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Created June 10, 2017 15:51
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Faceoff: America's favorite new card game -- in Clojure
(ns faceoff.core)
;; Make deck of cards, shuffle
;; loop:
;; does a player have zero cards?
;; if yes: game over
;; if no: faceoff
;; determine winner, winner gets cards added
;; if tie:
;; does 1 player have < 5 cards
;; if yes: game over
;; if no: reserve three cards -- return to top of loop
(defn play-face-off []
(let [ranks [:2 :3 :4 :5 :6 :7 :8 :9 :10 :J :Q :K :A]
cards (->> (for [rank ranks
suit [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades]]
{:rank rank :suit suit})
(into [])
(map-indexed vector) ; deal cards
(group-by (comp odd? first))
(map (partial map last)))]
(letfn [(get-rank [card]
(->> card
(.indexOf ranks)))
(who-wins? [card1 card2]
(cond (> (get-rank card1) (get-rank card2)) :card1
(> (get-rank card2) (get-rank card1)) :card2
:else :tie))
(endgame [p1]
(if (> 5 (count p1))
(println "Player 2 wins the game!")
(println "Player 1 wins the game!")))]
(loop [player1 (first cards)
player2 (last cards)
pot []
hand 1]
(if (or (zero? (count player1))
(zero? (count player2)))
(endgame player1)
(let [card1 (first player1)
card2 (first player2)
face-off-result (who-wins? card1 card2)]
(Thread/sleep 200) ; time in milliseconds
(println (format "\nHand %s - P1: %s | P2 %s"
(str hand)
(count player1)
(count player2)))
(println (format "C1: %s | C2: %s"
(str card1)
(str card2)))
(cond (= face-off-result :card1)
(println "P1 wins the hand\n")
(recur (concat (rest player1)
(shuffle [card1 card2])
(shuffle pot))
(rest player2)
(inc hand)))
(= face-off-result :card2)
(println "P2 wins the hand\n")
(recur (rest player1)
(concat (rest player2)
(shuffle [card2 card1])
(shuffle pot))
(inc hand)))
(= face-off-result :tie)
(println "We have a tie. FACEOFF!\n")
(if (or (> 5 (count player1))
(> 5 (count player2)))
(endgame player1)
(recur (nthrest player1 4)
(nthrest player2 4)
(concat (take 4 player1)
(take 4 player2)
(inc hand))))))))))))
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