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Last active March 29, 2021 08:41
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One object kappa/zeta calculus, kind of like reflexive objects but also weird
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.State hiding (lift)
class Category k => Terminal k where
term :: k a ()
class Terminal k => Kappa k where
-- | The higher order function here doesn't seem quite kosher at
-- first except that we implicitly index over the category k so it's
-- basically implicitly parametric higher order abstract
-- syntax. Anyway this isn't formal or anything just exploring. It's
-- Haskell not Agda.
kappa :: (k () a -> k b c) -> k (a, b) c
lift :: k () a -> k b (a, b)
class Terminal k => Zeta k where
zeta :: (k () a -> k b c) -> k b (a -> c)
pass :: k () a -> k (a -> b) b
newtype One m a b = One { one :: m }
instance Monoid m => Category (One m) where
id = One mempty
One f . One g = One (f <> g)
instance Nil u => Terminal (One u) where
term = One nil
instance Lambda u => Zeta (One u) where
zeta f = One (lam (one . f . One))
pass (One x) = One (app x)
instance Stack u => Kappa (One u) where
kappa f = One (pop (one . f . One))
lift (One x) = One (push x)
instance Num u => Num (One u x Integer) where
fromInteger n = One (fromInteger n)
One x + One y = One (x + y)
class Monoid u => Nil u where
nil :: u
class Nil u => Lambda u where
lam :: (u -> u) -> u
app :: u -> u
class Nil u => Stack u where
pop :: (u -> u) -> u
push :: u -> u
sample :: (forall x. Num (k x Integer), Kappa k) => k (Integer, (Integer, ())) Integer
sample =
kappa $ \x ->
kappa $ \y ->
x + y
sampleDyn :: (forall x. Num u, Stack u) => u
sampleDyn = one sample
sampleResult :: Dyn
sampleResult = exec sampleDyn (Tuple (Z 1) (Tuple (Z 2) Nil))
sampleSource :: String
sampleSource = show (view sampleDyn)
view :: View -> View
view = id
newtype View = V (State Int String)
instance Show View where
show (V x) = evalState x 0
instance Semigroup View where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid View where
mempty = V $ pure "{}"
mappend (V f) (V g) = V $ pure (\f' g' -> "(" ++ f' ++ " ; " ++ g' ++ ")") <*> f <*> g
instance Nil View where
nil = V $ pure "nil"
instance Lambda View where
lam f = V $ do
n <- get
put (n + 1)
let v = "v" ++ show n
case f (V $ pure v) of
V y -> pure (\y' -> "(lam " ++ v ++ ". " ++ y' ++ ")") <*> y
app (V x) = V $ pure (\x' -> "(app " ++ x' ++ ")" ) <*> x
instance Stack View where
pop f = V $ do
n <- get
put (n + 1)
let v = "v" ++ show n
case f (V $ pure v) of
V y -> pure (\y' -> "(pop " ++ v ++ ". " ++ y' ++ ")") <*> y
push (V x) = V $ pure (\x' -> "(push " ++ x' ++ ")" ) <*> x
instance Num View where
fromInteger n = V $ pure (show n)
V x + V y = V $ pure (\x' y' -> "(" ++ x' ++ " + " ++ y' ++ ")") <*> x <*> y
data Dyn = Z Integer | Fn (Dyn -> Dyn) | Tuple Dyn Dyn | Nil
data Prog = Prog { exec :: Dyn -> Dyn }
instance Show Dyn where
show (Z n) = show n
show (Tuple x y) = "<" ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show y ++ ">"
show Nil = "()"
show (Fn _) = "<fn>"
-- partial so not a real semantics or anything just exploring
instance Semigroup Prog where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid Prog where
mempty = Prog id
mappend (Prog f) (Prog g) = Prog (f . g)
instance Nil Prog where
nil = Prog $ \_ -> Nil
instance Lambda Prog where
lam f = Prog $ \b -> Fn $ \a -> case f (Prog $ \_ -> a) of
Prog g -> g b
-- | warning, partial
app (Prog x) = Prog $ \(Fn f) -> f (x Nil)
instance Stack Prog where
-- | warning, partial
pop f = Prog $ \(Tuple a b) -> case f (Prog $ \_ -> a) of
Prog g -> g b
push (Prog x) = Prog $ \y -> Tuple (x Nil) y
instance Num Prog where
fromInteger n = Prog $ \_ -> Z n
-- | warning, partial
Prog x + Prog y = Prog $ \env -> case (x env, y env) of
(Z x', Z y') -> Z (x' + y')
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