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Created April 18, 2022 12:53
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JET profiling of Tulip

JET profiling of Tulip

Reproduces the results mentioned in this post


  1. Download Tulip

    git clone 
    git checkout 07bf080c7655f3622b5aac2db36827570f37da9f
  2. Install JET

    julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("JET")'
  3. Copy the jet.jl file in this gist to the root of the Tulip.jl directory and execute it

    julia --project jet.jl > output.txt 2>&1
  4. The output in output.txt should match the file in this gist.

Other info

Output of Julia versioninfo() that produced the results in this gist:

Julia Version 1.7.2
Commit bf53498635 (2022-02-06 15:21 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4785T CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-12.0.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
using Tulip
using SparseArrays
using JET
println("\n\n\n #============= BigFloat =============#\n\n")
const HSD = Tulip.HSD{BigFloat, Vector{BigFloat}, BitVector, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{BigFloat, Int64}, Tulip.KKT.TlpLDLFactorizations.LDLFactSolver{BigFloat, Tulip.KKT.K2}}
const PAR = Tulip.IPMOptions{BigFloat}
res = JET.report_opt(Tulip.ipm_optimize!, Tuple{HSD, PAR})
println("\n\n\n #============= Float64 =============#\n\n")
const HSD64 = Tulip.HSD{Float64, Vector{Float64}, BitVector, SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, Tulip.KKT.TlpLDLFactorizations.LDLFactSolver{Float64, Tulip.KKT.K2}}
const PAR64 = Tulip.IPMOptions{Float64}
res64 = JET.report_opt(Tulip.ipm_optimize!, Tuple{HSD64, PAR64})
#============= BigFloat =============#
═════ 415 possible errors found ═════
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:217 Base.getproperty(Printf, :format)(Tulip.stdout, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x28, 0x48, 0x53, 0x44, 0x29, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:22], ()))
│┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:823 Printf.computelen(Base.getproperty(f, :substringranges), Base.getproperty(f, :formats), args)
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:793 Printf.:(17, Printf.length(formats))
│││┌ @ range.jl:3 Base.promote(a, b)
││││┌ @ promotion.jl:351 Base.not_sametype(Core.tuple(x, y), Core.tuple(px, py))
│││││┌ @ promotion.jl:368 Base.sametype_error(x)
││││││┌ @ promotion.jl:374, input)
│││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:222 f(Base.getindex(t, 1))
││││││││┌ @ promotion.jl:375 Base.string(Base.typeof(x))
│││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
││││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(s, x)
│││││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:35, x)
││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:881 Base._show_type(io, Base.inferencebarrier(x))
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:886 Base.show_typealias(io, x)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:723 alias = Base.make_typealias(properx)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:533 mods = Base.modulesof!(Core.apply_type(Base.Set, Base.Module)(), x)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:506 Base.modulesof!(s, %20)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.modulesof!(s::Set{Module}, %20::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:507 Base.modulesof!(s, %30)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.modulesof!(s::Set{Module}, %30::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:537 Base.uniontypes(Base.unwrap_unionall(x))
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:891 Base._uniontypes(x, Base.getindex(Base.Any))
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:889 Base._uniontypes(%1, ts)
││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base._uniontypes(%1::Any, ts::Vector{Any})
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:889 Base._uniontypes(%3, ts)
││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base._uniontypes(%3::Any, ts::Vector{Any})
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:891 Base._uniontypes(x, %1)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base._uniontypes(x::Any, %1::Vector{Any})
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:568 applied = Base.rewrap_unionall(applied, p)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:278 Base.rewrap_unionall(%8, %9)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(%8::Any, %9::UnionAll)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:270 Base.rewrap_unionall(t, %8)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(t::Any, %8::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:270 Base.UnionAll(%6, %9)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.UnionAll(%6::TypeVar, %9::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:597 Base.BoundsError(%277, 1)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, 1)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:93 Base.BoundsError(%277, 1)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, 1)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:597 Base.BoundsError(%277, %295)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, %295::Int64)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:98 Base.BoundsError(%277, 2)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, 2)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:568 Base.rewrap_unionall(%365, %363)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(%365::Any, %363::UnionAll)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:726 Base.show_typealias(io, Base.getindex(alias, 1), x, Base.getindex(alias, 2), wheres)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:673 Base.show_typeparams(io, env, Core.svec(vars...), wheres)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:637, p)
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2455 show_bound(io, lb)
││││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2447, b)
│││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, b::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:632, %259)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %259::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:635, %315)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %315::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:640, %202)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %202::Any)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:889 Base.show_datatype(io, x)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:989 #self#(io, x, Base.getindex(Base.TypeVar))
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.show_typeparams(io, parameters, Base.getproperty(Base.unwrap_unionall(Base.getproperty(Base.getproperty(x, :name), :wrapper)), :parameters), wheres)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:637, p)
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2455 show_bound(io, lb)
││││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2447, b)
│││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, b::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:632, %257)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %257::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:635, %312)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %312::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:640, %201)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %201::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:997, %22)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %22::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1005, %64)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %64::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.getproperty(%121, :parameters)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%121::Any, :parameters::Symbol)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.show_typeparams(io, %1, %128, wheres)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typeparams(io::IOBuffer, %1::Core.SimpleVector, %128::Any, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:892 Base.show_unionaliases(io, x)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.make_typealiases(properx)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:734 mods = Base.modulesof!(Core.apply_type(Base.Set, Base.Module)(), x)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:506 Base.modulesof!(s, Base.getproperty(x, :a))
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:500 Base.modulesof!(s, %1)
││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.modulesof!(s::Set{Module}, %1::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:770 ul = Base.unionlen(applied)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:886 Base.unionlen(%1)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.unionlen(%1::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:886 Base.unionlen(%3)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.unionlen(%3::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:790 Core.kwfunc(Base.sort!)(Core.apply_type(Core.NamedTuple, (:by, :rev))(Core.tuple(#469, true)), Base.sort!, aliases)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:711 Base.Sort.#sort!#8(alg, lt, by, rev, order, _3, v)
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:723 Base.Sort.sort!(v, alg, ordr)
││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:662 Base.Sort.sort!(v, Base.Sort.first(inds), Base.Sort.last(inds), alg, order)
│││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:591 #self#(v, lo, hi, a, o, Base.Sort.similar(v, 0))
││││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:592 Base.Sort.sort!(v, lo, hi, Base.Sort.SMALL_ALGORITHM, o)
│││││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:507, x, Base.getindex(v, Base.Sort.-(j, 1)))
││││││││││││││││││││││┌ @ ordering.jl:111$(QuoteNode(Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}(Base.Order.ForwardOrdering()))), %9, %20)
│││││││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:$(QuoteNode(Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}(Base.Order.ForwardOrdering())))::Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}, %9::Any, %20::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.make_typealiases(%10)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.make_typealiases(%10::Union{Type{Any}, Union})
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.indexed_iterate(%19, 1)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.indexed_iterate(%19::Union{Tuple{Vector{Core.SimpleVector}, Type}, Tuple{Core.SimpleVector, Core.TypeofBottom}}, 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.indexed_iterate(%19, 2, %30)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.indexed_iterate(%19::Union{Tuple{Vector{Core.SimpleVector}, Type}, Tuple{Core.SimpleVector, Core.TypeofBottom}}, 2, %30::Int64)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:821 Base.rewrap_unionall(%77, %10)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(%77::Any, %10::Union{Type{Any}, Union})
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:826, %77)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %77::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:830 Base.getindex(%183, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%183::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:830 Base.make_wheres(io, %184, x)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.make_wheres(io::IOBuffer, %184::Any, x::Union)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:831 Base.getindex(%183, 1)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%183::Any, 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:831 Base.getindex(%183, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%183::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:831 Base.show_typealias(io, %186, x, %187, %185)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typealias(io::IOBuffer, %186::Any, x::Union, %187::Any, %185::Vector{TypeVar})
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:837 Base.getindex(%244, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:838 Base.getindex(%244, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:838 Base.make_wheres(io, %260, x)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.make_wheres(io::IOBuffer, %260::Any, x::Union)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:839 Base.getindex(%244, 1)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:839 Base.getindex(%244, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:839 Base.show_typealias(io, %262, x, %263, %261)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typealias(io::IOBuffer, %262::Any, x::Union, %263::Any, %261::Vector{TypeVar})
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:896 Base.show_delim_array(io, Base.uniontypes(x), '{', ',', '}', false)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1201 #self#(io, itr, op, delim, cl, delim_one, Base.first(Base.LinearIndices(itr)), Base.last(Base.LinearIndices(itr)))
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1212, %44)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %44::Any)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:923 Base.show_datatype(io, x, wheres)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1010 Base.show_type_name(io, Base.getproperty(x, :name))
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:970 Base.isvisible(%38, %86, %80)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.isvisible(%38::Symbol, %86::Module, %80::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:997, %22)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %22::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1005, %66)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %66::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.getproperty(%125, :parameters)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%125::Any, :parameters::Symbol)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.show_typeparams(io, %1, %132, wheres)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typeparams(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, %1::Core.SimpleVector, %132::Any, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:884 Base.getproperty(%20, :name)
││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%20::Any, :name::Symbol)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:884 Base.show_type_name(io, %27)
││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_type_name(io::IOBuffer, %27::Any)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:925, %91)
││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %91::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:221 Base.getproperty(Printf, :format)(Tulip.stdout, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x52, 0x48, 0x53, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), bmin, bmax)
│┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:816 pos = Printf.format(Core.tuple(buf, 1, f), args...)
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:732 pos = Printf.fmt(buf, pos, Base.getindex(args, 1), Base.getindex(Base.getproperty(f, :formats), 1))
│││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:410 Base.string("Over ", maxout, " bytes ", len, " needed to output BigFloat ", x)
││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
│││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(%97, %101)
││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.print(%97::IOBuffer, %101::Any)
┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:232 accumulated_data#385 = push!(local_to#383, "Main loop")
│┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:98 TimerOutputs.push!(Base.getproperty(to, :timer_stack), timer)
││┌ @ array.jl:994 Base.convert(_, item)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.convert(_::Type{TimerOutputs.TimerOutput}, item::Nothing)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:288 Tulip.print("\n")
│┌ @ coreio.jl:3 Base.print(%3, %4)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.print(%3::IO, %4::String)
┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:236 val#406 = Tulip.compute_step!(hsd, params)
│┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:236 val#304 = Tulip.KKT.update!(Base.getproperty(hsd, :kkt), θinv, Base.getproperty(hsd, :regP), Base.getproperty(hsd, :regD))
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl:232 LinearAlgebra.size(%105)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: LinearAlgebra.size(%105::SparseMatrixCSC{BigFloat, Int64})
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl:232 Base.string("matrix is not square: dimensions are ", %111)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("matrix is not square: dimensions are ", %111::Any)
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl:232 LinearAlgebra.DimensionMismatch(%112)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: LinearAlgebra.DimensionMismatch(%112::Any)
││┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/KKT/LDLFactorizations/ldlfact.jl:113 %104(%116, %119)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: %104::typeof(LDLFactorizations.ldl_factorize!)(%116::LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{BigFloat, SparseMatrixCSC{BigFloat, Int64}}, %119::LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{BigFloat})
│┌ @ logging.jl:360 msg = Base.string("Increase regularizations to ", Base.getproperty(hsd, :regG))
││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
│││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(s, x)
││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:1015 Base.MPFR.string(b)
│││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:1013 Base.MPFR._string(b)
││││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:1010 Base.MPFR._string(x, "%.Re")
│││││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:1008 Base.MPFR._prettify_bigfloat(Base.MPFR.string_mpfr(x, fmt))
││││││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:987 expo = Base.MPFR.parse(Base.MPFR.Int, exponent)
│││││││││┌ @ parse.jl:241 Base.#parse#451(Base.nothing, #self#, _2, s)
││││││││││┌ @ parse.jl:241 Base.convert(%1, %6)
│││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.convert(%1::Type{Int64}, %6::Union{Nothing, Int64})
│┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/step.jl:62 Tulip.KKT.solve!(hx, hy, Base.getproperty(hsd, :kkt), Base.getproperty(dat, :b), ξ_)
││┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/KKT/LDLFactorizations/ldlfact.jl:131 LDLFactorizations.ldiv!(Base.getproperty(kkt, :F), Base.getproperty(kkt, :ξ))
│││┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/LDLFactorizations/UlVgR/src/LDLFactorizations.jl:590 LDLFactorizations.ldl_solve!(Base.getproperty(LDL, :n), b, Base.getproperty(LDL, :Lp), Base.getproperty(LDL, :Li), Base.getproperty(LDL, :Lx), Base.getproperty(LDL, :d), Base.getproperty(LDL, :P))
││││┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/LDLFactorizations/UlVgR/src/LDLFactorizations.jl:284 y = maybeview(b, P)
│││││┌ @ views.jl:146 Base.view(Core.tuple(A), args...)
││││││┌ @ subarray.jl:176 J =, Base.to_indices(A, I))
│││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:221 f(Base.getindex(t, 1))
││││││││┌ @ subarray.jl:176 Base.unalias(Core.getfield(#self#, :A), i)
│││││││││┌ @ abstractarray.jl:1398 Base.unaliascopy(A)
││││││││││┌ @ abstractarray.jl:998 Base.copyto_unaliased!(Base.IndexStyle(dest), dest, Base.IndexStyle(src′), src′)
│││││││││││┌ @ abstractarray.jl:1023 = Base.iterate(src)
││││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:750 Base.iterate(L, Core.tuple(1, r))
│││││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:761 Base.indexed_iterate(Base.iterate(Base.tail(s)...), 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:92 Base.iterate(I)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.iterate(I::Nothing)
│││││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:761 Base.indexed_iterate(Base.iterate(Base.tail(s)...), 2, _4)
││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:97 Base.iterate(I, state)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.iterate(I::Nothing, state::Int64)
││┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/KKT/LDLFactorizations/ldlfact.jl:131 %144(%145, %146)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: %144::typeof(LinearAlgebra.ldiv!)(%145::LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{BigFloat}, %146::Vector{BigFloat})
│┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:236 val#310 = Tulip.solve_newton_system!(Δ, hsd, hx, hy, h0, Base.getproperty(res, :rp), Base.getproperty(res, :rl), Base.getproperty(res, :ru), Base.getproperty(res, :rd), Base.getproperty(res, :rg), Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Tulip.-(Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Base.getproperty(pt, :xl), Base.getproperty(pt, :zl)))), Base.getproperty(dat, :lflag))), Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Tulip.-(Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Base.getproperty(pt, :xu), Base.getproperty(pt, :zu)))), Base.getproperty(dat, :uflag))), Tulip.*(Tulip.-(Base.getproperty(pt, :τ)), Base.getproperty(pt, :κ)))
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:540 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch("array could not be broadcast to match destination")
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch("array could not be broadcast to match destination")
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%157)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%157::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%156)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%156::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %205, " and ", %206)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %205::Any, " and ", %206::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%207)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%207::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%224)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%224::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%228)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%228::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %269, " and ", %270)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %269::Any, " and ", %270::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%271)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%271::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%220)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%220::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%303)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%303::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %349, " and ", %350)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %349::Any, " and ", %350::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%351)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%351::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%376)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%376::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%385)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%385::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %426, " and ", %427)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %426::Any, " and ", %427::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%428)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%428::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%446)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%446::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%455)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%455::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %496, " and ", %497)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %496::Any, " and ", %497::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%498)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%498::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%211)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%211::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%509)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%509::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %562, " and ", %563)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %562::Any, " and ", %563::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%564)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%564::Any)
││┌ @ array.jl:1251 Base.ArgumentError("array must be non-empty")
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.ArgumentError("array must be non-empty")
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1463)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1463::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1467)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1467::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1508, " and ", %1509)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1508::Any, " and ", %1509::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1510)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1510::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1528)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1528::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1537)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1537::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1578, " and ", %1579)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1578::Any, " and ", %1579::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1580)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1580::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1847)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1847::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1851)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1851::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1892, " and ", %1893)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1892::Any, " and ", %1893::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1894)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1894::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2116)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2116::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2120)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2120::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2161, " and ", %2162)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2161::Any, " and ", %2162::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2163)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2163::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2181)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2181::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2190)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2190::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2231, " and ", %2232)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2231::Any, " and ", %2232::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2233)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2233::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2500)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2500::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2504)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2504::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2545, " and ", %2546)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2545::Any, " and ", %2546::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2547)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2547::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2771)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2771::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2775)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2775::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2816, " and ", %2817)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2816::Any, " and ", %2817::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2818)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2818::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2843)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2843::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2852)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2852::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2893, " and ", %2894)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2893::Any, " and ", %2894::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2895)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2895::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2913)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2913::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2922)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2922::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2963, " and ", %2964)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2963::Any, " and ", %2964::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2965)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2965::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3280)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3280::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3284)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3284::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3325, " and ", %3326)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3325::Any, " and ", %3326::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3327)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3327::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3551)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3551::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3555)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3555::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3596, " and ", %3597)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3596::Any, " and ", %3597::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3598)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3598::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3623)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3623::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3632)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3632::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3673, " and ", %3674)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3673::Any, " and ", %3674::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3675)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3675::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3693)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3693::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3702)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3702::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3743, " and ", %3744)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3743::Any, " and ", %3744::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3745)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3745::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4060)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4060::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4064)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4064::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4105, " and ", %4106)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4105::Any, " and ", %4106::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4107)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4107::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4578)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4578::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4582)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4582::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4623, " and ", %4624)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4623::Any, " and ", %4624::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4625)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4625::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4650)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4650::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4659)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4659::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4700, " and ", %4701)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4700::Any, " and ", %4701::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4702)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4702::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4720)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4720::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4729)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4729::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4770, " and ", %4771)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4770::Any, " and ", %4771::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4772)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4772::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5091)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5091::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5095)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5095::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5136, " and ", %5137)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5136::Any, " and ", %5137::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5138)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5138::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5163)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5163::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5172)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5172::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5213, " and ", %5214)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5213::Any, " and ", %5214::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5215)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5215::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5233)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5233::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5242)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5242::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5283, " and ", %5284)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5283::Any, " and ", %5284::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5285)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5285::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6702)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6702::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6706)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6706::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6747, " and ", %6748)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6747::Any, " and ", %6748::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6749)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6749::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6790)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6790::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6794)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6794::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6835, " and ", %6836)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6835::Any, " and ", %6836::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6837)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6837::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7570)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7570::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7574)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7574::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7615, " and ", %7616)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7615::Any, " and ", %7616::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7617)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7617::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7658)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7658::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7662)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7662::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7703, " and ", %7704)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7703::Any, " and ", %7704::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7705)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7705::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8419)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8419::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8423)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8423::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8464, " and ", %8465)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8464::Any, " and ", %8465::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8466)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8466::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8415)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8415::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8488)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8488::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8534, " and ", %8535)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8534::Any, " and ", %8535::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8536)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8536::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8551)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8551::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8560)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8560::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8601, " and ", %8602)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8601::Any, " and ", %8602::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8603)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8603::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9094)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9094::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9098)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9098::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9139, " and ", %9140)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9139::Any, " and ", %9140::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9141)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9141::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9090)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9090::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9163)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9163::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9209, " and ", %9210)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9209::Any, " and ", %9210::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9211)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9211::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9226)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9226::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9235)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9235::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9276, " and ", %9277)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9276::Any, " and ", %9277::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9278)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9278::Any)
│┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/step.jl:102 _(Tulip.//(999, 1000))
││┌ @ mpfr.jl:240 #self#(x, Base.getindex(Base.MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE))
│││┌ @ mpfr.jl:240 Base.MPFR.#BigFloat#13(Base.getindex(Base.MPFR.DEFAULT_PRECISION), #self#, x, r)
││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:240 Base.MPFR.setprecision(#14, Base.MPFR.BigFloat, precision)
│││││┌ @ mpfr.jl:833 Base.MPFR.DomainError(prec, "`precision` cannot be less than 2.")
││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.MPFR.DomainError(prec::Int64, "`precision` cannot be less than 2.")
│┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/step.jl:107 αc = Tulip.compute_higher_corrector!(Δc, hsd, γ, hx, hy, h0, Δ, α_, Base.getproperty(params, :CentralityOutlierThreshold))
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%101)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%101::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%105)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%105::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %146, " and ", %147)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %146::Any, " and ", %147::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%148)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%148::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%182)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%182::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%186)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%186::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %227, " and ", %228)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %227::Any, " and ", %228::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%229)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%229::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%173)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%173::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%254)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%254::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %300, " and ", %301)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %300::Any, " and ", %301::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%302)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%302::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%320)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%320::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%329)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%329::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %370, " and ", %371)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %370::Any, " and ", %371::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%372)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%372::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%685)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%685::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%689)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%689::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %730, " and ", %731)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %730::Any, " and ", %731::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%732)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%732::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%766)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%766::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%770)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%770::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %811, " and ", %812)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %811::Any, " and ", %812::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%813)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%813::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%757)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%757::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%838)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%838::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %884, " and ", %885)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %884::Any, " and ", %885::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%886)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%886::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%904)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%904::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%913)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%913::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %954, " and ", %955)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %954::Any, " and ", %955::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%956)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%956::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%17)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%17::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%21)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%21::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %62, " and ", %63)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %62::Any, " and ", %63::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%64)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%64::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%82)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%82::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%91)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%91::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %132, " and ", %133)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %132::Any, " and ", %133::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%134)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%134::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%403)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%403::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%407)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%407::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %448, " and ", %449)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %448::Any, " and ", %449::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%450)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%450::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%468)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%468::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%477)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%477::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %518, " and ", %519)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %518::Any, " and ", %519::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%520)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%520::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%785)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%785::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%789)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%789::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %830, " and ", %831)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %830::Any, " and ", %831::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%832)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%832::Any)
│┌ @ logging.jl:365 Base.CoreLogging.handle_message(%2075, %2071, %2062, %2069, %2070, %2067, %2066, %2065)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.CoreLogging.handle_message(%2075::Base.CoreLogging.AbstractLogger, %2071::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, %2062::String, %2069::Module, %2070::Symbol, %2067::Symbol, %2066::String, %2065::Int64)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2318)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2318::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2322)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2322::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2363, " and ", %2364)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2363::Any, " and ", %2364::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2365)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2365::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2390)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2390::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2399)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2399::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2440, " and ", %2441)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2440::Any, " and ", %2441::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2442)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2442::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2460)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2460::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2469)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2469::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2510, " and ", %2511)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2510::Any, " and ", %2511::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2512)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2512::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2832)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2832::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2836)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2836::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2877, " and ", %2878)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2877::Any, " and ", %2878::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2879)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2879::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2904)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2904::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2954, " and ", %2955)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2954::Any, " and ", %2955::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2956)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2956::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2974)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2974::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2983)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2983::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3024, " and ", %3025)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3024::Any, " and ", %3025::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3026)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3026::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3346)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3346::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3350)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3350::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3391, " and ", %3392)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3391::Any, " and ", %3392::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3393)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3393::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3613)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3613::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3617)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3617::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3658, " and ", %3659)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3658::Any, " and ", %3659::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3660)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3660::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3678)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3678::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3687)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3687::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3728, " and ", %3729)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3728::Any, " and ", %3729::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3730)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3730::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3998)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3998::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4002)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4002::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4043, " and ", %4044)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4043::Any, " and ", %4044::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4045)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4045::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4265)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4265::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4269)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4269::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4310, " and ", %4311)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4310::Any, " and ", %4311::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4312)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4312::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4330)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4330::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4339)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4339::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4380, " and ", %4381)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4380::Any, " and ", %4381::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4382)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4382::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4652)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4652::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4656)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4656::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4697, " and ", %4698)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4697::Any, " and ", %4698::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4699)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4699::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4717)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4717::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4726)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4726::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4767, " and ", %4768)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4767::Any, " and ", %4768::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4769)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4769::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5037)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5037::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5041)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5041::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5082, " and ", %5083)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5082::Any, " and ", %5083::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5084)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5084::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5102)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5102::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5111)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5111::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5152, " and ", %5153)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5152::Any, " and ", %5153::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5154)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5154::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5471)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5471::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5475)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5475::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5516, " and ", %5517)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5516::Any, " and ", %5517::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5518)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5518::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5700)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5700::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5704)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5704::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5745, " and ", %5746)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5745::Any, " and ", %5746::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5747)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5747::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5966)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5966::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5970)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5970::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6011, " and ", %6012)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6011::Any, " and ", %6012::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6013)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6013::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6195)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6195::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6199)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6199::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6240, " and ", %6241)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6240::Any, " and ", %6241::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6242)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6242::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7256)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7256::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7260)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7260::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7301, " and ", %7302)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7301::Any, " and ", %7302::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7303)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7303::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7340)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7340::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7344)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7344::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7385, " and ", %7386)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7385::Any, " and ", %7386::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7387)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7387::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7328)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7328::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7412)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7412::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7458, " and ", %7459)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7458::Any, " and ", %7459::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7460)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7460::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7478)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7478::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7487)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7487::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7528, " and ", %7529)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7528::Any, " and ", %7529::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7530)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7530::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7838)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7838::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7842)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7842::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7883, " and ", %7884)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7883::Any, " and ", %7884::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7885)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7885::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7922)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7922::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7926)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7926::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7967, " and ", %7968)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7967::Any, " and ", %7968::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7969)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7969::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7910)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7910::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7994)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7994::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8040, " and ", %8041)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8040::Any, " and ", %8041::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8042)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8042::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8060)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8060::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8069)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8069::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8110, " and ", %8111)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8110::Any, " and ", %8111::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8112)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8112::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:348 Base.string("Solver exited with status ", Base.getproperty(hsd, :solver_status))
│┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(s, x)
│││┌ @ Enums.jl:34 Base.Enums._symbol(x)
││││┌ @ Enums.jl:31 Base.Enums.get(#1, names, x)
│││││┌ @ dict.jl:530 default()
││││││┌ @ Enums.jl:31 Base.string("<invalid #", Core.getfield(#self#, :x), ">")
│││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(%109, %124)
│││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.print(%109::IOBuffer, %124::Any)
│││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 string(::String, ::Int32, ::String)
││││││││ failed to optimize: string(::String, ::Int32, ::String)
││││││┌ @ Enums.jl:31 (::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32})()
│││││││ failed to optimize: (::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32})()
│││││┌ @ dict.jl:528 get(::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32}, ::Dict{Int32, Symbol}, ::Int32)
││││││ failed to optimize: get(::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32}, ::Dict{Int32, Symbol}, ::Int32)
││││┌ @ Enums.jl:28 Base.Enums._symbol(::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
│││││ failed to optimize: Base.Enums._symbol(::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
│││┌ @ Enums.jl:34 print(::IOBuffer, ::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
││││ failed to optimize: print(::IOBuffer, ::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:348 Tulip.println(Base.string("Solver exited with status ", Base.getproperty(hsd, :solver_status)))
│┌ @ coreio.jl:4 Base.println(Core.tuple(Core.typeassert(Base.stdout, Base.IO)), xs...)
││┌ @ strings/io.jl:75 Base.print(Core.tuple(io), xs, Core.tuple("\n")...)
│││┌ @ strings/io.jl:43 Base.lock(io)
││││┌ @ show.jl:334 Base.lock(Base.getproperty(io, :io))
│││││┌ @ stream.jl:282 Base.lock(Base.getproperty(s, :lock))
││││││┌ @ lock.jl:100 Base.wait(Base.getproperty(rl, :cond_wait))
│││││││┌ @ condition.jl:123 = Base.wait()
││││││││┌ @ task.jl:837 result = Base.try_yieldto(Base.ensure_rescheduled)
│││││││││┌ @ task.jl:774 Base.getproperty(%7, :result)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%7::Task, :result::Symbol)
│││││││││┌ @ task.jl:775 Base.setproperty!(%7, :result, Base.nothing)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.setproperty!(%7::Task, :result::Symbol, Base.nothing)
│││││││││┌ @ task.jl:776 Base.setproperty!(%7, :_isexception, false)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.setproperty!(%7::Task, :_isexception::Symbol, false)
│││││││┌ @ condition.jl:125 Base.list_deletefirst!(Base.getproperty(ct, :queue), ct)
││││││││┌ @ linked_list.jl:145 Base.isequal(Base.getproperty(h, :value), val)
│││││││││┌ @ gcutils.jl:4 Base.isequal(%1, v)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.isequal(%1::Any, v::Task)
│││││││┌ @ condition.jl:125 Base.list_deletefirst!(%25, %19)
││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.list_deletefirst!(%25::Any, %19::Task)
│┌ @ coreio.jl:4 Base.println(%3, %4)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.println(%3::IO, %4::String)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:217 format(%9, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x28, 0x48, 0x53, 0x44, 0x29, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:22], ()))
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%9::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x28, 0x48, 0x53, 0x44, 0x29, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:22], ()))
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:218 format(%12, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x43, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %11)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%12::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x43, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %11::Int64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:219 format(%15, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x56, 0x61, 0x72, 0x69, 0x61, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %14)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%15::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x56, 0x61, 0x72, 0x69, 0x61, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %14::Int64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:221 format(%22, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x52, 0x48, 0x53, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %20, %21)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%22::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x52, 0x48, 0x53, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %20::BigFloat, %21::BigFloat)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%30)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%30::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%34)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%34::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %75, " and ", %76)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %75::Any, " and ", %76::Any)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%77)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%77::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:223 format(%294, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x4c, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %292, %293)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%294::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x4c, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %292::BigFloat, %293::BigFloat)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%302)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%302::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%306)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%306::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %347, " and ", %348)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %347::Any, " and ", %348::Any)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%349)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%349::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:225 format(%566, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x55, 0x70, 0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %564, %565)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%566::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x55, 0x70, 0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %564::BigFloat, %565::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:228 format(%568, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4c, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x61, 0x72, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:23], ()))
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%568::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4c, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x61, 0x72, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:23], ()))
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:229 format(%570, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Arithmetic", BigFloat)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%570::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Arithmetic", BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:230 format(%572, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Backend", "LDLFactorizations")
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%572::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Backend", "LDLFactorizations")
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:231 format(%574, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "System", "Augmented system (K2)")
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%574::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "System", "Augmented system (K2)")
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:236 format(%579, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, NTuple{8, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 5:6, 11:12, 17:18, 22:22, 26:26, 30:31, 35:36, 40:40], (%4s, %14s, %14s, %8s, %8s, %8s, %7s, %4s)), "Itn", "PObj", "DObj", "PFeas", "DFeas", "GFeas", "Mu", "Time")
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%579::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, NTuple{8, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 5:6, 11:12, 17:18, 22:22, 26:26, 30:31, 35:36, 40:40], (%4s, %14s, %14s, %8s, %8s, %8s, %7s, %4s)), "Itn", "PObj", "DObj", "PFeas", "DFeas", "GFeas", "Mu", "Time")
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:270 format(%1959, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x25, 0x34, 0x64], UnitRange{Int64}[1:0, 4:3], (%4.0d,)), %1958)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1959::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x25, 0x34, 0x64], UnitRange{Int64}[1:0, 4:3], (%4.0d,)), %1958::Int64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:274 format(%2048, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %2047)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2048::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %2047::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:275 format(%2052, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %2051)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2052::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %2051::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:278 format(%2059, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%8.2e,)), %2058)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2059::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%8.2e,)), %2058::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:279 format(%2063, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %2062)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2063::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %2062::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:280 format(%2067, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %2066)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2067::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %2066::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:283 format(%2071, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%7.1e,)), %2070)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2071::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%7.1e,)), %2070::BigFloat)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:286 format(%2073, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'f'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x66], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 7:6], (%.2f,)), %1954)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%2073::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'f'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x66], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 7:6], (%.2f,)), %1954::Float64)
#============= Float64 =============#
═════ 412 possible errors found ═════
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:217 Base.getproperty(Printf, :format)(Tulip.stdout, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x28, 0x48, 0x53, 0x44, 0x29, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:22], ()))
│┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:823 Printf.computelen(Base.getproperty(f, :substringranges), Base.getproperty(f, :formats), args)
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Printf/src/Printf.jl:793 Printf.:(17, Printf.length(formats))
│││┌ @ range.jl:3 Base.promote(a, b)
││││┌ @ promotion.jl:351 Base.not_sametype(Core.tuple(x, y), Core.tuple(px, py))
│││││┌ @ promotion.jl:368 Base.sametype_error(x)
││││││┌ @ promotion.jl:374, input)
│││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:222 f(Base.getindex(t, 1))
││││││││┌ @ promotion.jl:375 Base.string(Base.typeof(x))
│││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
││││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(s, x)
│││││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:35, x)
││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:881 Base._show_type(io, Base.inferencebarrier(x))
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:886 Base.show_typealias(io, x)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:723 alias = Base.make_typealias(properx)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:533 mods = Base.modulesof!(Core.apply_type(Base.Set, Base.Module)(), x)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:506 Base.modulesof!(s, %20)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.modulesof!(s::Set{Module}, %20::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:507 Base.modulesof!(s, %30)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.modulesof!(s::Set{Module}, %30::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:537 Base.uniontypes(Base.unwrap_unionall(x))
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:891 Base._uniontypes(x, Base.getindex(Base.Any))
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:889 Base._uniontypes(%1, ts)
││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base._uniontypes(%1::Any, ts::Vector{Any})
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:889 Base._uniontypes(%3, ts)
││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base._uniontypes(%3::Any, ts::Vector{Any})
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:891 Base._uniontypes(x, %1)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base._uniontypes(x::Any, %1::Vector{Any})
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:568 applied = Base.rewrap_unionall(applied, p)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:278 Base.rewrap_unionall(%8, %9)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(%8::Any, %9::UnionAll)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:270 Base.rewrap_unionall(t, %8)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(t::Any, %8::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:270 Base.UnionAll(%6, %9)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.UnionAll(%6::TypeVar, %9::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:597 Base.BoundsError(%277, 1)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, 1)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:93 Base.BoundsError(%277, 1)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, 1)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ essentials.jl:597 Base.BoundsError(%277, %295)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, %295::Int64)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:98 Base.BoundsError(%277, 2)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.BoundsError(%277::Core.SimpleVector, 2)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:568 Base.rewrap_unionall(%365, %363)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(%365::Any, %363::UnionAll)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:726 Base.show_typealias(io, Base.getindex(alias, 1), x, Base.getindex(alias, 2), wheres)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:673 Base.show_typeparams(io, env, Core.svec(vars...), wheres)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:637, p)
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2455 show_bound(io, lb)
││││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2447, b)
│││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, b::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:632, %259)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %259::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:635, %315)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %315::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:640, %202)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %202::Any)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:889 Base.show_datatype(io, x)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:989 #self#(io, x, Base.getindex(Base.TypeVar))
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.show_typeparams(io, parameters, Base.getproperty(Base.unwrap_unionall(Base.getproperty(Base.getproperty(x, :name), :wrapper)), :parameters), wheres)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:637, p)
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2455 show_bound(io, lb)
││││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:2447, b)
│││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, b::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:632, %257)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %257::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:635, %312)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %312::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:640, %201)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %201::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:997, %22)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %22::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1005, %64)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %64::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.getproperty(%121, :parameters)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%121::Any, :parameters::Symbol)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.show_typeparams(io, %1, %128, wheres)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typeparams(io::IOBuffer, %1::Core.SimpleVector, %128::Any, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:892 Base.show_unionaliases(io, x)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.make_typealiases(properx)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:734 mods = Base.modulesof!(Core.apply_type(Base.Set, Base.Module)(), x)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:506 Base.modulesof!(s, Base.getproperty(x, :a))
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:500 Base.modulesof!(s, %1)
││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.modulesof!(s::Set{Module}, %1::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:770 ul = Base.unionlen(applied)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:886 Base.unionlen(%1)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.unionlen(%1::Any)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ reflection.jl:886 Base.unionlen(%3)
│││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.unionlen(%3::Any)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:790 Core.kwfunc(Base.sort!)(Core.apply_type(Core.NamedTuple, (:by, :rev))(Core.tuple(#469, true)), Base.sort!, aliases)
││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:711 Base.Sort.#sort!#8(alg, lt, by, rev, order, _3, v)
│││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:723 Base.Sort.sort!(v, alg, ordr)
││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:662 Base.Sort.sort!(v, Base.Sort.first(inds), Base.Sort.last(inds), alg, order)
│││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:591 #self#(v, lo, hi, a, o, Base.Sort.similar(v, 0))
││││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:592 Base.Sort.sort!(v, lo, hi, Base.Sort.SMALL_ALGORITHM, o)
│││││││││││││││││││││┌ @ sort.jl:507, x, Base.getindex(v, Base.Sort.-(j, 1)))
││││││││││││││││││││││┌ @ ordering.jl:111$(QuoteNode(Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}(Base.Order.ForwardOrdering()))), %9, %20)
│││││││││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:$(QuoteNode(Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}(Base.Order.ForwardOrdering())))::Base.Order.ReverseOrdering{Base.Order.ForwardOrdering}, %9::Any, %20::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.make_typealiases(%10)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.make_typealiases(%10::Union{Type{Any}, Union})
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.indexed_iterate(%19, 1)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.indexed_iterate(%19::Union{Tuple{Vector{Core.SimpleVector}, Type}, Tuple{Core.SimpleVector, Core.TypeofBottom}}, 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:813 Base.indexed_iterate(%19, 2, %30)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.indexed_iterate(%19::Union{Tuple{Vector{Core.SimpleVector}, Type}, Tuple{Core.SimpleVector, Core.TypeofBottom}}, 2, %30::Int64)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:821 Base.rewrap_unionall(%77, %10)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.rewrap_unionall(%77::Any, %10::Union{Type{Any}, Union})
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:826, %77)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:, %77::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:830 Base.getindex(%183, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%183::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:830 Base.make_wheres(io, %184, x)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.make_wheres(io::IOBuffer, %184::Any, x::Union)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:831 Base.getindex(%183, 1)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%183::Any, 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:831 Base.getindex(%183, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%183::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:831 Base.show_typealias(io, %186, x, %187, %185)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typealias(io::IOBuffer, %186::Any, x::Union, %187::Any, %185::Vector{TypeVar})
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:837 Base.getindex(%244, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:838 Base.getindex(%244, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:838 Base.make_wheres(io, %260, x)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.make_wheres(io::IOBuffer, %260::Any, x::Union)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:839 Base.getindex(%244, 1)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 1)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:839 Base.getindex(%244, 2)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getindex(%244::Any, 2)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:839 Base.show_typealias(io, %262, x, %263, %261)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typealias(io::IOBuffer, %262::Any, x::Union, %263::Any, %261::Vector{TypeVar})
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:896 Base.show_delim_array(io, Base.uniontypes(x), '{', ',', '}', false)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1201 #self#(io, itr, op, delim, cl, delim_one, Base.first(Base.LinearIndices(itr)), Base.last(Base.LinearIndices(itr)))
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1212, %44)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %44::Any)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:923 Base.show_datatype(io, x, wheres)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1010 Base.show_type_name(io, Base.getproperty(x, :name))
│││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:970 Base.isvisible(%38, %86, %80)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.isvisible(%38::Symbol, %86::Module, %80::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:997, %22)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %22::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1005, %66)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %66::Any)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.getproperty(%125, :parameters)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%125::Any, :parameters::Symbol)
││││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:1011 Base.show_typeparams(io, %1, %132, wheres)
│││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_typeparams(io::IOContext{IOBuffer}, %1::Core.SimpleVector, %132::Any, wheres::Vector{TypeVar})
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:884 Base.getproperty(%20, :name)
││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%20::Any, :name::Symbol)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:884 Base.show_type_name(io, %27)
││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.show_type_name(io::IOBuffer, %27::Any)
│││││││││││││┌ @ show.jl:925, %91)
││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected:{IOBuffer}, %91::Any)
┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:232 accumulated_data#385 = push!(local_to#383, "Main loop")
│┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:98 TimerOutputs.push!(Base.getproperty(to, :timer_stack), timer)
││┌ @ array.jl:994 Base.convert(_, item)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.convert(_::Type{TimerOutputs.TimerOutput}, item::Nothing)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:288 Tulip.print("\n")
│┌ @ coreio.jl:3 Base.print(%3, %4)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.print(%3::IO, %4::String)
┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:236 val#406 = Tulip.compute_step!(hsd, params)
│┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:236 val#304 = Tulip.KKT.update!(Base.getproperty(hsd, :kkt), θinv, Base.getproperty(hsd, :regP), Base.getproperty(hsd, :regD))
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl:232 LinearAlgebra.size(%105)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: LinearAlgebra.size(%105::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64})
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl:232 Base.string("matrix is not square: dimensions are ", %111)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("matrix is not square: dimensions are ", %111::Any)
││┌ @ /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/src/LinearAlgebra.jl:232 LinearAlgebra.DimensionMismatch(%112)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: LinearAlgebra.DimensionMismatch(%112::Any)
││┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/KKT/LDLFactorizations/ldlfact.jl:113 %104(%116, %119)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: %104::typeof(LDLFactorizations.ldl_factorize!)(%116::LinearAlgebra.Symmetric{Float64, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}}, %119::LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{Float64})
│┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/step.jl:62 Tulip.KKT.solve!(hx, hy, Base.getproperty(hsd, :kkt), Base.getproperty(dat, :b), ξ_)
││┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/KKT/LDLFactorizations/ldlfact.jl:131 LDLFactorizations.ldiv!(Base.getproperty(kkt, :F), Base.getproperty(kkt, :ξ))
│││┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/LDLFactorizations/UlVgR/src/LDLFactorizations.jl:590 LDLFactorizations.ldl_solve!(Base.getproperty(LDL, :n), b, Base.getproperty(LDL, :Lp), Base.getproperty(LDL, :Li), Base.getproperty(LDL, :Lx), Base.getproperty(LDL, :d), Base.getproperty(LDL, :P))
││││┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/LDLFactorizations/UlVgR/src/LDLFactorizations.jl:284 y = maybeview(b, P)
│││││┌ @ views.jl:146 Base.view(Core.tuple(A), args...)
││││││┌ @ subarray.jl:178 Base.unsafe_view(Core.tuple(Base._maybe_reshape_parent(A, Base.index_ndims(J...))), J...)
│││││││┌ @ subarray.jl:209 Base.SubArray(A, I)
││││││││┌ @ subarray.jl:28 Base.ensure_indexable(indices)
│││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:797 Base.collect(Base.getindex(I, 1))
││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:740 Base.collect(Base.Generator(Base.identity, L))
│││││││││││┌ @ array.jl:724 y = Base.iterate(itr)
││││││││││││┌ @ generator.jl:44 y = Base.iterate(Core.tuple(Base.getproperty(g, :iter)), s...)
│││││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:750 Base.iterate(L, Core.tuple(1, r))
││││││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:761 Base.indexed_iterate(Base.iterate(Base.tail(s)...), 1)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:92 Base.iterate(I)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.iterate(I::Nothing)
││││││││││││││┌ @ multidimensional.jl:761 Base.indexed_iterate(Base.iterate(Base.tail(s)...), 2, _4)
│││││││││││││││┌ @ tuple.jl:97 Base.iterate(I, state)
││││││││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.iterate(I::Nothing, state::Int64)
││┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/KKT/LDLFactorizations/ldlfact.jl:131 %144(%145, %146)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: %144::typeof(LinearAlgebra.ldiv!)(%145::LDLFactorizations.LDLFactorization{Float64}, %146::Vector{Float64})
│┌ @ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:236 val#310 = Tulip.solve_newton_system!(Δ, hsd, hx, hy, h0, Base.getproperty(res, :rp), Base.getproperty(res, :rl), Base.getproperty(res, :ru), Base.getproperty(res, :rd), Base.getproperty(res, :rg), Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Tulip.-(Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Base.getproperty(pt, :xl), Base.getproperty(pt, :zl)))), Base.getproperty(dat, :lflag))), Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Tulip.-(Base.materialize(Base.broadcasted(Tulip.*, Base.getproperty(pt, :xu), Base.getproperty(pt, :zu)))), Base.getproperty(dat, :uflag))), Tulip.*(Tulip.-(Base.getproperty(pt, :τ)), Base.getproperty(pt, :κ)))
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:540 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch("array could not be broadcast to match destination")
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch("array could not be broadcast to match destination")
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%157)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%157::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%156)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%156::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %205, " and ", %206)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %205::Any, " and ", %206::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%207)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%207::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%224)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%224::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%228)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%228::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %269, " and ", %270)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %269::Any, " and ", %270::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%271)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%271::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%220)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%220::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%303)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%303::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %349, " and ", %350)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %349::Any, " and ", %350::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%351)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%351::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%376)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%376::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%385)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%385::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %426, " and ", %427)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %426::Any, " and ", %427::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%428)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%428::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%446)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%446::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%455)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%455::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %496, " and ", %497)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %496::Any, " and ", %497::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%498)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%498::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%211)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%211::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%509)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%509::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %562, " and ", %563)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %562::Any, " and ", %563::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%564)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%564::Any)
││┌ @ array.jl:1251 Base.ArgumentError("array must be non-empty")
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.ArgumentError("array must be non-empty")
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1465)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1465::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1469)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1469::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1510, " and ", %1511)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1510::Any, " and ", %1511::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1512)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1512::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1530)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1530::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1539)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1539::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1580, " and ", %1581)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1580::Any, " and ", %1581::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1582)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1582::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1850)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1850::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%1854)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%1854::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1895, " and ", %1896)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %1895::Any, " and ", %1896::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1897)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%1897::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2121)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2121::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2125)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2125::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2166, " and ", %2167)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2166::Any, " and ", %2167::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2168)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2168::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2186)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2186::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2195)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2195::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2236, " and ", %2237)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2236::Any, " and ", %2237::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2238)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2238::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2506)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2506::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2510)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2510::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2551, " and ", %2552)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2551::Any, " and ", %2552::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2553)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2553::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2779)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2779::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2783)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2783::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2824, " and ", %2825)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2824::Any, " and ", %2825::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2826)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2826::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2851)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2851::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2860)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2860::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2901, " and ", %2902)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2901::Any, " and ", %2902::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2903)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2903::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2921)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2921::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2930)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2930::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2971, " and ", %2972)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2971::Any, " and ", %2972::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2973)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2973::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3289)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3289::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3293)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3293::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3334, " and ", %3335)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3334::Any, " and ", %3335::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3336)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3336::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3562)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3562::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3566)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3566::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3607, " and ", %3608)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3607::Any, " and ", %3608::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3609)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3609::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3634)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3634::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3643)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3643::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3684, " and ", %3685)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3684::Any, " and ", %3685::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3686)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3686::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3704)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3704::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3713)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3713::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3754, " and ", %3755)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3754::Any, " and ", %3755::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3756)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3756::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4072)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4072::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4076)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4076::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4117, " and ", %4118)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4117::Any, " and ", %4118::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4119)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4119::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4592)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4592::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4596)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4596::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4637, " and ", %4638)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4637::Any, " and ", %4638::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4639)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4639::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4664)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4664::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4673)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4673::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4714, " and ", %4715)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4714::Any, " and ", %4715::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4716)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4716::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4734)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4734::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4743)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4743::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4784, " and ", %4785)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4784::Any, " and ", %4785::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4786)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4786::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5106)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5106::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5110)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5110::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5151, " and ", %5152)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5151::Any, " and ", %5152::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5153)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5153::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5178)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5178::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5187)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5187::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5228, " and ", %5229)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5228::Any, " and ", %5229::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5230)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5230::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5248)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5248::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5257)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5257::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5298, " and ", %5299)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5298::Any, " and ", %5299::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5300)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5300::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6720)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6720::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6724)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6724::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6765, " and ", %6766)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6765::Any, " and ", %6766::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6767)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6767::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6808)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6808::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6812)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6812::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6853, " and ", %6854)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6853::Any, " and ", %6854::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6855)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6855::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7590)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7590::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7594)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7594::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7635, " and ", %7636)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7635::Any, " and ", %7636::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7637)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7637::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7678)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7678::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7682)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7682::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7723, " and ", %7724)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7723::Any, " and ", %7724::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7725)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7725::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8441)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8441::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8445)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8445::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8486, " and ", %8487)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8486::Any, " and ", %8487::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8488)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8488::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8437)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8437::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8510)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8510::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8556, " and ", %8557)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8556::Any, " and ", %8557::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8558)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8558::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8573)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8573::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%8582)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%8582::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8623, " and ", %8624)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %8623::Any, " and ", %8624::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8625)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%8625::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9117)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9117::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9121)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9121::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9162, " and ", %9163)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9162::Any, " and ", %9163::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9164)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9164::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9113)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9113::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9186)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9186::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9232, " and ", %9233)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9232::Any, " and ", %9233::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9234)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9234::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9249)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9249::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%9258)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%9258::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9299, " and ", %9300)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %9299::Any, " and ", %9300::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9301)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%9301::Any)
│┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/step.jl:107 αc = Tulip.compute_higher_corrector!(Δc, hsd, γ, hx, hy, h0, Δ, α_, Base.getproperty(params, :CentralityOutlierThreshold))
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%32)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%32::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%36)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%36::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %77, " and ", %78)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %77::Any, " and ", %78::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%79)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%79::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%113)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%113::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%117)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%117::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %158, " and ", %159)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %158::Any, " and ", %159::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%160)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%160::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%104)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%104::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%185)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%185::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %231, " and ", %232)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %231::Any, " and ", %232::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%233)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%233::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%251)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%251::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%260)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%260::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %301, " and ", %302)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %301::Any, " and ", %302::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%303)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%303::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%617)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%617::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%621)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%621::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %662, " and ", %663)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %662::Any, " and ", %663::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%664)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%664::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%698)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%698::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%702)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%702::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %743, " and ", %744)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %743::Any, " and ", %744::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%745)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%745::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%689)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%689::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%770)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%770::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %816, " and ", %817)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %816::Any, " and ", %817::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%818)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%818::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%836)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%836::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%845)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%845::Base.OneTo{Int64})
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %886, " and ", %887)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %886::Any, " and ", %887::Any)
││┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%888)
│││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%888::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%17)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%17::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%21)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%21::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %62, " and ", %63)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %62::Any, " and ", %63::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%64)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%64::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%82)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%82::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%91)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%91::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %132, " and ", %133)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %132::Any, " and ", %133::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%134)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%134::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%404)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%404::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%408)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%408::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %449, " and ", %450)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %449::Any, " and ", %450::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%451)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%451::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%469)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%469::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%478)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%478::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %519, " and ", %520)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %519::Any, " and ", %520::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%521)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%521::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%787)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%787::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%791)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%791::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %832, " and ", %833)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %832::Any, " and ", %833::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%834)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%834::Any)
│┌ @ logging.jl:365 Base.CoreLogging.handle_message(%2119, %2115, %2106, %2113, %2114, %2111, %2110, %2109)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.CoreLogging.handle_message(%2119::Base.CoreLogging.AbstractLogger, %2115::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, %2106::String, %2113::Module, %2114::Symbol, %2111::Symbol, %2110::String, %2109::Int64)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2282)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2282::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2286)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2286::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2327, " and ", %2328)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2327::Any, " and ", %2328::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2329)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2329::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2354)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2354::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2363)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2363::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2404, " and ", %2405)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2404::Any, " and ", %2405::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2406)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2406::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2424)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2424::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2433)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2433::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2474, " and ", %2475)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2474::Any, " and ", %2475::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2476)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2476::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2797)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2797::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2801)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2801::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2842, " and ", %2843)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2842::Any, " and ", %2843::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2844)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2844::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2869)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2869::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2878)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2878::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2919, " and ", %2920)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2919::Any, " and ", %2920::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2921)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2921::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2939)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2939::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%2948)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%2948::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2989, " and ", %2990)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %2989::Any, " and ", %2990::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2991)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%2991::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3312)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3312::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3316)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3316::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3357, " and ", %3358)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3357::Any, " and ", %3358::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3359)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3359::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3580)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3580::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3584)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3584::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3625, " and ", %3626)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3625::Any, " and ", %3626::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3627)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3627::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3645)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3645::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3654)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3654::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3695, " and ", %3696)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %3695::Any, " and ", %3696::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3697)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%3697::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3967)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3967::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%3971)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%3971::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4012, " and ", %4013)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4012::Any, " and ", %4013::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4014)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4014::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4235)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4235::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4239)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4239::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4280, " and ", %4281)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4280::Any, " and ", %4281::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4282)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4282::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4300)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4300::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4309)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4309::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4350, " and ", %4351)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4350::Any, " and ", %4351::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4352)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4352::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4624)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4624::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4628)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4628::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4669, " and ", %4670)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4669::Any, " and ", %4670::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4671)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4671::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4689)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4689::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%4698)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%4698::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4739, " and ", %4740)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %4739::Any, " and ", %4740::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4741)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%4741::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5010)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5010::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5014)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5014::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5055, " and ", %5056)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5055::Any, " and ", %5056::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5057)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5057::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5075)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5075::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5084)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5084::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5125, " and ", %5126)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5125::Any, " and ", %5126::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5127)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5127::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5449)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5449::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5453)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5453::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5494, " and ", %5495)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5494::Any, " and ", %5495::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5496)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5496::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5678)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5678::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5682)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5682::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5723, " and ", %5724)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5723::Any, " and ", %5724::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5725)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5725::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5945)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5945::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%5949)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%5949::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5990, " and ", %5991)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %5990::Any, " and ", %5991::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5992)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%5992::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6174)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6174::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%6178)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%6178::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6219, " and ", %6220)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %6219::Any, " and ", %6220::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6221)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%6221::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7128)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7128::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7132)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7132::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7173, " and ", %7174)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7173::Any, " and ", %7174::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7175)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7175::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7212)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7212::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7216)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7216::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7257, " and ", %7258)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7257::Any, " and ", %7258::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7259)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7259::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7200)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7200::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7284)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7284::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7330, " and ", %7331)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7330::Any, " and ", %7331::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7332)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7332::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7350)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7350::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7359)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7359::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7400, " and ", %7401)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7400::Any, " and ", %7401::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7402)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7402::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7711)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7711::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7715)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7715::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7756, " and ", %7757)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7756::Any, " and ", %7757::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7758)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7758::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7795)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7795::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7799)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7799::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7840, " and ", %7841)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7840::Any, " and ", %7841::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7842)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7842::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7783)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7783::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7867)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7867::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7913, " and ", %7914)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7913::Any, " and ", %7914::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7915)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7915::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7933)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7933::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%7942)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%7942::Base.OneTo{Int64})
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7983, " and ", %7984)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %7983::Any, " and ", %7984::Any)
│┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7985)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%7985::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:348 Base.string("Solver exited with status ", Base.getproperty(hsd, :solver_status))
│┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(s, x)
│││┌ @ Enums.jl:34 Base.Enums._symbol(x)
││││┌ @ Enums.jl:31 Base.Enums.get(#1, names, x)
│││││┌ @ dict.jl:530 default()
││││││┌ @ Enums.jl:31 Base.string("<invalid #", Core.getfield(#self#, :x), ">")
│││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 Base.print_to_string(xs...)
││││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:144 Base.print(%109, %124)
│││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.print(%109::IOBuffer, %124::Any)
│││││││┌ @ strings/io.jl:185 string(::String, ::Int32, ::String)
││││││││ failed to optimize: string(::String, ::Int32, ::String)
││││││┌ @ Enums.jl:31 (::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32})()
│││││││ failed to optimize: (::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32})()
│││││┌ @ dict.jl:528 get(::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32}, ::Dict{Int32, Symbol}, ::Int32)
││││││ failed to optimize: get(::Base.Enums.var"#1#2"{Int32}, ::Dict{Int32, Symbol}, ::Int32)
││││┌ @ Enums.jl:28 Base.Enums._symbol(::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
│││││ failed to optimize: Base.Enums._symbol(::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
│││┌ @ Enums.jl:34 print(::IOBuffer, ::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
││││ failed to optimize: print(::IOBuffer, ::Tulip.TerminationStatus)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:348 Tulip.println(Base.string("Solver exited with status ", Base.getproperty(hsd, :solver_status)))
│┌ @ coreio.jl:4 Base.println(Core.tuple(Core.typeassert(Base.stdout, Base.IO)), xs...)
││┌ @ strings/io.jl:75 Base.print(Core.tuple(io), xs, Core.tuple("\n")...)
│││┌ @ strings/io.jl:43 Base.lock(io)
││││┌ @ show.jl:334 Base.lock(Base.getproperty(io, :io))
│││││┌ @ stream.jl:282 Base.lock(Base.getproperty(s, :lock))
││││││┌ @ lock.jl:100 Base.wait(Base.getproperty(rl, :cond_wait))
│││││││┌ @ condition.jl:123 = Base.wait()
││││││││┌ @ task.jl:837 result = Base.try_yieldto(Base.ensure_rescheduled)
│││││││││┌ @ task.jl:774 Base.getproperty(%7, :result)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.getproperty(%7::Task, :result::Symbol)
│││││││││┌ @ task.jl:775 Base.setproperty!(%7, :result, Base.nothing)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.setproperty!(%7::Task, :result::Symbol, Base.nothing)
│││││││││┌ @ task.jl:776 Base.setproperty!(%7, :_isexception, false)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.setproperty!(%7::Task, :_isexception::Symbol, false)
│││││││┌ @ condition.jl:125 Base.list_deletefirst!(Base.getproperty(ct, :queue), ct)
││││││││┌ @ linked_list.jl:145 Base.isequal(Base.getproperty(h, :value), val)
│││││││││┌ @ gcutils.jl:4 Base.isequal(%1, v)
││││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.isequal(%1::Any, v::Task)
│││││││┌ @ condition.jl:125 Base.list_deletefirst!(%25, %19)
││││││││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.list_deletefirst!(%25::Any, %19::Task)
│┌ @ coreio.jl:4 Base.println(%3, %4)
││ runtime dispatch detected: Base.println(%3::IO, %4::String)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:217 format(%9, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x28, 0x48, 0x53, 0x44, 0x29, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:22], ()))
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%9::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x28, 0x48, 0x53, 0x44, 0x29, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:22], ()))
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:218 format(%12, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x43, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %11)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%12::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x43, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x74, 0x72, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %11::Int64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:219 format(%15, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x56, 0x61, 0x72, 0x69, 0x61, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %14)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%15::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x56, 0x61, 0x72, 0x69, 0x61, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:15, 18:18], (%.0d,)), %14::Int64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:221 format(%22, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x52, 0x48, 0x53, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %20, %21)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%22::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x52, 0x48, 0x53, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %20::Float64, %21::Float64)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%30)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%30::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%34)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%34::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %75, " and ", %76)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %75::Any, " and ", %76::Any)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%77)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%77::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:223 format(%295, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x4c, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %293, %294)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%295::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x4c, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %293::Float64, %294::Float64)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.length(%307)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.length(%307::Base.OneTo{Int64})
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %348, " and ", %349)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.string("arrays could not be broadcast to a common size; got a dimension with lengths ", %348::Any, " and ", %349::Any)
┌ @ broadcast.jl:516 Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%350)
│ runtime dispatch detected: Base.Broadcast.DimensionMismatch(%350::Any)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:225 format(%568, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x55, 0x70, 0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %566, %567)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%568::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}, Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x55, 0x70, 0x70, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x5b, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65, 0x5d, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:16, 22:23, 29:30], (%+.2e, %+.2e)), %566::Float64, %567::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:228 format(%570, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4c, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x61, 0x72, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:23], ()))
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%570::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x4c, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x61, 0x72, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:23], ()))
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:229 format(%572, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Arithmetic", Float64)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%572::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Arithmetic", Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:230 format(%574, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Backend", "LDLFactorizations")
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%574::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "Backend", "LDLFactorizations")
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:231 format(%576, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "System", "Augmented system (K2)")
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%576::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'s'}}, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2d, 0x31, 0x32, 0x73, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x25, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:10, 13:13], (%-12s, %s)), "System", "Augmented system (K2)")
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:236 format(%581, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, NTuple{8, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 5:6, 11:12, 17:18, 22:22, 26:26, 30:31, 35:36, 40:40], (%4s, %14s, %14s, %8s, %8s, %8s, %7s, %4s)), "Itn", "PObj", "DObj", "PFeas", "DFeas", "GFeas", "Mu", "Time")
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%581::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, NTuple{8, Spec{Val{'s'}}}}(UInt8[0x0a, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x31, 0x34, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x73, 0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x34, 0x73, 0x0a], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 5:6, 11:12, 17:18, 22:22, 26:26, 30:31, 35:36, 40:40], (%4s, %14s, %14s, %8s, %8s, %8s, %7s, %4s)), "Itn", "PObj", "DObj", "PFeas", "DFeas", "GFeas", "Mu", "Time")
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:270 format(%1693, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x25, 0x34, 0x64], UnitRange{Int64}[1:0, 4:3], (%4.0d,)), %1692)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1693::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'d'}}}}(UInt8[0x25, 0x34, 0x64], UnitRange{Int64}[1:0, 4:3], (%4.0d,)), %1692::Int64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:274 format(%1702, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %1701)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1702::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %1701::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:275 format(%1706, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %1705)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1706::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2b, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2e, 0x37, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 10:9], (%+14.7e,)), %1705::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:278 format(%1725, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%8.2e,)), %1724)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1725::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%8.2e,)), %1724::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:279 format(%1729, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %1728)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1729::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %1728::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:280 format(%1733, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %1732)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1733::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x25, 0x38, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:1, 7:6], (%8.2e,)), %1732::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:283 format(%1737, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%7.1e,)), %1736)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1737::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'e'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x37, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x65], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 8:7], (%7.1e,)), %1736::Float64)
┌ @ ~/Git/Tulip.jl/src/IPM/HSD/HSD.jl:286 format(%1739, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'f'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x66], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 7:6], (%.2f,)), %1688)
│ runtime dispatch detected: format(%1739::Any, Format{CodeUnits{UInt8, String}, Tuple{Spec{Val{'f'}}}}(UInt8[0x20, 0x20, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x32, 0x66], UnitRange{Int64}[1:2, 7:6], (%.2f,)), %1688::Float64)
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