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Created February 7, 2014 18:45
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PlayerInfo Implementation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Server;
using Server.Misc;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Engines;
using Server.Engines.ConPVP;
using Server.Guilds;
using Server.Ethics;
namespace Server {
public abstract class BaseDetailGump : Gump {
protected const int WhiteColor32 = 0xFFFFFF;
protected const int BlackColor32 = 0x000000;
protected const int LabelColor32 = 0xCC9933;
protected const int FocusColor32 = 0xFFEEDD;
protected string Center( string text ) {
return String.Format( "<CENTER>{0}</CENTER>", text );
protected string Color( string text, int color ) {
return String.Format( "<BASEFONT COLOR=#{0:X6}>{1}</BASEFONT>", color, text );
protected string Right( string text ) {
return String.Format( "<DIV ALIGN=RIGHT>{0}</DIV>", text );
protected void AddBorderedText( int x, int y, int width, int height, string text, int color, int borderColor )
AddColoredText( x - 1, y, width, height, text, borderColor );
AddColoredText( x + 1, y, width, height, text, borderColor );
AddColoredText( x, y - 1, width, height, text, borderColor );
AddColoredText( x, y + 1, width, height, text, borderColor );
AddColoredText( x, y, width, height, text, color );
protected void AddColoredText( int x, int y, int width, int height, string text, int color )
if ( color == 0 ) {
AddHtml( x, y, width, height, text, false, false );
} else {
AddHtml( x, y, width, height, Color( text, color ), false, false );
protected void AddSeperator( int x, int y, int width )
AddImageTiled( x, y, width - 6, 1, 9107 );
AddImageTiled( x + 6, y + 2, width - 6, 1, 9157 );
private GumpBackground _back;
private GumpAlphaRegion _alpha;
public int Width {
get {
return _back.Width;
set {
_back.Width = value;
_alpha.Width = value - 20;
public int Height {
get {
return _back.Height;
set {
_back.Height = value;
_alpha.Height = value - 20;
protected BaseDetailGump()
: base( 50, 50 ) {
AddPage( 0 );
/*AddBackground( 1, 1, 398, 218 + 102, 3600 );
AddImageTiled( 16, 15, 369, 189 + 102, 3604 );
AddAlphaRegion( 16, 15, 369, 189 + 102 );*/
Add( _back = new GumpBackground( 0, 0, 300, 200, 9270 ) );
Add( _alpha = new GumpAlphaRegion( 10, 10, 300 - 20, 200 - 20 ) );
public sealed class PlayerInfoContextEntry : ContextMenuEntry {
private PlayerMobile _from;
private PlayerMobile _mobile;
public PlayerInfoContextEntry( PlayerMobile from, PlayerMobile mobile )
: base( 5000, 12 ) {
_from = from;
_mobile = mobile;
public override void OnClick() {
_from.CloseGump( typeof( PlayerDetailGump ) );
_from.SendGump( new PlayerDetailGump( _from, _mobile ) );
public sealed class PlayerDetailGump : BaseDetailGump {
private PlayerMobile _from;
private PlayerMobile _mobile;
private static int[] _notorietyColors = new int[] {
public PlayerDetailGump( PlayerMobile from, PlayerMobile mobile ) {
_from = from;
_mobile = mobile;
Width = 320;
int n = Notoriety.Compute( from, mobile );
int notoColor = _notorietyColors[n];
AddBorderedText( 20, 18, Width - 40, 20, Center( mobile.Name ?? "Unknown" ), notoColor, BlackColor32 );
AddSeperator( 30, 40, Width - 60 );
const int LabelOffset = 20;
const int LabelWidth = 55;
const int ValueOffset = 25 + LabelWidth;
int ValueWidth = Width - ( 20 + ValueOffset );
int y = 44;
PlayerMobile pm = mobile as PlayerMobile;
if (pm != null)
bool ph = pm.PowerHour;
AddBorderedText(LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right("PH:"), LabelColor32, BlackColor32);
if (ph)
TimeSpan remaining = pm.PowerHourExpire - DateTime.UtcNow;
int minutes = remaining.Minutes;
AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, String.Format("Active ({0} minute{1} remaining)", minutes, minutes == 1 ? "" : "s"), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
AddBorderedText(ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, String.Format("Inactive ({0})", pm.PowerHourAvailable ? "Available" : "Expired"), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32);
y += 20;
Guild guild = mobile.Guild as Guild;
if ( guild != null ) {
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Guild:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, guild.Name ?? "Unknown", WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
if ( mobile.PublicMyRunUO && mobile.Kills >= 5 ) {
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Kills:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, mobile.Kills.ToString( "N0" ), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
Account acct = mobile.Account as Account;
if ( acct != null ) {
TimeSpan age = DateTime.UtcNow - acct.Created;
int ageInDays = ( int ) age.TotalDays;
int ageInYears = ( ( ageInDays + 162 ) / 365 );
int ageInMonths = ( ( ageInDays + 15 ) / 30 );
int ageInWeeks = ( ( ageInDays + 3 ) / 7 );
string ageString;
if ( ageInYears > 0 ) {
ageString = String.Format( "{0:N0} year{1}", ageInYears, ageInYears==1?"":"s" );
} else if ( ageInMonths > 1 ) {
ageString = String.Format( "{0:N0} month{1}", ageInMonths, ageInMonths==1?"":"s" );
} else if ( ageInWeeks > 1 ) {
ageString = String.Format( "{0:N0} week{1}", ageInWeeks, ageInWeeks==1?"":"s" );
} else {
ageString = String.Format( "Newbie", ageInDays, ageInDays==1?"":"s" );
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Age:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, ageString, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
PlayerState ps = PlayerState.Find( mobile );
if ( ps != null ) {
Faction fac = ps.Faction;
//AddItem( Width - 51, 7, 5535, (fac.Definition.HueSecondary ^ 0x0000) - 1 );
AddItem( 7, 7, 5534, ( fac.Definition.HuePrimary ^ 0x0000 ) - 1 );
y += 8;
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth + ValueWidth, 20, fac.Definition.FriendlyName, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 21;
AddSeperator( 30, y, Width - 60 );
y += 3;
string rank = String.Format(
"Level {0} {1}",
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Rank:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, rank, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Points:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, String.Format( "{0:N0}", ps.KillPoints ), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
Ladder instance = Ladder.Instance;
if ( instance != null ) {
LadderEntry entry = instance.Find( mobile );
if ( entry != null && ( entry.Wins + entry.Losses ) > 0 ) {
y += 8;
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth + ValueWidth, 20, "Duelist", WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 21;
AddSeperator( 30, y, Width - 60 );
y += 3;
string rank = LadderGump.Rank( entry.Index + 1 );
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Rank:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, rank, WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Level:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, Ladder.GetLevel( entry.Experience ).ToString( "N0" ), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
AddBorderedText( LabelOffset, y, LabelWidth, 20, Right( "Matches:" ), LabelColor32, BlackColor32 );
AddBorderedText( ValueOffset, y, ValueWidth, 20, String.Format( "{0:N0}", ( entry.Wins + entry.Losses ) ), WhiteColor32, BlackColor32 );
y += 20;
Height = y + 12;
Ethic ethic = Ethic.Find( mobile );
if ( ethic == Ethic.Hero ) {
AddItem( Width - 36, Height - 26, 7188 );
} else if ( ethic == Ethic.Evil ) {
AddItem( Width - 35, Height - 36, 6232 );
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