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Last active August 31, 2020 07:44
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The golden rulebook of DSC-Bug Bounty 2020

Competition Overview

Bug Bounty is a 4 hour event from 3pm-7pm. You work in teams of 2 to solve the bugs in C Programs and Frontend web projects. Visit the following slide link to get more info about the event ( The competition will be majorly held over at GitHub and our Leaderboard Website ( You should be able to see your team name and score. Please don't operate the website without knowing what needs to be done within it.

For detailed instructions on how to do so, we’ve made a video that we want you to see before the event. Please visit the following link

Initial Setup

  1. You are supposed to go to the GitHub repo Don't worry if the link throws a 404 right now. The repository hasn't been made public yet. We will make it public for viewing and downloading right before the event starts. Download the repository as zip. Then add the repository to your own personal GitHub account and make it private (Do this to ensure that other participants do not get access to your repo or else they might copy your progress).
  2. Then you must add the DSC Judge as collaborator. This is mandatory.
  3. You are now ready to start the competition.

Event Progress

  1. On the start of the event. You will be provided with the GitHub link to our repo. Follow the steps in “Initial Setup” given above.
  2. Now you can start. Choose any track that you wish to start with, for example either C bugs or Web bugs or both. Solve them, commit and push the changes to your private repo (where the judges are added as collaborators).

C track

  • If you choose to begin with the C track then you will be given 3 folders – Easy, Medium and Hard. All of these folder have their first questions open.
  • You can begin with any of the questions as per your comfort zone and fix the bugs in the program.c file. The problem statement and input/output will be described as comments at the top of each program.c file.
  • Read them for info about what the code is supposed to do; go through the logic of the code and fix the bugs. Some questions also have a README file that you can check.
  • Once you fix all the bugs you will get the output in the form of a KEY. Copy this KEY and go to the Leaderboard website, log in and enter the KEY for the program you solved. If you solved all the bugs, then the KEY obtained will be correct and hence you will get the correct password as output from the Leaderboard website.
  • Use the password obtained to unlock the next question (which is enclosed in a password protected zip file)
  • Do this until you reach the end of all the Easy questions or Medium questions or Hard questions.

Frontend track

  • If you choose to begin with the frontend track you will be given 4 projects to work on. There is no .zip file here anywhere. All you are supposed to do is choose any web project and find and fix the bugs.
  • Check the for information about the bugs and also check the link of the video showing the bugs and fixed website. (The link will be given inside the README of the projects)
  • Every once in a while do make sure to push your code changes on to your private GitHub repo (where DSC judge is added as collaborator). This is done so that in case of a tie so that we can see your commit time to find the winners and to prevent any sort of malpractice.
  • You can solve all the bugs in the web projects or only some of them and commit your changes. You can also work on all the projects. You will be scored accordingly.

For further clarification, you can watch the watch the video mentioned above and refer to the individual's in the source repository.

Important Notes:

  1. You can solve some/all questions of the C track.
  2. You can also see your C score being updated live on the Leaderboard.
  3. You can solve some bugs/all the bugs in one/more projects of the Frontend track.
  4. Score for Web bugs will not be updated immediately. It will be done later after the evaluation of the code.
  5. In case you are unfamiliar with Git and GitHub, you can commit and push the code only once at the end. Please use the web interface of github to upload files if that's more convenient for you.
  6. For any query in the rules or any misunderstanding feel free to contact the DSC RIT team.

All the best!

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