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Created August 15, 2012 21:32
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, GADTs #-}
data SameType a b where
Refl :: SameType a a
coerce :: SameType a b -> a -> b
coerce Refl = id
trans :: SameType a b -> SameType b c -> SameType a c
trans Refl Refl = Refl
symm :: SameType a b -> SameType b a
symm Refl = Refl
sameUnit :: SameType () ()
sameUnit = Refl
class IsoUnit a where
iso :: SameType () b -> SameType a b
instance IsoUnit () where
iso = id
newtype Tagged a b = Tagged b deriving IsoUnit
sameTagged :: SameType (Tagged a b) (Tagged a' b') -> SameType a a'
sameTagged Refl = Refl
part1 :: SameType (Tagged a ()) ()
part1 = iso sameUnit
part2 :: SameType () (Tagged a' ())
part2 = symm part1
unsafe' :: SameType (Tagged a ()) (Tagged a' ())
unsafe' = part1 `trans` part2
unsafe :: SameType a b
unsafe = sameTagged unsafe'
--once again inferred type is a -> b
unsafeCoerce = coerce unsafe
crash :: Int
crash = unsafeCoerce . tail . tail . tail . unsafeCoerce $ True
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