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Created July 27, 2012 11:23
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package com.futureprocessing.fpcommunity.core.validation.groups;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public aspect FulfilsPredicateAspect {
pointcut hasFulfisPredicateArguments() : execution(* *(.., @com.futureprocessing.fpcommunity.core.validation.groups.FulfilsPredicate (*) ,..));
pointcut isSpringComponent() : (@within(Service) || @within(Component)) && within(com.futureprocessing.fpcommunity..*);
before() : hasFulfisPredicateArguments() && isSpringComponent() {
// znalezienie wszystkich argumentów z adnotacją @FulfilsPredicate
// zaaplikowanie na każdym z tych argumentów predykatów
// w przypadku niespełnienia któregoś:
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
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