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Last active October 2, 2024 12:30
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  • Save mtemel123/00dc6db5421797536be7e2b9348c3da7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mtemel123/00dc6db5421797536be7e2b9348c3da7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1$=18 TL. cant take new hdd :)
#current folder compress all video (sub folder).
echo START %date% %time% >> C:\zv.txt && FORFILES /s /p . /m "*.mp4" /C "cmd /c ffmpeg -i @file -vcodec h264 -acodec aac v_@file && for %I in (v_@file) do (echo @path;@fsize;%~zI) >> C:\zv.txt && del @file && ren v_@file @file" && echo ==FINISH== %date% %time% >> C:\zv.txt && rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep && msg "%username%" video comp done
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1$ = 20 Turkish Lira. I need more spaces :) still i cant take hdd.

echo START %date% %time% >> C:\zv.txt && FORFILES /s /p . /m "*.mp4" /C "cmd /c ffmpeg -i @file -preset veryfast -vcodec h264 -acodec aac v_@file -r 30 -b 194707 -an -f mp4 -y NUL && for %I in (v_@file) do (echo @path;@fsize;%~zI) >> C:\zv.txt && del @file && ren v_@file @file" && echo ==FINISH== %date% %time% >> C:\zv.txt && rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep && msg "%username%" video comp done

ffmpeg -i "inputfile.mp4" -preset veryfast -vcodec h264 -acodec aac "outpt.mp4" -r 30 -b 194707 -an -f mp4 -y NUL

720 MB > 110MB %1

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1$ 34 tl. İ need new codec and commandline 👍

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