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Created November 20, 2018 23:08
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func fixBrokerBearerAuthInfo() *v1beta1.ClusterServiceBrokerAuthInfo {
return &v1beta1.ClusterServiceBrokerAuthInfo{
Bearer: &v1beta1.ClusterBearerTokenAuthConfig{
SecretRef: &v1beta1.ObjectReference{Namespace: "test-ns", Name: "auth-secret"},
func fixBrokerBasicAuthSecret() *corev1.Secret {
return &corev1.Secret{
Data: map[string][]byte{
v1beta1.BasicAuthUsernameKey: []byte("foo"),
v1beta1.BasicAuthPasswordKey: []byte("bar"),
func fixBrokerBearerAuthSecret() *corev1.Secret {
return &corev1.Secret{
Data: map[string][]byte{
v1beta1.BearerTokenKey: []byte("token"),
func TestReconcileClusterServiceBrokerDeletionShouldNotUpdateClient(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
authInfo *v1beta1.ClusterServiceBrokerAuthInfo
secret *corev1.Secret
name: "no auth",
authInfo: nil,
secret: nil,
name: "basic auth",
authInfo: fixBrokerBasicAuthInfo(),
secret: fixBrokerBasicAuthSecret(),
name: "bearer auth",
authInfo: fixBrokerBearerAuthInfo(),
secret: fixBrokerBearerAuthSecret(),
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// given
fakeKubeClient, _, fakeClusterServiceBrokerClient, testController, _ := newTestController(t, getTestCatalogConfig())
addGetSecretReaction(fakeKubeClient, tc.secret)
broker := getTestClusterServiceBrokerWithAuth(tc.authInfo)
broker.DeletionTimestamp = &metav1.Time{}
broker.Finalizers = []string{v1beta1.FinalizerServiceCatalog}
updateBrokerClientCalled := false
testController.brokerClientManager = NewBrokerClientManager(func(_ *osb.ClientConfiguration) (osb.Client, error) {
updateBrokerClientCalled = true
return nil, nil
// when
err := reconcileClusterServiceBroker(t, testController, broker)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("This should not fail : %v", err)
// then
if updateBrokerClientCalled {
t.Errorf("Unexpected broker client update action")
brokerActions := fakeClusterServiceBrokerClient.Actions()
assertNumberOfBrokerActions(t, brokerActions, 0)
kubeActions := fakeKubeClient.Actions()
assertNumberOfActions(t, kubeActions, 0)
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