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Created November 4, 2012 01:37
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module JSON where
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>))
import Numeric
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
data JValue = JBool Bool
| JNull
| JObject (JObj JValue)
| JArray (JAry JValue)
| JNumber Double
| JString String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype JAry a = JAry { fromJAry :: [a] }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype JObj a = JObj { fromJObj :: [(String, a)] }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
p_text :: Parser JValue
p_text = spaces *> text <?> "JSON text"
text = JObject <$> p_object <|> JArray <$> p_array
p_series :: Char -> Parser a -> Char -> Parser [a]
p_series left parser right =
between (char left <* spaces) (char right) $
(parser <* spaces) `sepBy` (char ',' <* spaces)
p_array :: Parser (JAry JValue)
p_array = JAry <$> p_series '[' p_value ']'
p_object :: Parser (JObj JValue)
p_object = JObj <$> p_series '{' p_field '}'
p_field = (,) <$> (p_string <* char ':' <* spaces) <*> p_value
p_value :: Parser JValue
p_value = value <* spaces
value = choice [ JString <$> p_string
, JNumber <$> p_number
, JObject <$> p_object
, JArray <$> p_array
, JBool <$> p_bool
, JNull <$ string "null"
] <?> "JSON value"
p_bool :: Parser Bool
p_bool = True <$ string "true"
<|> False <$ string "false"
p_number :: Parser Double
p_number = do
s <- getInput
case readSigned readFloat s of
[(n, s')] -> n <$ setInput s'
_ -> empty
p_string :: Parser String
p_string = between (char '\"') (char '\"') (many jchar)
jchar = char '\\' *> (p_escape <|> p_unicode)
<|> satisfy (`notElem` "\"\\")
p_escape :: Parser Char
p_escape = choice (zipWith decode "bnfrt\\\"/" "\b\n\f\r\t\\\"/")
decode c r = r <$ char c
p_unicode :: Parser Char
p_unicode = char 'u' *> (decode <$> count 4 hexDigit)
decode x = toEnum code
((code, _):_) = readHex x
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