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Last active April 8, 2022 13:43
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Register Scheduled Task to use PowerShell 7 to run ps1
## some things for making and registering a scheduled task via PowerShell, with the task Action running via PowerShell 7 at run time
## creds for the new scheduled task
$credForSchedTask = Get-Credential
## params for making a new scheduled task object in the PowerShell session
$hshParamForNewScheduledTask = @{
Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -Argument "-File E:\scripts\scheduled\Invoke-MyCoolThing.ps1" -WorkingDirectory "C:\temp"
Description = "My important task to do all the things"
## additional settings
Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -ExecutionTimeLimit (New-TimeSpan -Hours 12) -MultipleInstances IgnoreNew
## start at given time, on given days of the week every week, with a random delay
# Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At 5am -Weekly -DaysOfWeek ([DayOfWeek[]]("Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday".Split(","))) -RandomDelay (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 2)
## Or, every day
Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 3am -RandomDelay (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1)
Verbose = $true
OutVariable = "oNewScheduledTask"
} ## end hsh
## params for registering the new scheduled task object from the PowerShell session into the Task Scheduler "system"
$hshParamForRegisterSchedTask = @{
InputObject = New-ScheduledTask @hshParamForNewScheduledTask
Password = $credForSchedTask.GetNetworkCredential().Password
TaskName = "My_test_task"
## per help: "Specifies the path for a scheduled task in Task Scheduler namespace. You can use \ for the root folder"
TaskPath = "\"
User = $credForSchedTask.UserName
Verbose = $true
} ## end hsh
## actually register the scheduled task in Windows
Register-ScheduledTask @hshParamForRegisterSchedTask
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