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Forked from nebrius/listview-spec.yml
Last active December 15, 2015 04:19
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name: Titanium.UI
extends: Titanium.Module
- name: createListView
summary: creates a new instance of [View](Titanium.UI.ListView)
- name: parameters
type: Dictionary<Titanium.UI.ListView>
- name: createListSection
summary: creates a new instance of [Section](Titanium.UI.ListSection)
- name: parameters
type: Dictionary<Titanium.UI.ListSection>
summary: A built-in style for an item with a text label (black and left-aligned) and an optional image view on iOS
description: |
The text label value binds to 'title' property in data entry and the image value binds to the 'image' property
summary: A built-in style for an item with a label on the left side of the cell with left-aligned and black text; on the right side is a label that has smaller blue text and is right-aligned
description: |
The text label value binds to 'title' property in a data entry. Small text label value binds to 'subtitle' property in a data entry.
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
summary: A built-in style for a item with a label on the left side of the cell with text that is right-aligned and blue; on the right side of the cell is another label with smaller text that is left-aligned and black
description: |
The text label value binds to 'title' property in a data entry. Small text label value binds to 'subtitle' property in a data entry
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
summary: A built-in style for a item with a left-aligned label across the top and a left-aligned label below it in smaller gray text
description: |
The text label value binds to 'title' property in a data entry. Small text label value binds to 'subtitle' property in a data entry
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
summary: ...
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
summary: ...
description: |
You use a checkmark when a touch on a row results in the selection of that item. This kind of table view is known as a selection list, and it is analogous to a pop-up list. Selection lists can limit selections to one row, or they can allow multiple rows with checkmarks.
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
summary: ...
description: |
You use the detail disclosure button when selecting a cell results in a detail view of that item.
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
summary: ...
description: |
You use the disclosure indicator when selecting a cell results in the display of another table view reflecting the next level in the data model hierarchy.
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- title: Example
example: |
Complete example
name: Titanium.UI.ListView
extends: Titanium.UI.View
- name: itemclick
summary: Fired when a list row is clicked by the user.
- name: section
type: Titanium.UI.ListSection
- name: sectionIndex
type: Number
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
- name: itemId
summary: The value of the itemId bound to the view that generated the event
type: string
- name: bindId
summary: The bind id of the control that generated this event, if one exists
type: String
- name: accessoryClicked
type: Boolean
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
# All other events with custom data
- name: section
type: Titanium.UI.ListSection
- name: sectionIndex
type: Number
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
- name: itemId
summary: The value of the itemId bound to the view that generated the event
type: string
- name: bindId
summary: The bind id of the control that generated this event, if one exists
type: String
# New properties
- name: templates
type: Dictionary<ItemTemplate>
summary: Holds mappings between item style names and their definitions
- name: sections
type: Array<Titanium.UI.ListSection>
summary: Holds a list of available sections
- name: defaultItemTemplate
type: String
# Old properties going into v1
- name: backgroundColor
summary: Background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
description: |
For information about color values, see the "Colors" section of <Titanium.UI>.
type: String
- name: footerTitle
summary: List view footer title.
type: String
- name: headerTitle
summary: List view header title.
type: String
- name: scrollIndicatorStyle
summary: |
Style of the scrollbar, specified using one of the constants from
type: Number
default: <Titanium.UI.iPhone.ScrollIndicatorStyle.DEFAULT>
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: willScrollOnStatusTap
summary: Controls whether the scroll-to-top gesture is effective.
description: |
The scroll-to-top gesture is a tap on the status bar; The default value of this property is true.
This gesture works when you have a single visible list view.
If there are multiple list views, table views, web views, text areas, and/or scroll views visible,
you will need to disable (set to false) on the above views you DON'T want this
behaviour on. The remaining view will then respond to scroll-to-top gesture.
type: Boolean
default: true
platforms: [iphone,ipad]
- name: sectionCount
summary: Number of sections in this list view.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: showVerticalScrollIndicator
summary: Determines whether this list view displays a vertical scroll indicator.
description: Set to `false` to hide the vertical scroll indicator.
type: Boolean
default: true
- name: style
summary: |
Style of the list view, specified using one of the constants from
description: Style should always be set before setting the `data` on list view.
type: Number
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: rowHeight
summary: Default row height for list view rows.
type: Number
# New methods
- name: scrollToItem
summary: Scrolls to a specific item
- name: sectionIndex
type: Number
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
- name: animation
summary: Animation properties. (iOS only.)
type: ListViewAnimationProperties
optional: true
- name: selectItem
summary: Selects a specific item
- name: sectionIndex
type: Number
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
# Old methods going into v1
- name: appendSection
summary: Appends a single section or an array of sections to the end of the list.
description: |
On iOS, the section(s) can be inserted with animation by specifying a `properties` parameter.
- name: section
summary: Section or sections to add to the list.
type: [Titanium.UI.ListSection, Array<Titanium.UI.ListSection>]
- name: animation
summary: Animation properties. (iOS only.)
type: ListViewAnimationProperties
optional: true
- name: deleteSectionAt
summary: Deletes an existing section.
description: |
On iOS, the section can be deleted with animation by specifying a `properties` parameter.
- name: sectionIndex
summary: Index of the section to delete.
type: Number
- name: animation
summary: Animation properties. (iOS only.)
type: ListViewAnimationProperties
optional: true
- name: insertSectionAt
summary: Inserts a section or an array of sections at a specific index.
description: |
Existing sections at that index and after are pushed down.
On iOS, the section(s) may be inserted with animation by setting the `animation` parameter.
- name: sectionIndex
summary: Index of the section to insert before.
type: Number
- name: section
summary: Section or sections to insert.
type: [Titanium.UI.ListSection, Array<Titanium.UI.ListSection>]
- name: animation
summary: Animation properties. (iOS only.)
type: ListViewAnimationProperties
optional: true
- name: replaceSectionAt
summary: Replaces an existing section, optionally with animation
- name: sectionIndex
summary: Index of the section to update.
type: Number
- name: section
summary: section data to update.
type: Titanium.UI.ListSection
- name: animation
summary: Animation properties. (iOS only.)
type: ListViewAnimationProperties
# Old methods going into v2
- name: setContentInsets
summary: Sets this list's content insets.
description: |
A list is essentially a scroll view that contains a set of static row views that
represents the content. Thus, the `setContentInsets` method facilitates a margin, or inset,
distance between the content and the container scroll view.
Typically used with the [headerPullView](Titanium.UI.ListView.headerPullView) property.
- name: edgeInsets
summary: Dictionary to describe the insets.
type: ListViewEdgeInsets
- name: animated
summary: Determines whether, and how, the content inset change should be animated.
type: ListViewContentInsetOption
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
name: ListViewAnimationProperties
summary: A simple object for specifying the animation properties to use when inserting or deleting sections or cells, or scrolling the list.
description: |
These properties are only used on iOS. Not all properties apply to all methods.
`animationStyle` does not apply to the `scrollToTop` or `scrollToIndex` methods.
`positon` only applies to the `scrollToIndex` method.
- name: animated
summary: Whether this list change should be animated. Ignored if any `animationStyle` value is specified.
type: Boolean
default: true
- name: animationStyle
summary: Type of animation to use for cell insertions and deletions. One of the animation style constants defined in <Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle>.
type: Number
default: |
If `animated` is `true` but no `animationStyle` is specified, the style defaults to
- name: position
summary: |
Specifies what position to scroll the selected cell to. One of the position constants from
type: Number
default: <Titanium.UI.iPhone.ListViewScrollPosition.NONE>
name: Titanium.UI.iPhone.ListViewCellSelectionStyle
summary: |
A set of constants for the style that can be used for the `selectionStyle` property of
extends: Titanium.Proxy
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
createable: false
- name: BLUE
summary: The cell when selected has a blue background. This is the default value.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: GRAY
summary: Then cell when selected has a gray background.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: NONE
summary: The cell has no distinct style for when it is selected.
type: Number
permission: read-only
name: Titanium.UI.iPhone.ListViewScrollPosition
summary: |
A set of constants for the position value that can be used for the `position` property of
<Titanium.UI.ListView> when invoking `scrollToItem`.
extends: Titanium.Proxy
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
createable: false
- name: BOTTOM
summary: The table view scrolls the row of interest to the bottom of the visible table view.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: MIDDLE
summary: The table view scrolls the row of interest to the middle of the visible table view.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: NONE
summary: The table view scrolls the row of interest to be fully visible with a minimum of movement. If the row is already fully visible, no scrolling occurs. For example, if the row is above the visible area, the behavior is identical to that specified by `TOP`. This is the default.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: TOP
summary: The table view scrolls the row of interest to the top of the visible table view.
type: Number
permission: read-only
name: Titanium.UI.iPhone.ListViewStyle
summary: |
A set of constants for the style that can be used for the button `style` property of
extends: Titanium.Proxy
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
createable: false
- name: GROUPED
summary: |
A table view whose sections present distinct groups of rows. The section headers and footers
do not float.
type: Number
permission: read-only
- name: PLAIN
summary: |
A plain table view. Any section headers or footers are displayed as inline separators and
float when the table view is scrolled.
type: Number
permission: read-only
name: Titanium.UI.ListSection
extends: Titanium.Proxy
# Old properties going into v1
- name: footerTitle
summary: Title of this section footer.
description: |
Using this property and `footerView` together is not supported. Use one or the other.
type: String
- name: headerTitle
summary: Title of this section header.
description: |
Using this property and `headerView` together is not supported. Use one or the other.
type: String
# New methods
- name: setItems
summary: Sets the data entries in list to the list view
- name: dataItems
type: Array<ListDataItem>
- name: animation
type: Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: appendItems
summary: Appends the data entries in list to the end of list view
- name: dataItems
type: Array<ListDataItem>
- name: animation
type: Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: insertItemsAt
summary: Inserts data entries in list to the list view
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
- name: dataItems
type: Array<ListDataItem>
- name: animation
type: Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: replaceItemsAt
summary: Removes count entries from index position from the list view, then inserts data entries from list at position
- name: index
type: Number
- name: count
type: Number
- name: dataItems
type: Array<ListDataItem>
- name: animation
type: Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: deleteItemsAt
summary: Removes count entries at index position from the list view
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
- name: count
type: Number
- name: animation
type: Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: getItemAt
summary: Returns the item entry from the list view section at index.
returns: ListDataItem
- name: itemIndex
type: Number
- name: updateItemAt
summary: Updates item entry at index position of list view section
- name: index
type: Number
- name: dataItem
type: ListDataItem
- name: animation
type: Titanium.UI.iPhone.RowAnimationStyle
optional: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
name: Titanium.UI.ListItem
extends: Titanium.Proxy
# New properties
- name: itemId
summary: A user defined string that gets passed from events
type: String
- name: accessoryType # One of the constants
# Old properties going into v1
- name: allowsSelection
summary: Determines whether this list's rows can be selected.
description: Set to `false` to prevent rows from being selected.
type: Boolean
default: true
platforms: [iphone, ipad]
- name: color
summary: Default text color of the row when not selected, as a color name or hex triplet.
description: |
For information about color values, see the "Colors" section of <Titanium.UI>.
On Android, `selectedColor` is not supported, so the text is always displayed in this color.
Only applies to the default template
type: String
- name: font
summary: Font to use for the row title.
description: |
Only applies to the default template
type: Font
default: System default font.
- name: image
summary: Image to render in the image area of the row, specified as a local path or URL.
description: |
On iOS the image is on the left, and on Android the image is on the right
type: String
- name: title
summary: Title to set in the text area of the row.
type: String
- name: selectionStyle
summary: Selection style constant to control the selection color.
description: |
Specify one of the constants from <Titanium.List.iPhone.ListViewCellSelectionStyle>.
type: Number
platforms: [iphone,ipad]
- name: backgroundColor
summary: Background color for the list item, as a color name or hex triplet.
description: |
For information about color values, see the "Colors" section of <Titanium.UI>.
type: String
name: ItemTemplate
extends: ViewTemplate
excludes: {
properties: [type, bindId]
name: ViewTemplate
- name: type
type: String
summary: The view's class name, e.g. "Ti.UI.View"
optional: false
- name: bindId
type: String
summary: The view's id (or set of ids) used for data binding
- name: properties
type: Dictionary
summary: Contains key-value pairs of view properties and their values
- name: events
type: Dictionary
summary: Contains key-value pairs of view events and their listeners
description: |
Array values are considered as multiple event listeners for that event
- name: childTemplates
type: Array<Titanium.UI.ListViewTemplate>
summary: Contains an array of templates for subviews to be added (in order) as children to this view
name: ListDataItem
- name: template
type: String
summary: The cell style ID configured with ListView
default: Titanium.List.CELL_STYLE_DEFAULT
- name: properties
type: Dictionary<Ti.UI.ListItem>
summary: This is a pseudo bind-id that maps to the item itself. Properties here are applied to the ListItem.
- name: <insert bindId here> # What is the proper yaml format?
type: Dictionary
summary: Specifies the values for data binding
description: |
Key-value pairs from the value dictionary will be applied on corresponding cell controls
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