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Last active May 10, 2017 15:22
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## Setup
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Installing dev versions of plotly with new data.table group2NA()
library(ggplot2,lib.loc = "/home/Matthew14786/dev/")
# withr::with_libpaths(new = "/home/Matthew14786/dev/",
# install_local("/home/Matthew14786/plotly/",repos = NULL,subdir = NULL, force = TRUE))
withr::with_libpaths(new = "/home/Matthew14786/dev/",
install_github("msummersgill/plotly",ref = "data.table", force = TRUE))
library(plotly,lib.loc = "/home/Matthew14786/dev/")
## Function to generate sample data
exampleData <- function(RowCount = 10,
nGroupsA = 3,
nGroupsB = 3,
nGroupsC = 3,
nIntCols = 3){
GroupA = replicate(1,sample(stri_rand_strings(nGroupsA,5),RowCount,rep=TRUE)),
GroupB = replicate(1,sample(stri_rand_strings(nGroupsB,5),RowCount,rep=TRUE)),
GroupC = replicate(1,sample(stri_rand_strings(nGroupsC,5),RowCount,rep=TRUE)),
## Benchmark Steps
Metrics <- NULL
ptm <- proc.time()
RowPowerStart <- 2
GroupPowerStart <-1
for (nRows in RowPowerStart:7){
for (nGroups in 1:6){
if(nRows > nGroups){
print(cat(paste0("Starting 1e", nRows," rows with \t1e", nGroups, " groups\n")))
Data <- exampleData(RowCount = 1*10^nRows, nGroupsA = 1*10^nGroups, nGroupsB = 1*10^nGroups, nGroupsC = 1*10^nGroups, nIntCols = 3)
New <- microbenchmark(
plotly:::group2NA(Data,"GroupA", retrace.first = TRUE),
plotly:::group2NA(Data,"GroupA", "GroupB",retrace.first = TRUE),
plotly:::group2NA(Data,"GroupA", "GroupB","GroupC",retrace.first = TRUE),
plotly:::group2NA(Data,"GroupA", "GroupB","X1",retrace.first = TRUE),
plotly:::group2NA(Data,"GroupA", "GroupB",c("X1","X2"),retrace.first = TRUE),
plotly:::group2NA(Data,"GroupA", "GroupB",c("X1","X2","X3"),retrace.first = TRUE),
times = 5,
unit = "s"
New$expr <- as.character(New$expr)
New$NumberRows <- 1*10^nRows
New$NumberGroups <- 1*10^nGroups
Metrics <- rbind(Metrics,New)
TotalTime <- proc.time() - ptm
MetricsDT <- copy(Metrics)
ComplexityOrder <- c("plotly:::group2NA(Data, \"GroupA\", retrace.first = TRUE)",
"plotly:::group2NA(Data, \"GroupA\", \"GroupB\", retrace.first = TRUE)",
"plotly:::group2NA(Data, \"GroupA\", \"GroupB\", \"GroupC\", retrace.first = TRUE)",
"plotly:::group2NA(Data, \"GroupA\", \"GroupB\", \"X1\", retrace.first = TRUE)",
"plotly:::group2NA(Data, \"GroupA\", \"GroupB\", c(\"X1\", \"X2\"), retrace.first = TRUE)",
"plotly:::group2NA(Data, \"GroupA\", \"GroupB\", c(\"X1\", \"X2\", \"X3\"), retrace.first = TRUE)")
MetricsDT[,seconds := time/1e8]
MetricsDT[,expr := ordered(expr, levels = ComplexityOrder)]
MetricsDT[,Sorted := as.factor(ifelse(!grepl("(A|B)\",\\s+retrace", expr),"Sorted","Not Sorted"))]
## Results
MetricsDT %>%
plot_ly %>%
add_trace(x = ~jitter(as.integer(as.factor(NumberRows))+RowPowerStart-1),
y = ~jitter(as.integer(as.factor(NumberGroups))+GroupPowerStart-1),
z = ~seconds,
color = ~expr,
text = ~paste0("Runtime: ", round(seconds,4),"<br>",
NumberRows, " rows<br>",
NumberGroups, " groups<br>"),
hoverinfo = "text",
type = "scatter3d",
mode = "markers",
marker = list(size = 4,
opacity = 0.6)) %>%
layout(scene = list(
xaxis = list(
showgrid = TRUE,
showspikes = FALSE,
gridcolor = "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
showbackground = TRUE,
backgroundcolor = 'rgba(235,235,235,1)',
gridwith = 2,
title = "# Rows",
tickprefix = "1e+0",
tickangle = 0,
tickfont = list(size = 12)
yaxis = list(
showgrid = TRUE,
showspikes = FALSE,
showbackground = TRUE,
backgroundcolor = 'rgba(235,235,235,1)',
gridcolor = "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
gridwith = 2,
title = "# Groups",
tickprefix = "1e+0"
zaxis = list(
showgrid = TRUE,
showspikes = FALSE,
showbackground = TRUE,
backgroundcolor = 'rgba(235,235,235,1)',
gridcolor = "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
gridwith = 2,
title = "Time",
ticksuffix = "s"
paper_bgcolor = 'rgba(235,235,235,0)',
plot_bgcolor = 'rgba(235,235,235,0)')
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