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Created February 26, 2015 22:54
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MicroKanren (μKanren) in Haskell
import Control.Monad
type Var = Integer
type Subst = [(Var, Term)]
type State = (Subst, Integer)
type Program = State -> KList State
data Term = Atom String | Pair Term Term | Var Var deriving Show
-- Apply a substitution to the top level of a term
walk (Var v) s = case lookup v s of Nothing -> Var v
Just us -> walk us s
walk u s = u
extS x v s = (x, v) : s
-- Try to unify two terms under a substitution;
-- return an extended subst if it succeeds
unify :: Term -> Term -> Subst -> Maybe Subst
unify u v s = un (walk u s) (walk v s)
where un (Var x1) (Var x2) | x1 == x2 = return s
un (Var x1) v = return $ extS x1 v s
un u (Var x2) = return $ extS x2 u s
un (Pair u1 u2) (Pair v1 v2) =
do s' <- unify u1 v1 s
unify u2 v2 s'
un (Atom a1) (Atom a2) | a1 == a2 = return s
un _ _ = mzero
-- MicroKanren program formers
zzz :: Program -> Program
zzz g = \sc -> delay (g sc)
equiv :: Term -> Term -> Program
equiv u v = \(s, c) -> case unify u v s of
Nothing -> mzero
Just s' -> return (s', c)
callFresh :: (Term -> Program) -> Program
callFresh f = \(s, c) -> f (Var c) (s, c+1)
disj :: Program -> Program -> Program
disj g1 g2 = \sc -> mplus (g1 sc) (g2 sc)
conj :: Program -> Program -> Program
conj g1 g2 = \sc -> g1 sc >>= g2
-- I had originally thought that since Haskell was lazy, we didn't
-- need to worry about any of the inverse-eta-delay stuff that the
-- Scheme version does, but that isn't right. We still need some way
-- to force switching when we recur.
-- It is not very burdensome for us, though; we don't actually need
-- to eta-expand, just need to add some sort of marker.
data KList a = Nil | Cons a (KList a) | Delay (KList a) deriving Show
delay = Delay
-- Hm. Is there any reason to preserve the delays?
instance Monad KList where
return x = Cons x Nil
Nil >>= f = mzero
x `Cons` xs >>= f = f x `mplus` (xs >>= f)
Delay xs >>= f = Delay (xs >>= f)
instance MonadPlus KList where
mzero = Nil
Nil `mplus` xs = xs
(x `Cons` xs) `mplus` ys = x `Cons` (ys `mplus` xs) -- swapped per sect. 6
Delay xs `mplus` ys = Delay (ys `mplus` xs)
klistToList Nil = []
klistToList (x `Cons` xs) = x : klistToList xs
klistToList (Delay xs) = klistToList xs
-------------- Test cases
empty_state = ([], 0)
five = callFresh (\x -> equiv x (Atom "5"))
fives_ x = disj (equiv x (Atom "5")) (zzz $ fives_ x)
fives = callFresh fives_
fivesRev_ x = disj (zzz $ fivesRev_ x) (equiv x (Atom "5"))
fivesRev = callFresh fivesRev_
a_and_b = conj
(callFresh (\a -> equiv a (Atom "7")))
(callFresh (\b -> disj (equiv b (Atom "5")) (equiv b (Atom "6"))))
runTest p = klistToList (p empty_state)
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davidar commented Jun 20, 2021

@saolof Perhaps you're thinking of the Stream monad from the stream-fusion package (which unfortunately shares the same module namespace)? The stream-monad Stream deliberately avoids the pitfalls of DFS, see here for details

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