZMod.inv R ↑q) * ↑q) * (-1:Int) := by
rw [eq]
rw [h_tmp, h_tmp2]
apply (Int.ModEq.mul_right)
apply h_q
rw [Int.add_emod]
have h: ((a * minus_q_minus_1 % R) * ↑q) % ↑R = - a % ↑R := by
rw [Int.mul_emod]
rw [← Int.mul_emod]
rw [Int.mul_assoc]
rw [Int.mul_emod]
rw [h_simp]
rw [←Int.mul_emod]
rw [h]
rw [← Int.add_emod]
rw [ Int.modEq_iff_add_fac ] at h_div
simp at h_div
obtain ⟨ x ⟩ := h_div
have h: a + (a * minus_q_minus_1 % R) * ↑q = - ↑R * x := by linarith
rw [ h ]
-- apply divisibility to prove the goal
have h_mod: (-↑R * x) % ↑R = 0 := by
have h: -↑R*x = ↑R * (-x) := by ring
rw [ h ]
apply Int.mul_emod_right
rw [ Int.ediv_mul_cancel_of_emod_eq_zero ]
rw [ ←h ]
have h: a + (a * minus_q_minus_1 % R) * ↑q = a + ↑q * (a * minus_q_minus_1 % R) := by ring
rw [ h ]
simp [ Int.modEq_add_fac, Int.ModEq.refl ]
-- secondary goal
have h_t': 0 ≤ t ∧ t < 2 * q := by
apply And.intro
case left =>
apply Int.ediv_nonneg
case Ha =>
have h' : 0 ≤ ↑a * minus_q_minus_1 % ↑R * ↑q := by
apply Int.mul_nonneg
case ha =>
apply Int.emod_nonneg
case hb => linarith
apply Int.le_trans h'
case Hb => linarith
case right =>
have h': (↑a + ↑a * minus_q_minus_1 % ↑R * ↑q) < 2 * R * q := by
apply Int.lt_of_lt_of_le
apply @Int.add_lt_add a (q * R) (↑a * minus_q_minus_1 % ↑R * ↑q) (q * R)
apply @Int.lt_of_lt_of_le _ (R * q)
apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right
apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos
apply div_lt_of_lt_mul
⟨ t, ⟨ h_t, h_t' ⟩ ⟩
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