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Created January 21, 2013 13:41
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-export([read_graph/0, perform/3]).
% S - wierzchołki sprawdzone
% Q - wierzchołki niesprawdzone
% tupla - {V, C, P} - Vertex, Cost, Parent
parse(0, List) ->
parse(N, List) when N > 0 ->
{_, Line} = io:fread("input from, to, weight: ", "~d ~d ~d"),
parse(N-1, List ++ [Line]).
read_graph() ->
{_, [V]} = io:fread("vortex count: ", "~d"),
{_, [N]} = io:fread("path count: ", "~d"),
Paths = parse(N, []),
{_, [Start]} = io:fread("Start: ", "~d"),
[V, Start, Paths].
perform(N, Start, Paths) ->
S = [],
Q = lists:map(fun(E) -> {E, 999, 0} end, lists:seq(1, N)),
calc_dist(S, Q, Start, Paths).
calc_dist(S, [], _, _) ->
io:fwrite("~w\n", [S]),
calc_dist([], Q, V, Paths) ->
calc_dist([{V, 0, 0}], Q -- [{V, 999, 0}], {V, 0, 0}, Paths);
calc_dist(S, Q, V, Paths) ->
io:fwrite("~w\t\t~w\t\t~w\n", [S, Q, V]),
UpdQ = update_neighbours(V, Q, Paths),
% tutaj jak Neighbours/shortest_path jest puste to sie sypie
[NewS, NewQ, NewV] = move_next_vertex(S, UpdQ),
calc_dist(NewS, NewQ, NewV, Paths).
move_next_vertex(S, Q) ->
io:fwrite("~w\t\t~w\n", [S, Q]),
Next = lowest_cost(Q),
[[Next|S], remove(Next, Q), Next].
update_neighbours(V, Q, Paths) ->
neighbours(V, Q, Paths, []).
neighbours(_, Q, [], Acc) ->
neighbours(V, Q, [H|Paths], Acc) ->
[A, B, W] = H,
{X, Cost, _} = V,
% check if path starts in parent and target is in Q
case A == X andalso member(B, Q) of
% if so add to found neighbours
true ->
NewQ = remove({B, 0, 0}, Q),
neighbours(V, NewQ, Paths, [{B, Cost + W, X}|Acc]);
% else continue
false -> neighbours(V, Q, Paths, Acc)
find_path(S) ->
find_path(S, []).
find_path([], Acc) ->
find_path([H|S], []) ->
{V, _, P} = H,
find_path(S, [P, V]);
find_path([H|S], Acc) ->
Parent = lists:nth(1, Acc),
{_, _, P} = H,
case H of
{_, _, 0} -> find_path(S, Acc);
{Parent, _, _} -> find_path(S, [P|Acc]);
_ -> find_path(S, Acc)
% helper functions
% check if vertex is in list of tuples
member(_, []) ->
member(Vertex, [H|List]) ->
case H of
{Vertex, _, _} -> true;
_ -> member(Vertex, List)
% remove vertex from list of tuples
remove(V, Q) ->
remove(V, Q, []).
remove(_, [], Acc) ->
remove(V, [H|Q], Acc) ->
{Vertex, _, _} = V,
case H of
{Vertex, _, _} ->
remove(V, Q, Acc);
_ ->
remove(V, Q, [H|Acc])
lowest_cost(Q) ->
lowest_cost(Q, []).
lowest_cost([], Result) ->
lowest_cost([H|Q], []) ->
lowest_cost(Q, H);
lowest_cost([H|Q], Result) ->
{_, Cost, _} = Result,
{_, NewCost, _} = H,
case NewCost =< Cost of
true -> lowest_cost(Q, H);
false-> lowest_cost(Q, Result)
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