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Last active March 6, 2023 16:31
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Git configuration files for Unity projects
*.cs diff=csharp
# Macro attribute, linguist-generated means the file is ignored for the
# repository's language statistics and diffs are hidden by default
[attr]unity-yaml-file -text -merge=unityamlmerge linguist-generated
# Macro attribute for LFS files
[attr]lfs-file filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
### Unity YAML Files ###
*.asmdef unity-yaml-file -linguist-generated
*.anim unity-yaml-file
*.asset unity-yaml-file
*.brush unity-yaml-file
*.controller unity-yaml-file
*.flare unity-yaml-file
*.fontsettings unity-yaml-file
*.giparams unity-yaml-file
*.guiskin unity-yaml-file
*.mask unity-yaml-file
*.mat unity-yaml-file
*.meta unity-yaml-file
*.mixer unity-yaml-file
*.overrideController unity-yaml-file
*.physicMaterial unity-yaml-file
*.physicsMaterial2D unity-yaml-file
*.playable unity-yaml-file
*.prefab unity-yaml-file
*.preset unity-yaml-file
*.renderTexture unity-yaml-file
*.shadervariants unity-yaml-file
*.spriteatlas unity-yaml-file
*.terrainlayer unity-yaml-file
*.unity unity-yaml-file
### Git-LFS ###
# Unity
*.unitypackage lfs-file
*.cubemap lfs-file
*.[sS][pP][mM] lfs-file
# 3D Models
*.[mM][bB] lfs-file
*.[mM][aA] lfs-file
*.[oO][bB][jJ] lfs-file
*.[fF][bB][xX] lfs-file
*.[zZ][tT][lL] lfs-file
*.[zZ][bB][rR] lfs-file
*.[mM][aA][xX] lfs-file
*.[sS][tT][lL] lfs-file
*.[bB][lL][eE][nN][dD] lfs-file
*.[lL][xX][oO] lfs-file
*.[dD][aA][eE] lfs-file
# Images
*.[jJ][pP][gG] lfs-file
*.[jJ][pP][eE][gG] lfs-file
*.[pP][nN][gG] lfs-file
*.[gG][iI][fF] lfs-file
*.[tT][iI][fF] lfs-file
*.[tT][iI][fF][fF] lfs-file
*.[bB][mM][pP] lfs-file
*.[eE][xX][rR] lfs-file
*.[hH][dD][rR] lfs-file
*.[pP][sS][dD] lfs-file
*.[tT][gG][aA] lfs-file
*.[pP][dD][fF] lfs-file
*.[aA][iI] lfs-file
*.[wW][eE][bB][pP] lfs-file
# Archives
*.[zZ][iI][pP] lfs-file
*.[gG][zZ] lfs-file
*.7[zZ] lfs-file
*.[rR][aA][rR] lfs-file
*.[tT][aA][rR] lfs-file
# Video
*.[mM][oO][vV] lfs-file
*.[aA][vV][iI] lfs-file
*.[mM][pP]4 lfs-file
*.[mM]4[vV] lfs-file
*.[mM][pP][gG] lfs-file
*.[mM][pP][eE][gG] lfs-file
*.[oO][gG][vV] lfs-file
*.[oO][gG][xX] lfs-file
*.[wW][eE][bB][mM] lfs-file
# Audio
*.[mM][pP]3 lfs-file
*.[mM]4[aA] lfs-file
*.[oO][gG][gG] lfs-file
*.[oO][gG][aA] lfs-file
*.[sS][pP][xX] lfs-file
*.[aA][iI][fF] lfs-file
*.[aA][iI][fF][fF] lfs-file
*.[wW][aA][vV] lfs-file
*.[fF][lL][aA][cC] lfs-file
*.[bB][aA][nN][kK] lfs-file
# Bundles and executables
*.[dD][lL][lL] lfs-file
*.[sS][oO] lfs-file
*.[eE][xX][eE] lfs-file
*.[dD][aA][tT] lfs-file
# Unity3D generated meta files
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