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Created May 6, 2020 14:51
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(defn- ^Function java-fn [f]
(reify java.util.function.Function
(apply [_ x] (f x))))
(defn- to-completion-stage [response]
(if (instance? CompletionStage response)
(CompletableFuture/completedFuture response)))
(defn bind-response
"Applies f to the possibly asynchronous response. If response is a
CompletionStage, f is applied to the response map it wraps when and if
that becomes available. f is expected to return a possibly asynchronous
[response f & args]
(if-not (instance? CompletionStage response)
(apply f response args)
^CompletionStage response
(java-fn (fn [response-map]
(to-completion-stage (apply f response-map args)))))))
(defn cs-response-catch
[^CompletionStage response f]
(-> response
(.handle (reify java.util.function.BiFunction
(apply [_ response ex] (if ex (f ex) response))))
(.thenCompose (java-fn to-completion-stage))))
(defn cs-response-do-after
[^CompletionStage response f]
(.whenComplete response
(reify java.util.function.BiConsumer
(accept [_ _ _] (f)))))
(defmacro try-handler
"Like try but also catches exceptions in asynchronous response."
[& body]
(let [[exprs catch-clauses]
(split-with #(not (and (seq? %) (= 'catch (first %)))) body)
[catch-clauses [finally-clause]]
(split-with #(not= 'finally (first %)) catch-clauses)]
(cond-> `(do ~@exprs)
(seq? catch-clauses)
((fn [body] `(letfn [(do-catch# [ex#] (try (throw ex#) ~@catch-clauses))]
(let [response# ~body]
(if (instance? CompletionStage response#)
(cs-response-catch response# do-catch#)
(catch Throwable t# (do-catch# t#))))))
((fn [body] `(letfn [(do-finally# [] ~@(next finally-clause))]
(let [response# (try ~body (catch Throwable t# (do-finally#) (throw t#)))]
(if (instance? CompletionStage response#)
(cs-response-do-after response# do-finally#)
(do (do-finally#) response#)))))))))
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