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Last active November 3, 2021 07:42
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twelf formalization and type safety for simply typed lambda calculus with n-ary tuples
%%%% Formalization of a simply typed lambda-calculus with n-ary tuples.
% I decided to do this because it seemed like something small and
% interesting that was definitely not on the twelf wiki as a case
% study or a tutorial. n-ary tuples are a great feature in that they
% add no expressive power over pairs but are a much bigger pain to
% machine formalize!
% Doing it on paper is mostly just a matter of sprinkling "subscript i"
% and "..." around, but is otherwise pretty straightforward.
% Doing it in twelf, all the different ...s need to basically be their own
% type, and all the reasoning spelled out in detail. None of it is that hard,
% though, but...
% One hack I used is that for the places where we needed metatheorems
% saying it was possible to access or update a vec, instead of
% including a proof that the index was less than the length, we
% include a proof of another access to a vec of the same length.
% This is hardly a hack in the of-vec-member?? metatheorems
% (three identically stated and proved theorems with different modes),
% where one of the main purposes is in relating different lookups,
% but is a hack for exp-vec-can-update, which proves we can update
% a vec that we can access.
% Also I don't think my twelf style is very good.
nat : type. %name nat N.
nat/z : nat.
nat/s : nat -> nat.
z = nat/z. s = nat/s.
tp : type. %name tp T.
exp : type. %name exp E.
% Vecs, which we need to duplicate for exps and tps, because we have
% no code reuse in twelf.
tp-vec : nat -> type. %name tp-vec L.
tp-vec/nil : tp-vec z.
tp-vec/cons : tp -> tp-vec N -> tp-vec (s N).
exp-vec : nat -> type. %name exp-vec L.
exp-vec/nil : exp-vec z.
exp-vec/cons : exp -> exp-vec N -> exp-vec (s N).
% Syntax
tbase : tp.
tarr : tp -> tp -> tp.
ttuple : tp-vec N -> tp.
lam : tp -> (exp -> exp) -> exp.
app : exp -> exp -> exp.
tuple : exp-vec N -> exp.
pi : exp -> nat -> exp.
% Core operations on vectors
tp-vec-member : tp-vec N -> nat -> tp -> type.
tp-vec-member/z : tp-vec-member (tp-vec/cons T _) z T.
tp-vec-member/s : tp-vec-member (tp-vec/cons _ L) (s N) T
<- tp-vec-member L N T.
exp-vec-member : exp-vec N -> nat -> exp -> type.
exp-vec-member/z : exp-vec-member (exp-vec/cons T _) z T.
exp-vec-member/s : exp-vec-member (exp-vec/cons _ L) (s N) T
<- exp-vec-member L N T.
exp-vec-update : exp-vec N -> nat -> exp -> exp-vec N -> type.
exp-vec-update/z : exp-vec-update (exp-vec/cons _ L) z E (exp-vec/cons E L).
exp-vec-update/s : exp-vec-update (exp-vec/cons X L) (s I) E (exp-vec/cons X L')
<- exp-vec-update L I E L'.
% If we can access, then we can update
% The point of this is that we don't want to have to reason directly
% about what indexes are valid, so we use the ability to access a
% member to prove that we can also update it.
exp-vec-can-update : exp-vec-member V I _ -> {E : exp} exp-vec-update V I E V' -> type.
- : exp-vec-can-update exp-vec-member/z _ exp-vec-update/z.
- : exp-vec-can-update (exp-vec-member/s D) E (exp-vec-update/s D')
<- exp-vec-can-update D E D'.
%mode exp-vec-can-update +X1 +X2 -X3.
%worlds () (exp-vec-can-update _ _ _).
%total {D} (exp-vec-can-update D _ _).
%% Back to the STLC
% Static semantics
of : exp -> tp -> type.
of-vec : exp-vec N -> tp-vec N -> type.
of/app : of (app E1 E2) T2
<- of E1 (tarr T1 T2)
<- of E2 T1.
of/lam : of (lam T1 ([x] E x)) (tarr T1 T2)
<- ({x : exp} {dx : of x T1} of (E x) T2).
of/tuple : of (tuple Es) (ttuple Ts)
<- of-vec Es Ts.
of/pi : of (pi E I) T
<- of E (ttuple Ts)
<- tp-vec-member Ts I T.
of-vec/nil : of-vec exp-vec/nil tp-vec/nil.
of-vec/cons : of-vec (exp-vec/cons E Es) (tp-vec/cons T Ts)
<- of E T
<- of-vec Es Ts.
% Dynamic semantics
% I am doing eager evalutation specifically because it made products suck more.
value : exp -> type.
value/lam : value (lam T E).
values-first : {K:nat} exp-vec N -> type.
values-first/z : values-first z _.
values-first/s : values-first (s K) (exp-vec/cons V L)
<- value V
<- values-first K L.
value/tuple : value (tuple Es)
<- values-first N (Es : exp-vec N).
steps : exp -> exp -> type.
steps/app1 : steps (app E1 E2) (app E1' E2)
<- steps E1 E1'.
steps/app2 : steps (app V1 E2) (app V1 E2')
<- value V1
<- steps E2 E2'.
steps/beta : steps (app (lam _ ([x] Ef x)) V) (Ef V)
<- value V.
steps/tuple : steps (tuple (Es : exp-vec N)) (tuple Es')
<- values-first I Es
<- exp-vec-member Es I E
<- steps E E'
<- exp-vec-update Es I E' Es'.
steps/pi-compat : steps (pi E I) (pi E' I)
<- steps E E'.
steps/pi : steps (pi (tuple Vs) I) V
<- value (tuple Vs)
<- exp-vec-member Vs I V.
%% Lemmas/functions relating of-vec to its exp-vec and tp-vec
% Argh! We need to index into of-vec a bunch, but we need to do it
% with three different polarities.
% These genuinely all *do* need at least one of the vec-members
% as input, so using that isn't too hacky.
of-vec-member+- : {N : nat}
of-vec Es Ts
-> exp-vec-member Es N E
-> tp-vec-member Ts N T
-> of E T
-> type.
- : of-vec-member+- z (of-vec/cons _ Dof) exp-vec-member/z tp-vec-member/z Dof.
- : of-vec-member+- (s N) (of-vec/cons L _) (exp-vec-member/s ME) (tp-vec-member/s MT) Dof
<- of-vec-member+- N L ME MT Dof.
%mode of-vec-member+- +X1 +X2 +X3 -X4 -X5.
%worlds () (of-vec-member+- _ _ _ _ _).
%total {N} (of-vec-member+- N _ _ _ _).
of-vec-member-+ : {N : nat}
of-vec Es Ts
-> exp-vec-member Es N E
-> tp-vec-member Ts N T
-> of E T
-> type.
- : of-vec-member-+ z (of-vec/cons _ Dof) exp-vec-member/z tp-vec-member/z Dof.
- : of-vec-member-+ (s N) (of-vec/cons L _) (exp-vec-member/s ME) (tp-vec-member/s MT) Dof
<- of-vec-member-+ N L ME MT Dof.
%mode of-vec-member-+ +X1 +X2 -X3 +X4 -X5.
%worlds () (of-vec-member-+ _ _ _ _ _).
%total {N} (of-vec-member-+ N _ _ _ _).
of-vec-member++ : {N : nat}
of-vec Es Ts
-> exp-vec-member Es N E
-> tp-vec-member Ts N T
-> of E T
-> type.
- : of-vec-member++ z (of-vec/cons _ Dof) exp-vec-member/z tp-vec-member/z Dof.
- : of-vec-member++ (s N) (of-vec/cons L _) (exp-vec-member/s ME) (tp-vec-member/s MT) Dof
<- of-vec-member++ N L ME MT Dof.
%mode of-vec-member++ +X1 +X2 +X3 +X4 -X5.
%worlds () (of-vec-member++ _ _ _ _ _).
%total {N} (of-vec-member++ N _ _ _ _).
of-vec-update : of-vec Es Ts
-> exp-vec-update Es I E Es'
-> tp-vec-member Ts I T
-> of E T
-> of-vec Es' Ts
-> type.
- : of-vec-update
(of-vec/cons DofR _)
(of-vec/cons DofR DofE).
- : of-vec-update
(of-vec/cons DofR DofE')
(exp-vec-update/s UpR)
(tp-vec-member/s MemR)
(of-vec/cons DofV DofE')
<- of-vec-update DofR UpR MemR DofE DofV.
%mode of-vec-update +X1 +X2 +X3 +X4 -X5.
%worlds () (of-vec-update _ _ _ _ _).
%total {T} (of-vec-update _ T _ _ _).
% Preservation
preserves : of E T -> steps E E' -> of E' T -> type.
% oh nice, we get all the inversion for free
- : preserves
(of/app Dof2 Dof1)
(steps/app1 Ds : steps (app E1 E2) (app E1' E2))
(of/app Dof2 Dind)
<- preserves Dof1 Ds Dind.
- : preserves
(of/app Dof2 Dof1)
(steps/app2 Ds _ : steps (app E1 E2) (app E1 E2'))
(of/app Dind Dof1)
<- preserves Dof2 Ds Dind.
- : preserves
(of/app Dof2 (of/lam ([x] [dx] Dof x dx)))
(steps/beta _ : steps (app (lam _ ([x] Ef x)) V) (Ef V))
(Dof V Dof2).
- : preserves
(TMem : tp-vec-member Ts I T)
(of/tuple DofVs)
: of (pi (tuple _) I) _)
(VMem : exp-vec-member Vs I V)
): steps (pi (tuple _) I) _)
<- of-vec-member++ I DofVs VMem TMem DofV.
- : preserves
(of/tuple DofEs : of (tuple Es) (ttuple Ts))
(VU : exp-vec-update Es I E' Es')
(DstepsE : steps E E')
(VM : exp-vec-member Es I E)
(VFirst : values-first I Es)
(of/tuple DofEs')
<- of-vec-member+- I DofEs VM TM DofE
<- preserves DofE DstepsE DofE'
<- of-vec-update DofEs VU TM DofE' DofEs'.
- : preserves
(of/pi TMem DofE)
(steps/pi-compat Dsteps)
(of/pi TMem DofE')
<- preserves DofE Dsteps DofE'.
%mode preserves +X1 +X2 -X3.
%worlds () (preserves _ _ _).
%total {D} (preserves _ D _).
% Progress
unstuck : exp -> type.
unstuck/value : value E -> unstuck E.
unstuck/steps : steps E E' -> unstuck E.
unstuck-vec : exp-vec N -> type.
unstuck-vec/value : values-first N (Es : exp-vec N) -> unstuck-vec Es.
unstuck-vec/steps : values-first K (Es : exp-vec N)
-> exp-vec-member Es K E
-> steps E E'
-> unstuck-vec Es.
progress-app : of E1 (tarr T1 T2)
-> of E2 T1
-> unstuck E1
-> unstuck E2
-> unstuck (app E1 E2)
-> type.
% canonical forms for free too!
- : progress-app _ _ (unstuck/steps Ds) _ (unstuck/steps (steps/app1 Ds)).
- : progress-app _ _ (unstuck/value Dv) (unstuck/steps Ds)
(unstuck/steps (steps/app2 Ds Dv)).
- : progress-app _ _ (unstuck/value value/lam) (unstuck/value Dv)
(unstuck/steps (steps/beta Dv)).
%mode progress-app +X1 +X2 +X3 +X4 -X5.
%worlds () (progress-app _ _ _ _ _).
%total {} (progress-app _ _ _ _ _).
progress-pi : of E (ttuple Ts)
-> tp-vec-member Ts I T
-> unstuck E
-> unstuck (pi E I)
-> type.
- : progress-pi Dof TM (unstuck/steps Dsteps) (unstuck/steps (steps/pi-compat Dsteps)).
- : progress-pi
(of/tuple DVs)
(unstuck/value (value/tuple VF))
(unstuck/steps (steps/pi VM (value/tuple VF)))
<- of-vec-member-+ _ DVs VM TM _.
%mode progress-pi +X1 +X2 +X3 -X4.
%worlds () (progress-pi _ _ _ _).
%total {} (progress-pi _ _ _ _).
progress-tuple : of-vec Es Ts
-> unstuck-vec Es
-> unstuck (tuple Es)
-> type.
- : progress-tuple
(unstuck-vec/value Vf)
(unstuck/value (value/tuple Vf)).
- : progress-tuple
(unstuck-vec/steps (Vf : values-first K _) VM Dsteps)
(steps/tuple Upd Dsteps VM Vf))
<- exp-vec-can-update VM _ Upd.
%mode progress-tuple +X1 +X2 -X3.
%worlds () (progress-tuple _ _ _).
%total {} (progress-tuple _ _ _).
% Helper output factoring lemma for constructing an unstuck-vec
progress-vec-help : unstuck E
-> unstuck-vec Es
-> unstuck-vec (exp-vec/cons E Es)
-> type.
- : progress-vec-help
(unstuck/steps Dsteps)
(unstuck-vec/steps values-first/z exp-vec-member/z Dsteps).
- : progress-vec-help
(unstuck/value DV)
(unstuck-vec/value Vf)
(unstuck-vec/value (values-first/s Vf DV)).
- : progress-vec-help
(unstuck/value DV)
(unstuck-vec/steps Vf Mem Dsteps)
(values-first/s Vf DV)
(exp-vec-member/s Mem)
%mode progress-vec-help +X1 +X2 -X3.
%worlds () (progress-vec-help _ _ _).
%total {} (progress-vec-help _ _ _).
progress : of E T -> unstuck E -> type.
progress-vec : of-vec Es Ts -> unstuck-vec Es -> type.
%mode progress +X1 -X2.
%mode progress-vec +X1 -X2.
- : progress (of/lam _) (unstuck/value value/lam).
- : progress
(of/app Dof2 Dof1)
<- progress Dof1 Un1
<- progress Dof2 Un2
<- progress-app Dof1 Dof2 Un1 Un2 Un.
- : progress
(of/pi TM Dof)
<- progress Dof Un1
<- progress-pi Dof TM Un1 Un.
- : progress
(of/tuple DofEs)
<- progress-vec DofEs Un1
<- progress-tuple DofEs Un1 Un.
- : progress-vec of-vec/nil (unstuck-vec/value values-first/z).
- : progress-vec (of-vec/cons DEs DE) Out
<- progress DE Un
<- progress-vec DEs Uns
<- progress-vec-help Un Uns Out.
%worlds () (progress _ _) (progress-vec _ _).
%total (D D') (progress D _) (progress-vec D' _).
%% Pointless screwing around
% An evaluator. It always terminates, but twelf doesn't know that.
% It will fail if the term is bad.
full-eval : of E T -> exp -> type.
full-eval-help : of E T -> unstuck E -> exp -> type.
- : full-eval (D : of E T) E'
<- progress D U
<- full-eval-help D U E'.
fe/done : full-eval-help (D : of E T) (unstuck/value _) E.
fe/step : full-eval-help (D : of E T) (unstuck/steps Dsteps) E''
<- preserves D Dsteps D'
<- full-eval D' E''.
%% Test terms
unit : tp = ttuple tp-vec/nil.
empty : exp = tuple exp-vec/nil.
triple : exp -> exp -> exp -> exp = [x] [y] [z] tuple (exp-vec/cons x (exp-vec/cons y (exp-vec/cons z exp-vec/nil))).
testexpr = pi (
triple (pi (triple empty empty empty) (s z))
(app (lam unit ([x] x)) empty) empty)
(s z).
%solve DofE : of testexpr T.
%solve _ : full-eval DofE E'.
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