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Last active June 27, 2024 16:05
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Using `runhcs` to create a container
$config = Invoke-RestMethod -uri -Method Get
$config.process.args = @("cmd", "/c", "echo hello")
$ = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$ver = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name LCUVer).LCUVer
$image = "$ver"
docker image pull $image
$imageInspect = docker image inspect $image | ConvertFrom-JSON
$layer = $imageInspect.GraphDriver.Data.dir
while ($layer) {
$layer = Get-Content "$layer\layerchain.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
mkdir c:\temp
mkdir c:\temp\scratch
mkdir c:\temp\bundle
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content c:\temp\bundle\config.json
runhcs create --pid-file c:\temp\pid --shim-log c:\temp\log.txt --vm-log c:\temp\vm.txt --bundle c:\temp\bundle mycontainer
runhcs list
runhcs start mycontainer
type c:\temp\log.txt
runhcs list
runhcs delete mycontainer
wclayer unmount c:\temp\scratch\
wclayer remove c:\temp\scratch\
Remove-Item -Recurse C:\temp\
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