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Created April 17, 2022 18:53
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MSModel Gist
Name: Mines Mineral Model
Developer: Michael Tanner, Wilson Martin
Date: 8/22/2021
# packages
import os
from typing import cast
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import numpy.matlib as mat
import csv
import copy
from pandas.core.arrays.string_ import StringDtype
from datetime import datetime
# Creating our MFA function to be used
def MFA(yearK, yearY):
ratio = yearK / yearY
constant = 3.5 # assumption
mfaValue = (constant / yearY) * pow(ratio, 2.5) * \
math.exp(-pow(ratio, constant))
return mfaValue
# import
techList = pd.read_excel(
) # Technology List (oil, gas etc...)
mineralList = pd.read_excel(
) # Mineral List of raw minerals being used
energyScenario = pd.read_excel(
) # Energy Secenario being tested
lifetime = pd.read_excel(
) # Lifetime of Each technology MUST MATCH
techShares = pd.read_excel(
r"./minesmineralmodel/Inputs/two_degree/techShares.xlsx", sheet_name=0
) # reads in the sub-tech breakdown - indexed to first tab in the sheet
currentProd = pd.read_excel(
) # reads in current mineral production
techIntensity = pd.read_excel(
) # reads in latest Tech Intensity
recycleRates = pd.read_excel(
) # reads in recycle rates for each of the minerals
mineralMetalConvert = pd.read_excel(
) # read in metal to mineral conversion
mineralPrice = pd.read_excel(
) # read in mineralPrice
# Creating our change in GW's for upcoming loop
energyScenarioCopy = energyScenario.copy()
stockArray = energyScenario.to_numpy()
stockArrayCopy = np.copy(stockArray, order="C", subok=True)
stockArray = np.delete(stockArray, 0, 1)
# Creating counter year and technology variables
numberOfYears = len(stockArray) - 1
numberOfTech = len(lifetime)
numberofTechCopy = copy.deepcopy(numberOfTech)
# intialzing a table with all zeros
deltaES = np.zeros([numberOfYears, numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# Takes the year-by-year difference of each technolgoy (GW/time)
for i in range(0, numberOfTech):
for j in range(0, numberOfYears):
deltaES[j][i] = stockArray[j + 1][i] - stockArray[j][i]
# Final Table which will hold Inflow per technology
inflowTotal = np.zeros([numberOfYears, numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# Inflow/Outflow Calulations
# Double For Loops
# below loop covers the cycle through the lifetimes of each of the
for tech in range(0, numberOfTech):
techLifetime = lifetime.iloc[tech, 1] # sets table
deltaES_tech = deltaES[
:, tech
] # selects column vector of stock change for the technology
h = 0 # counter for upcoming MFA calculation
v = np.zeros([50, 50], dtype=float) # creates a 50x50 array with 0's
np.fill_diagonal(v, 1) # fills the 50x50 arrary diagonal with 1's
counter = 0 # setting a counter variable to 0
for x in range(numberOfYears):
year = x + 1 # year counter
lenDiag = numberOfYears - year - 1
g = MFA(year, techLifetime)
h = h + g # keeps track of the total MFA values
counter = counter + 1
i = 0 # counter for while loop
# adding the new g value to the correct diag
while i <= lenDiag:
v[counter + i][i] = -g
i = i + 1
vInverse = np.linalg.inv(v) # competes the inverse of the matrix v
inflow = np.matmul(
vInverse, deltaES_tech
) # multiples vInverse and DeltaES_tech together
inflowTotal[:, tech] = inflow # adding to correct column
outflowTotal = inflowTotal - deltaES
# Breakdown of Flows between different subtypes
# coverts techShares to an array for calculations
subTechArray = techShares.to_numpy()
sumTechArray = np.sum(subTechArray[:, 1], 0)
# creating our inflow and outflow tables that will expand with
techInflow = np.zeros([numberOfYears, sumTechArray], dtype=float)
techOutflow = np.zeros([numberOfYears, sumTechArray], dtype=float)
# temp variable for inner for lop on subtechnology
subTechInflow = np.zeros([numberOfYears, 1])
subTechOutflow = np.zeros([numberOfYears, 1])
# counter for upcoming for loop (needs to be different than numberOfTech because we are increasing to new value)
counterTotalNumberOfTech = 0
totalTechList = [] # empty array used for
# Adding sub technology use percents to total inflow/outflow breakdown
for i in range(numberOfTech):
# checks sub technolgoy array to see if any sub tech's exist
if subTechArray[i][1] == 1:
# take entire
techInflow[:, counterTotalNumberOfTech] = inflowTotal[:, i]
techOutflow[:, counterTotalNumberOfTech] = outflowTotal[:, i]
counterTotalNumberOfTech = counterTotalNumberOfTech + 1
tempSubTechVar = pd.read_excel(
subTechNames = list(tempSubTechVar.columns)
tempSubTechVar = tempSubTechVar.to_numpy()
# adding the new subtech to the inflow table
for subTech in range(subTechArray[i][1]):
for j in range(numberOfYears):
subTechInflow[j] = inflowTotal[j][i] * \
subTechOutflow[j] = outflowTotal[j][i] * \
subTechArray[i][0] + "-" + subTechNames[subTech])
techInflow[:, counterTotalNumberOfTech] = subTechInflow[:, 0]
techOutflow[:, counterTotalNumberOfTech] = subTechOutflow[:, 0]
counterTotalNumberOfTech = counterTotalNumberOfTech + 1
# sets the new total number of technology variation to be used in later calculations
numberOfTech = counterTotalNumberOfTech
techIntensityNP = techIntensity.to_numpy() # changes to array for calculations
techIntensityNP = techIntensityNP[:, 1: len(mineralList) + 1]
# setting up blank arrays for upcoming loop
B = np.zeros([numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
Bout = np.zeros([numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
matFlow = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
matFlowOut = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# Looping over each technology and creating material demand per year
for i in range(0, numberOfTech):
# selects inflows for all years for i-column technology
jin = techInflow[:, i]
# selects outflow for all years for i-column technology
jout = techOutflow[:, i]
# selects techIntensity for all years in the i-row
k = techIntensityNP[i, :]
for m in range(0, numberOfYears):
for n in range(0, len(mineralList)):
B[m][n] = (
jin[m] * k[n]
) # creating matFlow one-bye one matrix by taking jin at year,mineral and multiply by techIntensity for the given mineral
Bout[m][n] = (
-1 * jout[m] * k[n]
) # creating matFlowOut one-by-one (same as row above)
# adding matFlow and matFlowout tables together
matFlow[:, :, i] = B
matFlowOut[:, :, i] = Bout
# Creating copies of matFlow for new variables
matFlowIn = np.copy(matFlow, order="C", subok=True)
matFlowIn[matFlowIn < 0] = 0 # removes any negative and replaces with zero
# creating arrays for upcoming loops
matFlowOutPre = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
matFlowOutFinal = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
totalMatFlowIn = np.zeros([numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
totalMatFlowOut = np.zeros([numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
# replace all positives of matFlow (inflow) as 0 and AGAIN switch signs
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
if matFlow[i][j][k] < 0:
matFlowOutPre[i][j][k] = -matFlow[i][j][k]
matFlowOutPre[i][j][k] = 0
matFlowOutFinal[i][j][k] = matFlowOut[i][j][k] + \
# sum of matFlow for totalMatFlowIn/Out
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
h1 = h1 + matFlowIn[i][j][k]
h2 = h2 + matFlowOutFinal[i][j][k]
totalMatFlowIn[i][j] = h1
totalMatFlowOut[i][j] = h2
recycleArray = recycleRates.to_numpy() # converts our RR table to array
matFlowInFromRecycle = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float
) # setting at 3x3 array
recycleArray = np.delete(recycleArray, 0, axis=1) # removes first column
# use the RR to split inflows into virgin and recycles material
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
currentRecycleRate = recycleArray[j]
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
matFlowInFromRecycle[i][j][k] = (
currentRecycleRate * matFlowOutFinal[i][j][k]
# sets up our virgin
matFlowInVirgin = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# use RR rates to split demand in virgin (new) and recylced production
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
matFlowInVirgin[i][j][k] = (
matFlowIn[i][j][k] - matFlowInFromRecycle[i][j][k]
totalMatFlowInFromRecycle = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float
) # setting at 3x3 array
totalMatFlowInVirgin = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float
) # setting at 3x3 array
# summing across all technologies for totalVirgin and RR tables in to one
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
h1 = h1 + matFlowInFromRecycle[i][j][k]
h2 = h2 + matFlowInVirgin[i][j][k]
totalMatFlowInFromRecycle[i][j] = h1
totalMatFlowInVirgin[i][j] = h2
# Currently not used due to lack of data
# mineralMetalArray = mineralMetalConvert.to_numpy()
# mineralMetalArray = np.delete(mineralMetalArray,0,axis=1) #removes first column
# mineralFlowInVirgin = np.zeros([numberOfYears,len(mineralList),numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# for i in range(0,numberOfYears):
# for j in range(0,len(mineralList)):
# for k in range(0,numberOfTech):
# mineralFlowInVirgin[i][j][k] = mineralMetalArray[j] * mineralFlowInVirgin[i][j][k]
# set up our 2x2 arrays for cumulative demand
cumMatFlowInVirgin = np.zeros([len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
cumMatFlowOut = np.zeros([len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# sum across all years for each of the minerals and technologies for total demand
for i in range(0, len(mineralList)):
for j in range(0, numberOfTech):
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
for k in range(0, numberOfYears):
h1 = (
h1 + matFlowInVirgin[k][i][j]
) # notice change in order k,i,j - counter k is the years we are summing across
h2 = h2 + matFlowOut[k][i][j]
cumMatFlowInVirgin[i][j] = h1
cumMatFlowOut[i][j] = h2
# convert our mineralPrice to an array for calculations
mineralPriceArray = mineralPrice.to_numpy()
mineralPriceArray = np.delete(
mineralPriceArray, 0, axis=1) # remove the first column
# setting our array for Market Size
virginMarketSizeLow = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float
virginMarketSizeMed = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float
virginMarketSizeHigh = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float
# calculate the Virgin Market Size
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
virginMarketSizeLow[i][j][k] = (
matFlowInVirgin[i][j][k] * mineralPriceArray[j][0]
virginMarketSizeMed[i][j][k] = (
matFlowInVirgin[i][j][k] * mineralPriceArray[j][1]
virginMarketSizeHigh[i][j][k] = (
matFlowInVirgin[i][j][k] * mineralPriceArray[j][2]
totalVirginMarketSizeLow = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
totalVirginMarketSizeMed = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
totalVirginMarketSizeHigh = np.zeros(
[numberOfYears, len(mineralList)], dtype=float)
# summing across all technologies for totalVirgin and RR tables in to one
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
h3 = 0
for k in range(0, numberOfTech):
h1 = h1 + virginMarketSizeLow[i][j][k]
h2 = h2 + virginMarketSizeMed[i][j][k]
h3 = h3 + virginMarketSizeHigh[i][j][k]
totalVirginMarketSizeLow[i][j] = h1
totalVirginMarketSizeMed[i][j] = h2
totalVirginMarketSizeHigh[i][j] = h3
# setting our cumulative market size for low, med and high
cumVirginMarketSizeLow = np.zeros(
[len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
cumVirginMarketSizeMed = np.zeros(
[len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
cumVirginMarketSizeHigh = np.zeros(
[len(mineralList), numberOfTech], dtype=float)
# summing up market size by year
for i in range(0, len(mineralList)):
for j in range(0, numberOfTech):
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
h3 = 0
for k in range(0, numberOfYears):
h1 = (
h1 + virginMarketSizeLow[k][i][j]
) # notice change in order k,i,j - counter k is the years we are summing across
h2 = h2 + virginMarketSizeMed[k][i][j]
h3 = h3 + virginMarketSizeHigh[k][i][j]
cumVirginMarketSizeLow[i][j] = h1
cumVirginMarketSizeMed[i][j] = h2
cumVirginMarketSizeHigh[i][j] = h3
###MODEL COMPLETE - the below code only cleans spreadsheets to make it easier to visualize###
###Creating the formatted PowerBi tables###
mineralListPandas = []
subMineralList = mineralList.to_numpy()
for i in range(0, len(mineralList)):
mineralName = subMineralList[i][0]
cleanDemandPandas = pd.DataFrame(
totalMatFlowInVirgin, columns=mineralListPandas)
cleanMarketSizePandas = pd.DataFrame(
totalVirginMarketSizeMed, columns=mineralListPandas)
r"./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanDemandPandas.xlsx", index=False
r"./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanMarketSize Pandas.xlsx", index=False
# Clean the energy scenerio
fp = open(
"./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanIeaPowerBi.csv", "w"
) # setting a file pointer
for i in range(0, numberOfYears + 1):
year = stockArrayCopy[i][0]
for j in range(0, numberofTechCopy):
techName = subTechArray[j][0]
fp.write("1/1/%d," % year)
fp.write("%s," % techName)
fp.write("%4f\n" % stockArray[i][j])
# Clean the cumulative virgin demand size
fp = open(
"./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanMarketSize.csv", "w"
) # setting a file pointer
fp.write("Year,Material,USD Low, USD Med, USD High\n")
subMineralList = mineralList.to_numpy()
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
year = stockArrayCopy[i][0] + 1
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
mineralName = subMineralList[j][0]
fp.write("1/1/%d," % year)
fp.write("%s," % mineralName)
fp.write("%2f," % totalVirginMarketSizeLow[i][j])
fp.write("%2f," % totalVirginMarketSizeMed[i][j])
fp.write("%2f\n" % totalVirginMarketSizeHigh[i][j])
# Clean the recyclying spreadsheet
fp = open(
"./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanRecyclying.csv", "w"
) # setting a file pointer
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
year = stockArrayCopy[i][0] + 1
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
mineralName = subMineralList[j][0]
fp.write("1/1/%d," % year)
fp.write("%s," % mineralName)
fp.write("%2f\n" % (totalMatFlowInFromRecycle[i][j] * -1))
# Clean the virgin market size spreadsheet
fp = open(
"./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanDemand.csv", "w"
) # setting a file pointer
for i in range(0, numberOfYears):
year = stockArrayCopy[i][0] + 1
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
mineralName = subMineralList[j][0]
fp.write("1/1/%d," % year)
fp.write("%s," % mineralName)
fp.write("%2f\n" % totalMatFlowInVirgin[i][j])
fp = open("./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/cleanTechIntensity.csv", "w")
fp.write("Technology, Material, Tech Intensity\n")
for i in range(0, counterTotalNumberOfTech):
techName = totalTechList[i]
for j in range(0, len(mineralList)):
mineralName = subMineralList[j][0]
fp.write("%s," % techName)
fp.write("%s," % mineralName)
fp.write("%2f\n" % techIntensityNP[i][j])
timeNow =
timestampStr = timeNow.strftime("%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S.%f)")
fp = open("./minesmineralmodel/outputs/two_degree/refreshTime.csv", "w")
print("IEA Two Degree Scenerio Done")
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