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Created February 8, 2017 06:21
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A slice of some of my collision rounding code
local mod = {}
--- Returns true if the rects overlap.
-- @param a Table rect containing x1, y1, x2, y2
-- @param b Table rect containing x1, y1, x2, y2
-- @return bool Returns true if rects overlap.
mod.doRectsOverlap = function(a, b)
return a.x1 <= b.x2 and a.x2 >= b.x1 and a.y1 <= b.y2 and a.y2 >= b.y1
--- Creates a quadrant of a rect.
-- @param item Item that contains x, y, w, and h.
-- @param addHalfW Set to true to use the right half.
-- @param addHalfH Set to true to use the bottom half.
-- @return table Returns the rect table (x1, y1, x2, y2)
local function createQuadrant(item, addHalfW, addHalfH)
local x1, y1 = item.x, item.y
if addHalfW then x1 = x1 + item.w * 0.5 end
if addHalfH then y1 = y1 + item.h * 0.5 end
return {
x1 = x1,
y1 = y1,
x2 = x1 + item.w * 0.5,
y2 = y1 + item.h * 0.5,
local function isInQuadrant(cols, addHalfW, addHalfH)
assert(#cols > 0)
local itemQuad = createQuadrant(cols[1].itemRect, addHalfW, addHalfH)
for _, col in ipairs(cols) do
if mod.doRectsOverlap(itemQuad, col._rect) and col.type ~= "cross" then
return true
return false
local function inUpperLeftQuad(cols)
return isInQuadrant(cols, false, false)
local function inUpperRightQuad(cols)
return isInQuadrant(cols, true, false)
local function inLowerRightQuad(cols)
return isInQuadrant(cols, true, true)
local function inLowerLeftQuad(cols)
return isInQuadrant(cols, false, true)
--- Returns a rounded collision for a movement attempt.
-- @param dx Attempted x movement.
-- @param dy Attempted y movement.
-- @param x Current X.
-- @param y Current Y.
-- @param cols Detected bump collisions.
-- @return Returns the updated x and y
mod.roundCollisions = function(dx, dy, x, y, cols)
local movement = max(abs(dx), abs(dy))
-- Add and cache rects on each col.
for _, col in ipairs(cols) do
local item = col.otherRect
col._rect = {
x1 = item.x,
y1 = item.y,
x2 = item.x + item.w,
y2 = item.y + item.h,
if dx > 0 then
if not inUpperRightQuad(cols) then
if inLowerRightQuad(cols) then
y = y - movement
elseif not inLowerRightQuad(cols) then
y = y + movement
elseif dx < 0 then
if not inUpperLeftQuad(cols) then
if inLowerLeftQuad(cols) then
y = y - movement
elseif not inLowerLeftQuad(cols) then
y = y + movement
elseif dy > 0 then
if not inLowerRightQuad(cols) then
if inLowerLeftQuad(cols) then
x = x + movement
elseif not inLowerLeftQuad(cols) then
x = x - movement
elseif dy < 0 then
if not inUpperLeftQuad(cols) then
if inUpperRightQuad(cols) then
x = x - movement
elseif not inUpperRightQuad(cols) then
x = x + movement
return x, y
return mod
local ecs = require "ecs"
local collision = require "collision"
local components = require "components"
local utils = require "utils"
local clamp = lume.clamp
--- Updates entity physics.
local MovementSystem = ecs.createSystem("Movement", "pos", "motion")
--- Default filter used for collisions.
MovementSystem.collisionFilter = collision.filters.default()
--- Invoke each collision event.
function MovementSystem.processCollisions(collisions)
for _, c in ipairs(collisions) do
local item, other = c.item, c.other
local aemitter, bemitter = item.emitter, other.emitter
if aemitter then aemitter:emit("collision", item, other, c) end
-- Only emit the collision event to `other` if other's filter accepts it.
if bemitter then
local otherFilter = other.collision and other.collision.filter
if not otherFilter or otherFilter(other, item) then
bemitter:emit("collision", other, item, c)
--- Checks the collisions for a given entity with the destination coordinates.
function MovementSystem.checkCollisions(e, ex, ey)
local pos = assert(e.pos, "No pos component")
local coll = assert(e.collision, "No collision component")
local box = or {0, 0}
if not[e] then
return ex, ey, {}, 0
-- Resolve bump collisions and get the collided coordinates.
local x, y, colls, len =
e, ex + box[1], ey + box[2], coll.filter)
-- Adjust back to un-do the bbox adjustment.
x, y = x - box[1], y - box[2]
-- Account for crazy ass teleportation type collisions with
-- arrows, spikes, etc.
local actualMovement = math.max(math.abs(pos.x - x), math.abs(pos.y - y))
local movement = math.max(math.abs(pos.x - ex), math.abs(pos.y - ey))
if actualMovement > movement then
return pos.x, pos.y, colls, len
return x, y, colls, len
--- Move the object to the given position and invoke the given collision fns
function MovementSystem.move(e, x, y, collisions)
local collisionComponent = e.collision
if collisionComponent then
local box, pos =, e.pos
pos.x, pos.y = x, y
if, pos.x + box[1], pos.y + box[2]) then
if collisions then
function MovementSystem:updateEach(dt, e)
local coll, pos, motion = e.collision, e.pos, e.motion
local currentDx, currentDy = motion.dx, motion.dy
local dx, dy = motion.dx or 0, motion.dy or 0
-- Not moving, then don't update.
if dx == 0 and dy == 0 then return end
-- Emit the move event so other systems can know that the entity moved.
e:send("move", e, dx, dy)
if coll then
-- Move the entity based on bump collision resolutions.
self:_moveTowards(e, pos, coll, dx, dy)
-- If this is not in bump, then just move the entity.
pos.x, pos.y = pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy
-- Remove the motion attributes.
if motion.dx == currentDx then motion.dx = 0 end
if motion.dy == currentDy then motion.dy = 0 end
function MovementSystem:_moveTowards(e, pos, coll, dx, dy)
local expectX, expectY = pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy
local x, y, colls = MovementSystem.checkCollisions(e, expectX, expectY)
local hasDx = math.abs(dx) > 1 ^ -8
local hasDy = math.abs(dy) > 1 ^ -8
-- Only round when not moving diagonally, when collisions are detected, and
-- the expected move is not what was resolved in bump.
if coll.roundedCorners ~= false
and #colls > 0
and (x ~= expectX or y ~= expectY)
and ((not hasDx and hasDy) or (hasDx and not hasDy)) then
if hasDx then
x, y = collision.roundCollisions(dx, 0, x, y, colls)
x, y = collision.roundCollisions(0, dy, x, y, colls)
return MovementSystem.move(e, x, y, colls)
return MovementSystem
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