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Created June 29, 2015 21:10
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Simple python script to keep Amazon Route 53 public/private split horizon DNS domains in sync
import boto.route53
import boto.ec2
import pprint as pp
def match_domain(domain, region="us-east-1"):
''' iterate through the public EIPs and make sure that if there is a `` entry for that EIP, it's private IP is also mapped in the private ``
r53 = boto.route53.connect_to_region(region)
ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)
public_zone = None
private_zone = None
# need to make sure the domain ends with a dot
if domain[-1:] is not u'.':
domain += u'.'
for zone in r53.get_zones():
if == domain:
if zone.config[u'PrivateZone'] == u'true':
private_zone = zone
public_zone = zone
if public_zone is None or private_zone is None:
print(u'Unable to find matching {} entries'.format(domain))
eips = filter(lambda eip: eip.domain == u'vpc', ec2.get_all_addresses())
# route53 objects
public_addresses = filter(lambda r: r.type == u'A', r53.get_all_rrsets(
private_addresses = filter(lambda r: r.type == u'A', r53.get_all_rrsets(
# convenience set
set_of_private_addresses = set(map(lambda x: x.resource_records[0], private_addresses))
# maps
public_to_private = {eip.public_ip: eip.private_ip_address for eip in eips}
public_to_name = {r.resource_records[0]: for r in public_addresses}
# cross domain map
name_to_private = {name: public_to_private[public_ip] for (public_ip, name) in
filter(lambda (ip, name): ip in public_to_private, public_to_name.iteritems())}
print "name_to_private"
# just find the ones that don't exist
upsert_to_private = dict(filter(lambda (name, ip): ip not in set_of_private_addresses, name_to_private.iteritems()))
print "upsert_to_private"
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This requires boto, but not much else. Basic logic is:

  1. find matched domain pair (public and private)
  2. get list of elastic IPs
  3. get all A records from both domains
  4. build maps across domains
  5. match the maps
    with name_to_private being the complete list of public DNS names that require private DNS entries and upsert_to_private as the list of names that don't already exist in Route 53 on the private side. Actually updating your domain record is left as an exercise for the reader.

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