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Last active January 3, 2016 08:59
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Save mtancock/8440193 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
30 Dec Placed an order for BT Broadband.
3 Jan Phone BT to find out why I hadn’t heard anything, or been asked for my
MAC code!
Spoke to nice friendly chap who said it was because I’d added BT Sport to
my order, so my order wasn’t tracking online. Couldn’t help me though, and
couldn’t put me through to the right department and gave me another number
to call.
Phoned other number, spoke to a lady. She seemed very unsure of
everything. Eventually came to the same conclusion as the previous chap and said
she would escalate, took my MAC code and phone me back the same
4 Jan No phone call was forthcoming. Also received an e-mail saying it was my
last chance to provide my MAC code before being charged for BT Sport.
Phoned again. After explaining everything (again) got through to someone who
was able to escalate and get the order going. Confirmed that 13 Jan
activation date was still on. Hooray!
Got a slightly strange e-mail shortly after saying that “Your BT Broadband
is now active”. My current broadband still worked, so I ignored it.
13 Jan BT Hub arrived in post. Connected up. Previous broadband all still
working, was told I would be e-mailed/txted when migration took place.
11:59pm, old broadband still working fine…
14 Jan Phoned BT. Explained what the problem was (migration hadn’t happened)
forced through script of diagnosis etc. after 25 minutes, the very nice lady
decided that the migration hadn’t happened. She would escalate my call to
Wholesale, and it would start working in 12-24 hours. I would also be notified
of status updates.
15 Jan No service, no status updates. Phoned BT. Went through whole process
again. Spent 35 minutes on hold while very nice lady tried to contact wholesale
and some other department. Eventually she said I would receive a call back
within 2 hours to let me know when my service would be active, but they
would have to force migration through again.
As I hung up, received an e-mail saying “sorry to see you go” from BT, that my
broadband had been stopped and I’d have to pay a £30 cancellation fee.
3 hours later… just as i was calling them, they called back. Now
apparently its my fault that i didn’t provide the mac code. (I’ve given my MAC code to
at least 3 different people) And apparently now its going to be the 22nd of
Jan before it’s activated. But the (very friendly) chap I spoke to is going to send
them an email to see if they can speed it up. And he’ll get a response to his
e-mail in 24 hours. And then he’ll call me back and tell me whether they said
yes or no.
I contacted BT's twitter support thing to express my unhappiness. They were very understanding,
wanted the details etc. and promised to look into the whole thing and contact me back.
16 Jan Shockingly, 27 hours later and __no one__ from BT has contacted me. Imagine my **utter** shock!
17 Jan Still no-one from BT has contacted me. (That's 0/2 people who promised 2 days ago to contact me
who haven't done so!) My order status is still showing completion for the 22.
So guess I'm stuck with that now. Assuming that anything actually happens on that day of course!!
Who knows... My MAC thingy expires in 2 weeks so hoping that it might be possible to get something
to happen before then, but not holding out a huge amount of hope!
18 Jan A very nice chap phoned me from BT. I'm assuming in response to my tweet. Never heard from the first
guy who was supposed to phone me back. While very nice and friendly, the guy who did phone me's
response boiled down to "sorry mate, nothing I can do." So 22nd it is... maybe.
22 Jan Woke up to no internet. (Actually a good sign as it would indicate something has happened.) Plugged
in BT hub thing and it worked, it actually worked! It takes you through a setup process when you connect
to the hub one stage of which is logging in. So I filled in the login details I was given. "Username
or password is incorrect". Oh dear. Tried again. Nope. Tried the reset password option. Can't find my
e-mail address. Tried the can't find my username option. (You enter your phone number, which is recognises)
and apparently I don't exist. I'm guessing based on previous experience that the only way to resolve this
will probably be to nuke the whole of Tetbury and start again.
Once more into the breach...
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