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Last active December 1, 2023 17:17
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I tried to do some Polynominal endofunctor stuff in a slightly more syntactic way. Unfortunately I don't think it quite works.
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Inductive U :=
| const (A: Type)
| id
(* | compose (τ0 τ1: U) *)
| empty
| sum (τ0 τ1: U)
| unit
| prod (τ0 τ1: U)
| Σ {A: Type} (τ: A → U)
| Π {A: Type} (τ: A → U)
Implicit Type τ: U.
(* Infix "∘" := compose (at level 30). *)
Infix "+" := sum.
Infix "*" := prod.
Inductive El {X: Type}: U → Type :=
| pure: X → El id
(* Not sure how this might work *)
(* | join {τ1 τ2} {A: Type}: @El A τ1 → (A → El τ2) → El (τ1 ∘ τ2) *)
(* | join {τ1 τ2}: @El (El τ2) τ1 → El (τ1 ∘ τ2) *)
| k {A}: A → El (const A)
| i1 {τ1 τ2}: El τ1 → El (τ1 + τ2)
| i2 {τ1 τ2}: El τ2 → El (τ1 + τ2)
| tt: El unit
| fanout {τ1 τ2}: El τ1 → El τ2 → El (τ1 * τ2)
| ex {A} {τ: A → U} (x: A): El (τ x) → El (Σ τ)
| Λ {A} {τ: A → U}: (∀ (x: A), El (τ x)) → El (Π τ)
Arguments El: clear implicits.
Definition unpure {A} (x: El A id): A :=
match x with
| pure x => x
Fixpoint map {P A B} (f: A → B) (x: El A P) {struct x}: El B P :=
match x with
| pure x => pure (f x)
| k x => k x
| i1 x' => i1 (map f x')
| i2 x' => i2 (map f x')
| tt => tt
| fanout x y => fanout (map f x) (map f y)
| ex x y => ex x (map f y)
| Λ x => Λ (λ y, map f (x y))
(* FIXME implement join? *)
Definition cases {A τ1 τ2 B} (x: El A (τ1 + τ2)) (f: El A τ1 → B) (g: El A τ2 → B): B.
dependent destruction x.
- exact (f x).
- exact (g x).
Inductive W {P} :=
| roll: El W P → W.
Arguments W: clear implicits.
Definition unroll {P} (x: W P): El (W P) P :=
match x with
| roll x => x
(* Fixpoint fold {P A}(f: El A P → A) (x: W P) {struct x}: A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* destruct x. *)
(* refine (f _). *)
(* refine (map (fold _ _ f) e). *)
(* Defined. *)
(* Definition nat_schema := unit + id. *)
(* Definition nat := W nat_schema. *)
(* Definition O: nat := roll (i1 tt). *)
(* Definition S (x: nat): nat := roll (i2 (pure x)). *)
(* Fixpoint add (x y: nat) {struct x}: nat := *)
(* cases (unroll x) *)
(* (λ _, y) *)
(* (λ x', S (add (unpure x') y)). *)
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Module Import Poly.
Inductive U :=
| const (A: Type)
| id
(* | compose (τ0 τ1: U) *)
| empty
| sum (τ0 τ1: U)
| unit
| prod (τ0 τ1: U)
| Σ {A: Type} (τ: A → U)
| Π {A: Type} (τ: A → U)
Implicit Type τ: U.
(* Infix "∘" := compose (at level 30). *)
Infix "+" := sum.
Infix "*" := prod.
Inductive S: U → Type :=
| pure: S id
| k {A}: A → S (const A)
| i1 {τ1 τ2}: S τ1 → S (τ1 + τ2)
| i2 {τ1 τ2}: S τ2 → S (τ1 + τ2)
| tt: S unit
| fanout {τ1 τ2}: S τ1 → S τ2 → S (τ1 * τ2)
| ex {A} {τ: A → U} (x: A): S (τ x) → S (Σ τ)
| Λ {A} {τ: A → U}: (∀ (x: A), S (τ x)) → S (Π τ)
Inductive π: ∀ {τ: U}, S τ → Type :=
| π_pure: π pure
| π_fanout_1 {τ1 τ2} {x: S τ1} {y: S τ2}: π x → π (fanout x y)
| π_fanout_2 {τ1 τ2} {x: S τ1} {y: S τ2}: π y → π (fanout x y)
| π_i1 {τ1 τ2} {x: S τ1}: π x → @π (τ1 + τ2) (i1 x)
| π_i2 {τ1 τ2} {x: S τ2}: π x → @π (τ1 + τ2) (i2 x)
| π_ex {A} {τ: A → U} {x: A} {y: S (τ x)}: π y → π (ex x y)
| π_Λ {A} {τ: A → U} {x: ∀ y, S (τ y)} y: π (x y) → π (Λ x)
Inductive W {τ} :=
| roll (x: S τ): (π x → W) → W.
Arguments W: clear implicits.
Definition tag {τ} (x: W τ): S τ :=
match x with
| roll x _ => x
Definition field {τ} (x: W τ): π (tag x) → W τ :=
match x with
| roll _ f => f
End Poly.
Definition nat_schema := unit + id.
Definition nat := W nat_schema.
Definition unπ_tt {A} (x: π tt): A.
dependent destruction x.
Definition unπ_i1 {τ1 τ2} {x: S τ1} (y: @π (τ1 + τ2) (i1 x)): π x.
dependent destruction y.
Definition unπ_i2 {τ1 τ2} {x: S τ2} (y: @π (τ1 + τ2) (i2 x)): π x.
dependent destruction y.
Definition O: nat := roll (i1 tt) (λ x, unπ_tt (unπ_i1 x)).
Definition S (x: nat): nat := roll (i2 pure) (λ _, x).
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