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Created April 28, 2021 19:17
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import json
from collections import defaultdict
storageDict = {}
output = {}
globalMinimum = float('inf')
elements = []
class Solution(object):
def combinationSum(self, candidates, target, totalMemory, computeDict):
ret = []
self.dfs(candidates, target, [], ret, totalMemory, computeDict)
return ret
def dfs(self, candidates, target, combination, ret, totalMemory, computeDict):
if target < 0:
if target == 0:
if Solution().memoryReq(combination, totalMemory, computeDict) == True:
Solution().calculatePricing(combination, computeDict)
for i in range(len(candidates)):
self.dfs(candidates[i:], target-candidates[i], combination+[candidates[i]], ret, totalMemory, computeDict)
def memoryReq(self, combination, totalMemory, computeDict):
compute_total_memory = 0
for i in range(len(combination)):
for key, value in computeDict.items():
k = key.split(":")
if int(k[0]) == combination[i]:
compute_total_memory = compute_total_memory + int(k[1])
if compute_total_memory < totalMemory:
return False
return True
def calculatePricing(self, combination, computeDict):
aws_cost = Solution().providerPricing(combination, computeDict, "AWS")
azure_cost = Solution().providerPricing(combination, computeDict, "Azure")
gcp_cost = Solution().providerPricing(combination, computeDict, "GCP")
p = ""
for ele in combination:
p += str(ele)
def providerPricing(self, combination, computeDict, provider):
price = 0.0
for i in range(len(combination)):
for key, value in computeDict.items():
k = key.split(":")
if int(k[0]) == combination[i]:
for m in range(len(value)):
if value[m][0] == provider :
price = price + value[m][1]
return price
def bestPrice(self, output, index):
minimum = float('inf')
path = ""
li = []
for key, value in output.items():
if value[index] < minimum :
minimum = value[index]
path = key
return li
def decoupleConfig(self, config):
c = ""
for ch in config:
if ch == '1':
c += ch+":4,"
elif ch == '2':
c += ch+":8,"
elif ch == '4':
c += ch+":8,"
elif ch == '8':
c += ch+":32,"
elif ch == '16':
c += ch+":64,"
elif ch == '32':
c += ch+":128,"
elif ch == '48':
c += ch+":192,"
elif ch == '64':
c += ch+":256,"
return c
if __name__ == "__main__":
computeDict = defaultdict(list)
output = defaultdict(list)
vCPU = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64]
with open('Pricing.json') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
for i in range(len(data)):
if data[i]['Type'] == "Storage":
storageDict[data[i]['Provider']] = data[i]['Pricing in USD (monthly)']
if data[i]['Type'] == "Compute":
elements[k].append(data[i]['Pricing in USD (monthly)'])
targetvCPU = 57
totalMemory = 400
storage = 4096
multiprovider = True
provider = ""
azure_storage_cost = (storage)/(1024)*storageDict["Azure"]
aws_storage_cost = (storage)/(1024)*storageDict["AWS"]
gcp_storage_cost = (storage)/(1024)*storageDict["GCP"]
while True:
result = Solution().combinationSum(vCPU, targetvCPU, totalMemory, computeDict)
if len(result) > 0:
targetvCPU += 1
bestAWSPrice = Solution().bestPrice(output, 0)
bestAzurePrice = Solution().bestPrice(output, 1)
bestGCPPrice = Solution().bestPrice(output, 2)
p = ""
for ele in result[len(result)-1]:
p += str(ele)
bestFitPricing = output[p]
bestFitAWS = bestFitPricing[0]
bestFitAzure = bestFitPricing[1]
bestFitGCP = bestFitPricing[2]
best = min(float(bestAWSPrice[1]),float(bestAzurePrice[1]),float(bestGCPPrice[1]))
"Compute" : {
"config" : Solution().decoupleConfig(bestAWSPrice[0]),
"bestprice" : float(bestAWSPrice[1]),
"bestfitprice": float(bestFitAWS),
"bestfitconfig": Solution().decoupleConfig(p),
"best" : float(best),
"difference": float(bestAWSPrice[1])-float(best)
"Azure": {
"config" : Solution().decoupleConfig(bestAzurePrice[0]),
"bestprice" : bestAzurePrice[1],
"bestfitprice": float(bestFitAzure),
"bestfitconfig": Solution().decoupleConfig(p),
"best" : float(best),
"difference": float(bestAzurePrice[1])-float(best)
"GCP": {
"config" : Solution().decoupleConfig(bestGCPPrice[0]),
"bestprice" : bestGCPPrice[1],
"bestfitprice": float(bestFitGCP),
"bestfitconfig": Solution().decoupleConfig(p),
"best" : float(best),
"difference": float(bestGCPPrice[1])-float(best)
"Storage": {
"bestprice": aws_storage_cost,
"overallbestprice": azure_storage_cost,
"bestprovider": "Azure",
"difference": aws_storage_cost-azure_storage_cost
"bestprice": azure_storage_cost,
"overallbestprice": azure_storage_cost,
"bestprovider": "Azure",
"difference": azure_storage_cost-azure_storage_cost
"bestprice": gcp_storage_cost,
"overallbestprice": azure_storage_cost,
"bestprovider": "Azure",
"difference": gcp_storage_cost-azure_storage_cost
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