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Last active May 12, 2022 02:11
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#cd D:\code\22 ==> myrepo
$projecttype=2 #1-) console 2-) web
if($args.length -ne 0) {
$pn ='del_project' #project name
$url = $url.replace('https://github','https://raw.githubusercontent').Replace('/blob','')
if (Test-Path -Path $pn) {
$g= new-guid
$g= "_" + $g
if($projecttype -eq 1){ $projecttype='console'} else {$projecttype='web'}
$content= (Invoke-webrequest -URI "$url").Content
mkdir $pn
cd .\$pn\
dotnet new $projecttype --name $pn
"//$projecttype `n" + $content > .\$pn\Program.cs
dotnet new sln --name $pn
dotnet sln add $pn
start devenv .\$pn.sln
#ex vs-fast-open-github.ps1 2
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