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Last active January 24, 2020 15:08
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Rename a GitHub repository using the PowerShellForGitHub PowerShell module
## some PowerShell snippets to illustrating the forking- and subsequent renaming of a GitHub repository
# uses Invoke-GHRestMethod for the rename operation, as there is not yet a higher level cmdlet for dealing with repo renames
## import the module, of course
Import-Module PowerShellForGitHub
## fork some source repo; forks under current GitHub user configured via Set-GitHubAuthentication
New-GitHubRepositoryFork -Uri -OutVariable oNewRepo
## rename the forked repo in user's GH account, prefixing "fork_" so the world clearly knows that its was forked from elsewhere just by glancing at name
# UriFragment here is something like "repos/owner/repoName"
Invoke-GHRestMethod -Method Patch -UriFragment ("repos{0}" -f ([System.Uri]($oNewRepo.html_url)).AbsolutePath) -Body (@{name = "fork_{0}" -f ($} | ConvertTo-Json) -Verbose -OutVariable oUpdatedRepoFork
## would expect/desire the ability to rename a repo with a "native" cmdlet, maybe something like:
# $oNewRepo | Foreach-Object {$_ | Rename-GitHubRepository -NewName "fork_$($"}
## hurray, this renamed the forked repo
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