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Created July 12, 2018 19:11
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an ofType() implementation that propagates types better
import {Action} from '@ngrx/store'; // from //third_party/javascript/ngrx:ngrx_store
import {OperatorFunction} from 'rxjs';
import {filter} from 'rxjs/operators';
// Removes types from T that are not assignable to U.
export type Filter<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never;
* Equivalent to the `ofType` operator provided by @ngrx/effects, but with
* smarter type inference.
* Type propagation currently scales to five input strings.
* See
export function ofType<
T1 extends string, U extends Action, V extends Filter<U, {type: T1}>>(
t1: T1,
): OperatorFunction<U, V>;
export function ofType<T1 extends string, T2 extends string, U extends
Action, V extends Filter<U, {type: T1 | T2}>>(
t1: T1,
t2: T2,
): OperatorFunction<U, V>;
export function
ofType<T1 extends string, T2 extends string, T3 extends string, U extends
Action, V extends Filter<U, {type: T1 | T2 | T3}>>(
t1: T1,
t2: T2,
t3: T3,
): OperatorFunction<U, V>;
export function ofType<T1 extends string, T2 extends string, T3 extends
string, T4 extends string, U extends Action, V
extends Filter<U, {type: T1 | T2 | T3 | T4}>>(
t1: T1,
t2: T2,
t3: T3,
t4: T4,
): OperatorFunction<U, V>;
export function
ofType<T1 extends string, T2 extends string, T3 extends string, T4 extends
string, T5 extends string, U extends Action, V extends
Filter<U, {type: T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5}>>(
t1: T1,
t2: T2,
t3: T3,
t4: T4,
t5: T5,
): OperatorFunction<U, V>;
export function ofType<U extends Action>(...allowedTypes: string[]):
OperatorFunction<U, U> {
return filter(
(action: U): boolean => allowedTypes.some(type => type === action.type));
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