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Created January 29, 2013 22:03
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2-3 tree implemented in Haskell
-- Module implementing a dictionary-like abstract data structure
-- on a 2-3 tree concrete data structure <>.
module Tree (Tree,
toList) where
data Tree k v = Leaf
| Node2 (Tree k v) k v (Tree k v)
| Node3 (Tree k v) k v (Tree k v) k v (Tree k v)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
empty = Leaf
singleton :: k -> v -> Tree k v
singleton k v = Node2 Leaf k v Leaf
lookup :: (Ord k) => k -> Tree k v -> Maybe v
lookup k Leaf = Nothing
lookup k (Node2 lt k' v' rt)
| k < k' = Tree.lookup k lt
| k == k' = Just v'
| k > k' = Tree.lookup k rt
lookup k (Node3 lt k' v' mt k'' v'' rt)
| k < k' = Tree.lookup k lt
| k == k' = Just v'
| k' < k && k < k'' = Tree.lookup k mt
| k == k'' = Just v''
| k > k'' = Tree.lookup k rt
-- The `InsertionResult` is used in `add` function to push the information
-- about the result of insertion into a subtree up the stack.
-- There are two possible results:
-- * Consumed t - The elements were added to a subtree t and there
-- is nothing to do at the upper level besides copying
-- the path.
-- * Pushed l k v r - The elements were added down the tree and that
-- forced us to divide the subtree into 2 subtrees
-- that need to be inserted at an upper level.
data InsertionResult k v = Consumed (Tree k v)
| Pushed (Tree k v) k v (Tree k v)
-- Insert an element (k, v) into the tree t, handling all possible
-- cases to preserve the balance.
insert :: (Ord k) => k -> v -> (Tree k v) -> (Tree k v)
insert k v t =
let add k v Leaf = Pushed Leaf k v Leaf
{- First we handle all the corner cases, when a visited node is empty -}
add k v (Node2 Leaf k' v' Leaf)
| k < k' = Consumed (Node3 Leaf k v Leaf k' v' Leaf)
| k == k' = Consumed (Node2 Leaf k v Leaf)
| otherwise = Consumed (Node3 Leaf k' v' Leaf k v Leaf)
add k v (Node3 Leaf k' v' Leaf k'' v'' Leaf)
| k < k' = Pushed (singleton k v) k' v' (singleton k'' v'')
| k == k' = Consumed (Node3 Leaf k v Leaf k'' v'' Leaf)
| k' < k && k < k'' = Pushed (singleton k' v') k v (singleton k'' v'')
| k == k'' = Consumed (Node3 Leaf k' v' Leaf k v Leaf)
| otherwise = Pushed (singleton k' v') k'' v'' (singleton k v)
{- Typical cases, when a visited node is full -}
add k v (Node2 l k' v' r)
| k < k' = case add k v l of
Consumed newL -> Consumed (Node2 newL k' v' r)
Pushed newL k'' v'' newR -> Consumed (Node3 newL k'' v'' newR k' v' r)
| k == k' = Consumed (Node2 l k v r)
| otherwise = case add k v r of
Consumed newR -> Consumed (Node2 l k' v' newR)
Pushed newL k'' v'' newR -> Consumed (Node3 l k' v' newL k'' v'' newR)
add k v (Node3 l k' v' m k'' v'' r)
| k < k' = case add k v l of
Consumed newL -> Consumed (Node3 newL k' v' m k'' v'' r)
Pushed newL x y newR -> Pushed (Node2 newL x y newR) k' v' (Node2 m k'' v'' r)
| k == k' = Consumed (Node3 l k v m k'' v'' r)
| k' < k && k < k'' = case add k v m of
Consumed newM -> Consumed (Node3 l k' v' newM k'' v'' r)
Pushed newL x y newR -> Pushed (Node2 l k' v' newL) x y (Node2 newR k'' v'' r)
| k == k'' = Consumed (Node3 l k' v' m k v r)
| otherwise = case add k v r of
Consumed newR -> Consumed (Node3 l k' v' m k'' v'' newR)
Pushed newL x y newR -> Pushed (Node2 l k' v' m) k'' v'' (Node2 newL x y newR)
{- If the two subtrees have been pushed whole way up the tree,
we create a new Node2 root with these subtrees as children. -}
in case add k v t of
Consumed newT -> newT
Pushed newL x y newR -> Node2 newL x y newR
fromList :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> Tree k v
fromList [] = Leaf
fromList ((k, v):t) = insert k v (fromList t)
toList :: Tree k v -> [(k, v)]
toList Leaf = []
toList (Node2 lt k v rt) = (toList lt) ++ [(k,v)] ++ (toList rt)
toList (Node3 lt k v mt k' v' rt) = (toList lt) ++ [(k,v)]
++ (toList mt) ++ [(k',v')]
++ (toList rt)
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