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Last active April 23, 2021 14:44
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dnd party notes

Jun 30 Notes

  • Iarno (Sildar's friend)

    • Missing for 2 months
    • Mid forties
    • Long carved wizard staff branch with a ruby colored orb at top
    • No handshake
    • Favorite food? Unknown
    • Favorite color? Unknown
  • Passphrase: Illefarn

Jul 15 Notes

  • Made our way across the 20ft pit via rope
  • Room with 3 coffins + 3 skeletons guarding them.
    • They were disarmed by speaking the passphrase Illefarn
  • Go into room with jail cells
    • Freed Merna (timid), Nelsa (mother to son), <name?> son
    • "things got really bad about a month ago" according to prisoner
    • Glass staff told red brands to sell them as slaves when the buyers come to town
    • Warren tries to wear the dead guys face as a mask :(
    • Merna gives us the location of her valuable family heirloom
      • valuable cache of emeralds and other gems in a town called thundertree
      • she left town when the place was overrun by undead
      • shop is an herb and alchemy place in the southeast part of thundertree
      • the case is hidden beneath a section of storage shelves
  • Destroyed red brand weapons cache (Warren set it on fire)
  • Secret room / large cavern after pressing a flag stone in the wall
    • Whispers all throughout the cavern saying "hungry... hunger"
    • Creature:
    • "Friends don't know that you're letting someone else into your mind" about Raffy
    • Nothic wants another body tomorrow
    • Fed it the killed red brand from the jail cell
  • Top right of cavern is Iarno's quarters
  • Middle left are gambling red brands
  • Bottom left are goblins
  • Bottom right is exit to outside (avoids pit trap)
  • Black spider was listed as goblin boss
  • Iarno Albrek was tasked with stopping us / capturing us by black spider

Jul 21

  • Killed a bunch of red brands and bug bears in the manor
    • Freed the prisoners
  • Met a goblin named Droop
    • Brought him back to inn
    • Raffy ordered room service for Droop, Warren
    • Raffy, Warren, and Droop are bonding and drunk
  • Talked to Sister Garaele
    • Gave us a goblin to common dictionary
    • Religion name: Elven Pantheon, worships "te mora" goddess of luck (ie luck in battle, harvest, any endeavor that requires bravery)
    • Requests that we talk to Agatha (banshee, fickle, vain) and give her a gift (jeweled silver comb) in exchange information about a spellbook
    • Will give us 3 potions of healing for help
    • Ask banshee about "bo gentle's spellbook"
    • Banshee located: east on the triboard trail. before you hit oldell well, before wyvern tor, her lair is just west of there into the forest. There's a road.
    • Garaele offer to let us join her order once we complete the banshee mission

Jul 28

  • Frieda (woman Barry slept with) is downstairs in the inn
    • Barry has a date with Frieda tonight
  • Dress Droop up as a young blond sailor girl and bring him downstairs for breakfast
  • Thia gets drunk early in the morning
  • Questioning Droop
    • His brother is in Kragma Castle (where we heard Gundrun was taken as well)
    • Kragma Castle is north west of where we are
    • Pursuade Droop to lead us to Kragma Castle (he agrees)
    • Droop's brother: Wylan
    • Droop's home: east of town, but not home anymore
  • Townmaster's quest: dealing with Orcs to the east of town
  • Journal of Ermin, history of Lost Mines of Phandelver. In dwarvish, Thia knows dwarvish
    • More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost.
    • More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power.
    • Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted.
    • A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost.
  • Next steps
    • Talk to Phandalin Miner's Exchange woman, she tasked us with clearing out the red brands
    • Talk to Sildar re: his friend Iarno
    • Go to Black Spider's castle (Kragma Castle)

Aug 4

  • Go to orchard to try and find Sildar
  • Sildar says "I want to save Gundrun Rockseeker, but I need to talk to Gundrun's brothers to get their help"
    • Gundrun's brothers
      • Tharden: Scar down right side of face, shorter hair than Nundro
      • Nundro: Long, shoulder length black hair
  • Naefir eats 6 apples in a apple eating contest
  • Meet with Miner's Exchange woman, she pays us and says she will visit Sildar to see the comms Yarno was sent
  • Townmaster doesn't pay us for taking care of red brands, but says he will for going to Wyvern Tor to taking care of the orcs there
  • Go to shop keeper that we dropped the horses and carrige off at to try and "borrow" it for our outbound trip
  • Barry leaves a note for Frieda that he can't make their date tonight :(
  • Go walking through the forest to the east
  • Found a track, 3ft wide. Follow it
  • Meet a pale chalk white face with black round eyes. This creature seems familiar to Akxus and Thia
    • Follow creature tracks through the bushes
    • Come across a clearing with recently lit embers with spots for multiple people
  • Next steps
    • We're in the clearing, trying to figure out what's going on.
    • Have not rested
    • We have been well rested lately, should probaby keep going

Aug 11

  • Encounter a group?
    • Thia sneaks up on them
    • Can't tell what language they're speaking
    • Barry and Akxus fail to sneak up, Naefir and Thia do a sneak attack on them
    • Naefir kills 4 cultists in one shot :O
    • Try and interrogate last cultist, but a lightning bolt surprises us
      • Kills the last cultist immediately
      • Akxus and Barry are knocked out
    • There is a inpenetrable dome that we are trapped in for a little while
      • Akxus and Barry are stabilized
      • Dome disappeared after waiting for a bit

Sept 22

  • Decide to move away from clearing where we fought
    • Camp and sleep through the night in shifts
  • Go to Wyvern Tor to fight the orcs (Mayor quest)
    • Kill the boss ogre
    • Need proof for the mayor?
  • Session end just after the fight ends.
    • Still need to loot cave

Oct 10

  • Meet Dog, the bounty hunter (Dario)
  • He speaks goblin
  • We continue walking north in the direction of the banshee
  • Started a fight with some goblins across a bridge in arrow towers

Oct 21

  • Defeat goblins at bridge tower
  • Meet an old woman (Alia) who is selling magical wares
    • Old Owl Well, a ruined old watchtower.
    • North of Wyvern Tor, east on the triborg trail (main road that comes up east from Phandalin)
    • Take out a necromancer there to help old woman out, in exchange for 25% off a 400gp set of black bagpipes
    • Meet her when we finish the job at Old Owl Well
  • Train with Droop and ourselves, camp out with rats, sleep through the night uneventfully
  • Make our way towards Coney Beary towards Agatha the banshee
  • Thia now has a magical mood ring, she rolls her mood every morning, she's flirty now.
  • Wolves howling in distance
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daartv commented Nov 9, 2020

Nov 7

  • Avoided a pack of wolves using prestididifidfiuotation and minor illusions
  • Reached a hut with magical darkness inside, coming in, Agatha the banshee appeared, we gave her the comb and she told us that she gave the Spellbook to a Necromancer called Tsaebor from Iri-something
  • Left to deal with the necromancer at Old Owl Well on request of Alia, the magical ware merchant
  • Avoided the wolves again while cutting through the woods
  • Reached Old Owl Well, fought some zombies, but fighting stopped when we talked to the necromancer (Don't remember his name) controlling them, he's studying the ruins and wants to know the name of the wizard(?) that built the ruins, might take in Naefir as an apprentice if we find out that info from him, he tried to ask Agatha but she didn't like it
  • Däug really wants to kill this necromancer, like, probably gonna steal some of his shit or piss his tent next time he sees him
  • Camped at Old Owl Well for the night, got back to the Tower Bridge, no sign of Alia, decided to go back to town
  • Found a couple of travelers, we told them the zombies would not engage unless attacked and they gave us a bottle of wine for our trouble, Thia chugged it
  • Got to the town late at night, they told us some dude that the group rescued took all the kids with him, and there's some elections happening

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daartv commented Nov 15, 2020

Nov 15

  • Spent the night at the inn, slept, not much happened
  • Barry and Däug talked about why he's so murdery, Barry got freaked out
  • Delivered the quest to the townmaster (Orc head) he gave us 100 gp, and tried to bribe us with 5 gp (we took the money) to sponsor him for the election
  • Delivered the quest to Sister whatshername -Gaelaria?- she took notes of information we had of the spellbook, warned us that Agatha the Banshee might not answer another question even with another gift and asked Barry to join a Cult, or Pyramid Scheme
  • Däug bought some sweet gear, Akxus gave him a shield, he looks bitchin' and ready to murder a certain necromancer
  • Went to Darren to ask about the missing dude and kids(Sylvie, Nars, Carp), he mentioned that the election has taken a backseat, also that it was weird that whatshisface also ran for the election but dissapeared
  • Informed us of the families of the 3 missing kids and that he had no clue where to look for them
  • First family: Nars mom told us he and Carp were friends and Sylvie was hanging out with him a lot more lately, he had snuck out at least once before but came back before dawn
  • Second family: Sylvie is the little sister of this woman, who was also Barry's one night stand, gave us a sketch of Sylvie and told us that she thinks that she was dating Nars
  • Third family: Halfling mom? Said that Carp knew Voldan(I don't remember if that's his name ffs) and admired him because he is a knight
  • All the families agreed that the kids would play around the manor every now and then and were a bit of troublemakers
  • Went to the other missing dude's camp, we seem to have found Sylvie's hair ribbon close by

Things we shouldn't forget:

  • Däug has a new armor that gives him disadvantage for stealth checks
  • Barry has to answer the cult invitation, possibly infiltrate it, maybe they're related to the kids disappearance?
  • We should take the head back to the necromancer and maybe try to get an answer from Agatha for him, so that he teaches Naefir and we can kill him
  • Alia, the magical wares merchant should find us at some point so that we deliver the quest of the necromancer and maybe we can by more magic items from her
  • There is a murder-cyclops-blob in the manor that the Red Brands would feed fresh bodies to, maybe that thing attacked the kids

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daartv commented Nov 24, 2020

Nov 21

  • We tracked a set of footprints and some drag marks from Sildar's camp up north and out into the forest
  • We found a creek, we lost the tracks but we found an X etched into a tree, and close to it, tracks again, we followed it
  • We kept going for hours, we heard a bird, didn't think much of it, kept going
  • Akxus and Däug fell into a trap, a pit with stakes at the bottom, Däug was able to grab a ledge and Naefir used a spell to break Akxus fall without hurting her
  • We saw another smaller X close to the trap
  • We summoned a swarm of rats to scout ahead in a line
  • Thia and Naefir are now in the front looking out for traps too
  • Heard the same bird again, which was weird as the first time we heard it, it was daytime and the second it was night
  • We had a few weird complete silences in the forest as we went
  • Suddenly the rats stopped and started looking a bit alarmed/curious, we heard a loud flapping noise and hid, a dragon flew above us
  • Found another X carved in a tree
  • Kept going, found a clearing where there was a camp, fire was put out and the ground was cold, it was not recent, there were also a sign of a fight, black arrows in the vicinity
  • Alia found us IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST, we told her we took care of the Necromancer, she offered her goods again, rejected Däug's advances, but gifted us all small meaningful magic items, we tried to get her to tell us how she found us but she was secretive about it

Things we shouldn't forget

  • If we see Goblins, Däug should cast Mask of Many Faces on himself to look like the guy we're tracking, get some information from their reaction, maybe even get some intel by talking to them
  • If that fails we should not kill them either, interrogate them as we have no clue what's happening with these disappearances or the X marks in the trees or the dragon
  • If we kill or talk to the dragon we should get it's scales, MAGIC EQUIPMENT BABY
  • We know we're close to the goblin stronghold and in their territory
  • There's still a murdery glob in the manor back in town, maybe let's put up a sign or something at some point
  • We still can deliver the ogre's head to the necromancer and try Agatha again in order to get the information he needs about Old Owl Well
  • Däug is the best, just saying

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daartv commented Jan 12, 2021

Dec 20

  • After Alia gave us gifts, we each attuned to them and found out what they do
  • Kept following the tracks
  • We heard the bird AGAIN, Thia and Akxus tried to climb up a tree to find the bird, they failed miserably
  • Däug climbed the tree Mulan-style (Laura words, not mine) and saw absolutely nothing, Däug also made a mental note of Eldritch Blasting the goddamn bird if he hears it again cause he's tired of the fucking bird
  • After finding a clearing with huge bones in it, we were attacked by goblins, we killed all of them but one, which Däug captured and restrained with manacles to interrogate later
  • While fighting the goblins said to kill all of us BUT Droop, so it seems like they want him for some reason (Desertion?)
  • We leveled up!

Things we shouldn't forget

  • Barry has to answer the cult invitation, possibly infiltrate it
  • We have two quests back with the necromancer, he wants the ogre head we had and to know who built Old Owl Well, we could ask Agatha about that because he didn't have any luck with her
  • There is a murder-cyclops-blob in the manor that the Red Brands would feed fresh bodies to, maybe that thing attacked the kids
  • THE DRAGON (we can make magic equipment out of spikes, bones, scales, fangs)
  • Maybe the bird is how Alia keeps an eye on us and finds us?
  • Ask the prisoner goblin about: The kidnapped kids, Sildar, why they want Droop, the dragon, the X marks in trees and how to avoid traps
  • Barry should get his Javelin back, it's stuck in the corpse of a goblin dangling of a dead wolf
  • Thia needs to roll her mood ring
  • We all need to rest to get spell slots and hp back

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daartv commented Jan 21, 2021

Jan 16

  • We took the hostage goblin into the woods for interrogation, he was Grex's right hand, Droop immediately attacked him
  • We learn that Grex and this goblin killed Droop's dad because they thought he was weak
  • He said Grex and Sneeze(Droop's brother and mother) are at Kragma castle, with King Groll and a small army of Goblins
  • We're in both Dragon and Goblin territory
  • Small x in the tree is a trap, big X means the right path to Kragma Castle
  • North is the ruins of a town with a watchtower, west is Kragma Castle, south is where we came from, and East is not known (Dragon lair??)
  • Däug wanted to spare Droop from being a cold-blooded killer even after Akxus promised Droop to let him kill him, so Eldritch Blasted him, and Droop and Akxus were upset
  • Däug promised Droop to help him kill him if he was sure that's what he wanted
  • The goblin whistled before dying but Thia and Akxus finished him off, maybe that was the bird we were hearing?
  • Droop has a bunch of new cantrips and spells, we high fived with magic hands for a bit
  • We kept following the original tracks we had been following from Sildar's camp, we found blood and drag marks
  • Found two graves, one Alabaster mask and tunic in one and a kid in the other, probably Nars, with his throat slit (is that how you spell that?) and a piece of Sylvie's ribbon in his hand
  • Kept following the tracks, but we heard what we recognized as Goblin's eating, approached and met 4 Goblins that live in the caves and scavenge the dragon's prey
  • They saw Nars trying to rescue the other kids in the middle of a battle between cultists and goblins but he was caught and they killed him
  • The dragon is green and is a dragonness, if Shrek is to be believed, we can convince her to join us with a talking donkey
  • We came close to the ruins and watchtower and found a path that led to it, but decided to go through the woods to not lose the element of surprise
  • Kept going, we found a ravine, Däug shot an arrow tied with a rope with this Pact Crossbow into a tree, we sent Droop first to tie a knot in that tree, everyone passed while Naefir readied Feather Fall spell, when Akxus was crossing, the knot on the starting side came undone, but Akxus didn't slam against the wall because of Naefir, we pulled her up

Things we shouldn't forget

  • Barry has to answer the cult invitation, possibly infiltrate it
  • We have two quests back with the necromancer, he wants the ogre head we had and to know who built Old Owl Well, we could ask Agatha about that because he didn't have any luck with her
  • There is a murder-cyclops-blob in the manor that the Red Brands would feed fresh bodies to, maybe that thing attacked the kids
  • THE DRAGON (we can make magic equipment out of spikes, bones, scales, fangs) or just convince her to help us, and give us said materials
  • Maybe the bird is how Alia keeps an eye on us and finds us? Or was it the goblins tracking us and whistling?

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mstifflin commented Jan 24, 2021

Jan 24

  • Take a short rest
  • Walk to the stone tower
    • Surrounded by crumbling wall 10-15 feet tall
    • Disguise Thia with a camo suit and Thia climbs the wall and peeks over
      • Additional hills inside the wall
      • West side of walled in portion has an entrance
      • Several old roofless structures
      • Old cottage by the stone tower
      • Eerily silent
    • We head around the wall to the west entrance that Thia saw
  • Fight some tiny twig things in thundertree
  • Fight some zombies in thundertree (very tanky, constitution saving throw every time they would otherwise die)
  • We camp in Thundertree for a long rest
    • Thia and Daug get knocked out by two darts
    • Droop gets taken by a humanoid figure in a black cowl
    • Naefir wakes when Droop is removed, casts magic missle at the figure
    • The figure has taken 6 magic missle damage to the legs, and runs off
    • Naefir is the only one awake, Thia and Daug are downed

Things we shouldn't forget

  • Barry has to answer the cult invitation, possibly infiltrate it
  • We have two quests back with the necromancer, he wants the ogre head we had and to know who built Old Owl Well, we could ask Agatha about that because he didn't have any luck with her
  • There is a murder-cyclops-blob in the manor that the Red Brands would feed fresh bodies to, maybe that thing attacked the kids
  • THE DRAGON (we can make magic equipment out of spikes, bones, scales, fangs) or just convince her to help us, and give us said materials
  • Maybe the bird is how Alia keeps an eye on us and finds us? Or was it the goblins tracking us and whistling?
  • Merna gave us the location of her valuable family heirloom
    • valuable cache of emeralds and other gems in a town called thundertree
    • she left town when the place was overrun by undead
    • shop is an herb and alchemy place in the southeast part of thundertree
    • the case is hidden beneath a section of storage shelves

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daartv commented Jan 31, 2021

31st of January.

  • Naefir and Barry started pursuing the cowled figure that got Droop
  • Akxus hung back to neutralize the poison and wake up Thia, the fastest elf alive, who took Däug's manacles
  • During the pursuit, Naefir struck the figure a few times, Thia was able to quickly catch up and grapple the figure, tried to manacle him a few times but he was squirrely and had a escape ability
  • Barry helped us with Bardic inspiration but the figure was able to hurt Thia pretty badly
  • Akxus got into range to cast a spell and frighten him, which meant he couldn't move anymore
  • Thia and Däug failed to manacle him, Akxus managed to in the end
  • Akxus slapped Droop into waking up
  • Barry used a spell to force him to tell the truth and Däug held a dagger to his eye in order to intimidate him into not staying silent
  • His name is Rexus or Reznus or something like that, it rhymed with Nexus
  • He's a Dark elf, lives underground and serves the Black Spider
  • He was tasked to take Droop to a certain location on that same night
  • The rendezvous point is in the direction to Kragma Castle so we safely assumed the Goblins ordered the kidnapping
  • Followed us for a day and a half
  • He wasn't the bird
  • He saw the cultists, they're back at Thundertree
  • He thinks we're close to the dragon lair
  • He knows Iarno, says he delivered two Dwarves to him
  • We looted him
  • Droop killed him with one of the darts and then slit his throat for good measure while saying:"I'm not coming back"
  • Däug decapitated him cause a dark elf head will look good in the gang's resume (Also maybe the necromancer will also want it, these guys are rare)
  • Naefir scalped the head and made a wig out of it
  • We decided to take a short rest
  • Naefir is gonna dress up as the now-decapitated-Batman-wannabe, fake Droop with minor illusion and we're gonna take them by surprise, hopefully get Droop's brother
  • Thia has a poison dipped dagger, Naefir has the darts and blowey thingy to shoot them and his clothes, Daug has a shortsword, someone has the vial with poison

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daartv commented Feb 9, 2021

9th of February

  • Decided against going to the rendezvous point of the dark elf, but come back to Thundertree and try to help the kids
  • Finished our long rest inside the tavern where we first got ambushed
  • Continued clearing ruins and houses on the west side of the ruins
  • Found Reidoth, an old dude who healed Akxus a bit, and told us that the cultists are trying to appease the dragon, they have been offering it tributes
  • Däug made Thia invisible, Akxus gave her guidance and she sprinted across town to scout, the cultists are in a church and with a basement, a bunch of Twigblights and zombies around town, and the dragon is sleeping in the tower

We have sort of a plan, get into the church, put ball bearings, caltrops, and oil in the stairs, get the cultist to go up, trip, hurt themselves and get soaked in oil, Naefir and Däug can cast Burning Hands and Breath Weapon to try and hit as many of them as possible in one attack while they're lined up in the narrow stairs and deal with the kids later


  • We can try and drug the dragon with the poison to get it asleep and safely fight the cultists in the open, although the dragon is green and might be immune to poison
  • Try and kidnap one of the cultists, maybe try and root out a leader to murder or negotiate with, maybe take the cloak and mask and have two party members try to infiltrate and attack from inside and also signal everyone else
  • Have Thia attract ALL the zombies and all the Twigblights towards the chapel
  • Däug can summon and dismiss his weapon at will, he could come into the chapel as a "passerby" seeking refuge, as the last time the party encountered cultists or Sildar, Däug wasn't part of the party, then he can see where the kids are, possibly free them (Cut ropes restraining them with a pact dagger) and casting invisibility to help them escape
  • Just straight up approach them and try to intimidate

Things we shouldn't forget:

  • We were able to fight the zombies in the building right next to the dragon tower without waking her up, the church I think is further away, maybe we can just worry about the cultist and decide how we want to deal with the dragon, maybe negotiate with it to leave, the old dude did say he wanted to restore Thundertree
  • Maybe ask Reidoth about the fucking mines/cave we're trying to find? About Kragma Castle? About the Black Spider? Iarno? Sildar? We have no idea if we're on the main quest lol
  • Barry has to answer the cult invitation, possibly infiltrate it
  • We have two quests back with the necromancer, he wants the ogre head we had and to know who built Old Owl Well, we could ask Agatha about that because he didn't have any luck with her
  • There is a murder-cyclops in the manor that the Red Brands would feed fresh bodies to, let's just farm dat XP
  • I really, REALLY think we should AT LEAST come back to kill the dragon when we're level 5
  • Maybe the bird is how Alia keeps an eye on us and finds us? Or was it the goblins tracking us and whistling?
  • Merna gave us the location of her valuable family heirloom
    valuable cache of emeralds and other gems in a town called thundertree
    she left town when the place was overrun by undead
    shop is an herb and alchemy place in the southeast part of thundertree
    the case is hidden beneath a section of storage shelves

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daartv commented Apr 23, 2021

Past two sessions:

First session

  • Däug did some cross dressing disguising, knocked on the chapel's door and persuaded the cultist to let "her" in under the pretense that "she" was looking to recover an heirloom in Thundertree and seeking refuge from the dragon
  • Flounder and Sebastian tried to lock him up, using the spell message, Barry and Daug could communicate and they raided the basement when this happened
  • Fighting ensued, a lot of cultists died but one tried to negotiate, we locked up three of them: Flounder, Sebastian and Fabric, their impromptu leader, we interrogated them and they said they wanted to control the dragon for power and her hoard of gold
  • One of the cultists didn't want to fight and was collaborating nicely, we manacled him and made him help us
  • We killed more cultists
  • One of them was in a cell, he told us he sympathized with Imrin, their real leader who had abandoned them without saying anything, they didn't want to feed the kids to the dragon but Imrin did kill Nars when he tried to escape and release the other two kids
  • The kids told us that Sildar suddenly one day was let go by the cultists, he started acting weird and his armor and clothes started to not fit, so he's somewhere in the forest
  • The cultist in the cell and the manacled one told us they had a wyrmling dragon locked up in one of the rooms in the basement
  • Imrin sent a message to the jailed cultist, he said he would kill us all and that we should leave, Thia didn't like that and beat him to death
  • Däug and Thia went to the stairs of the basement to wait for him, Akxus and Naefir went to the cells to check on the prisoners, Fabric was dead and Sebastian and Flounder were frozen in fear, and then they felt something move behind them

Second session

  • Imrin attacked Akxus and Naefir while invisible
  • He fireballed us all, downed everyone but Naefir, Droop and Thia
  • Naefir and Barry's rat swarms were able to connect a few hits
  • We were able to stabilize a few times, and heal, but we were mostly overpowered by Imrin, so Thia went to release the Kraken, I mean, Dragon
  • The dragon ignored Thia but murdered the cultist who helped us, started shrieking and the big dragon heard it and started destroying the chapel and trying to enter the basement
  • Imrin, the Coward, ran away
  • We convinced the remaining cultists to tell us about another exit, as the main one was destroyed and there was another one created by the dragon but they were just waiting there, and we don't want to become dragon entreés
  • We killed the cultists after they showed us the way out, we wrote "Imrin ran away from here, the little bitch"
  • We're now in a tunnel crawling outside

Things we shouldn't forget:

  • Reidoth will take us to Echo Wave Cave or Kragma Castle if we manage to drive the Dragon out of Thundertree
  • There's an heirloom in one of the houses in Thundertree
  • We have to take the kids back to the town, maybe we can squeeze the mayor of the town to pay us for rescuing the kids, he was facing an election and he wanted us to sponsor him
  • Barry was invited to join the order of whateverthefuck from Sister whatsername
  • There was the bird thing in the woods that we still don't know what it was
  • The necromancer still wants the ogre head and to know who built Old Owl Well
  • It's possible the Black Spider and the goblins of kragma castle will keep sending assassins our way to get Droop (I don't remember if it was Droop's brother and the goblin king or if they're the same)
  • Is Sildar a werewolf or something?
  • Who was Iarno? Why is he important again?

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