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Forked from ivancrneto/.vimrc
Created July 21, 2016 15:36
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" MyConf
NeoBundle 'wakatime/vim-wakatime'
NeoBundle 'dkprice/vim-easygrep'
"NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
"NeoBundle 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
"NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
"NeoBundle 'wincent/Command-T'
"NeoBundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim'
"NeoBundle 'fs111/pydoc.vim'
"NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/ZoomWin'
"NeoBundle 'docunext/closetag.vim'
"NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/django.vim'
"NeoBundle 'avelino/london.vim'
"NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/pytest.vim'
"NeoBundle 'Soares/python.vim'
"NeoBundle 'ervandew/supertab'
"NeoBundle 'majutsushi/tagbar'
"NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
"NeoBundle 'avelino/flux.vim'
"NeoBundle 'tomasr/molokai'
"NeoBundle 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
"NeoBundle 'jg/bufexplorer'
"NeoBundle 'fholgado/minibufexpl.vim'
"NeoBundle 'lunaru/vim-less'
"NeoBundle 'mattn/zencoding-vim'
"NeoBundle 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
NeoBundle 'nvie/vim-flake8'
"NeoBundle 'rodjek/vim-puppet'
"NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/pep8'
NeoBundle 'mileszs/ack.vim'
"NeoBundle 'tomtom/tlib_vim'
"NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
"NeoBundle 'hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent'
"NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/pylint.vim'
"NeoBundle 'pyflakes.vim'
"NeoBundle 'kevinw/pyflakes-vim'
"NeoBundle 'fsouza/go.vim'
"NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/Conque-Shell'
"NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
"NeoBundle 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
"NeoBundle 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
"NeoBundle 'qstrahl/vim-matchmaker'
"NeoBundle 'juvenn/mustache.vim'
"NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache.vim'
"NeoBundle 'MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils'
"NeoBundle 'tomtom/tlib_vim'
"NeoBundle 'honza/vim-snippets'
"NeoBundle 'garbas/vim-snipmate'
"NeoBundle 'mattn/webapi-vim'
"NeoBundle 'mattn/gist-vim'
NeoBundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion'
NeoBundle 'bkad/CamelCaseMotion'
"NeoBundle 'scrooloose/syntastic'
NeoBundle 'mattn/emmet-vim'
NeoBundle 'wavded/vim-stylus'
" Gist
NeoBundle 'mattn/webapi-vim'
NeoBundle 'mattn/gist-vim'
let $MYLOCALVIMRC = expand($HOME) . '/.vimrc.local'
" Mapleader
let mapleader=" "
nnoremap <silent> <leader><leader> :noh<cr>
" Colorschemes
NeoBundle 'rodnaph/vim-color-schemes'
" YouCompleteMe
" NeoBundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
" let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 0
" Vim Bootstrap
let g:vim_bootstrap_langs = "python,html,javascript"
" Python mode
NeoBundle 'klen/python-mode'
let g:pymode_rope = 0
let g:pymode_rope_vim_completion = 0
let g:pymode_doc = 1
let g:pymode_doc_bind = '<leader>k'
let g:pymode_lint = 0
let g:pymode_lint_checker = "pyflakes,pep8"
let g:pymode_lint_write = 0
let g:pymode_virtualenv = 1
let g:pymode_breakpoint = 1
let g:pymode_breakpoint_bind = '<leader>b'
let g:pymode_syntax = 0
let g:pymode_syntax_all = 0
let g:pymode_syntax_indent_errors = g:pymode_syntax_all
let g:pymode_syntax_space_errors = g:pymode_syntax_all
let g:pymode_folding = 0
" let g:pymode_virtualenv=1
" let g:pymode_folding=1 " Enable python folding
" let g:pymode_utils_whitespaces=0 " Do not autoremove unused whitespaces
" map <leader>rgd :call RopeGotoDefinition()<cr>
" map <Leader>pl :PyLint<CR>
" let ropevim_enable_shortcuts=1
" let g:pymode_rope_goto_def_newwin="vnew"
" let g:pymode_rope_extended_complete=1
" let g:pymode_syntax=1
" let g:pymode_syntax_builtin_objs=0
" let g:pymode_syntax_builtin_funcs=0
" let g:pymode_lint_ignore = "C0110 Exported" " ignore pep257 missing docstring warning
" let g:pymode_lint_minheight = 5 " Minimal height of pylint error window
" let g:pymode_lint_maxheight = 15 " Maximal height of pylint error window
" let g:pymode_lint_write = 0 " Disable pylint checking every save
let g:pymode_run_key = "<leader>run" " default key conflicts with jedi-vim
" let g:pymode_lint_mccabe_complexity = 10
" let g:pymode_lint_checker="pyflakes,pep8,pep257,mccabe"
" let g:pymode_syntax_highlight_self=0 " do not highlight self
" let g:pymode_rope_vim_completion=0 " use jedi-vim for completion
" let g:pymode_rope_guess_project=0
" let g:pymode_doc_key="<leader>k" " used jedi-vim for help
let g:snips_author = "Ivan Neto"
set iskeyword-=.
noremap ;n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
cab syc SyntasticCheck
" CtrlP
map <C-T> :CtrlP<CR>
noremap <leader>t :CtrlP<CR>
noremap <leader>y :CtrlPBuffer<CR>
NeoBundle 'FelikZ/ctrlp-py-matcher'
NeoBundle 'JazzCore/ctrlp-cmatcher'
let g:ctrlp_cache_dir = $HOME . '/.cache/ctrlp'
let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 1
let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'bottom,order:btt,min:1,max:20,results:20'
let g:ctrlp_user_command = "find %s -type f | grep -Ev '"+ g:ctrlp_custom_ignore +"'"
set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -i --nocolor --nogroup --ignore ''.git'' --ignore ''.DS_Store'' --ignore ''node_modules'' --ignore ''tags'' --hidden -g | grep -Ev "'+ g:ctrlp_custom_ignore +' ""'
if !has('python')
echo 'In order to use pymatcher plugin, you need +python compiled vim'
let g:ctrlp_match_func = { 'match': 'pymatcher#PyMatch' }
" let g:ctrlp_match_func = {'match' : 'matcher#cmatch' }
" EasyMotion
let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = ';;'
noremap \= :noh<CR>
noremap \ ,
" Syntastic
"let g:syntastic_python_checkers = ['python', 'flake8', 'pylint']
let g:syntastic_python_checkers = ['flake8']
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=0
" Jedi
let g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers = 0
" Ack
let g:ackprg = 'ag --vimgrep'
" Buffers
noremap <leader>bd :1,100bd!<cr>
map <S-W> <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_w
map <S-B> <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_b
map <S-E> <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_e
set mouse=a
noremap ss :split<CR>
noremap vv :vsplit<CR>
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.mako,*.mak,*.jinja,*.jinja2 setlocal ft=html
autocmd FileType html,xhtml,xml,htmldjango,htmljinja,jinja,jinja2,londonhtml,eruby,mako,haml,daml,css,tmpl setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 softtabstop=2
autocmd FileType coffee setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 colorcolumn=99
autocmd FileType stylus setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 softtabstop=8 colorcolumn=99
set scrolloff=8
set sidescrolloff=15
set sidescroll=1
set guifont=Monospace
set shell=/bin/zsh
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