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Last active July 28, 2020 13:36
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test program for dgesvx
! Test program for dgesvx
! compile command used:
!ifort dgesvx_tester.f90 -L/opt/intel/composer2018/mkl/lib/intel64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lpthread
program main
implicit none
external :: dgemv
external :: dgesv
external :: dgesvx
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
real(dp), allocatable :: m1(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: v1(:), v2(:)
real(dp) :: rnorm
integer :: sz, ii
! linear solver vars
real(dp), allocatable :: af(:,:)
integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: rs(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: cs(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: ferr(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: berr(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: rwork(:)
integer, allocatable :: iwork(:)
real(dp) :: rcond
integer :: info
character(1) :: equed
sz = 5
! matrix and vector vars
allocate( v1(sz) )
allocate( v2(sz) )
allocate( m1(sz,sz) )
! linear solve vars
allocate( af(sz,sz) )
allocate( ipiv(sz) )
allocate( rs(sz) )
allocate( cs(sz) )
allocate( ferr(sz) )
allocate( berr(sz) )
allocate( rwork(4*sz) )
allocate( iwork(sz) )
! run dgesv
call setup(m1, v2, sz) ! init the matrix and vector
call dgesv(sz, 1, m1, sz, ipiv, v2, sz, info)
if( info /= 0 )then
write(*,*) 'ERR in dgesv'
! manually check solution
call setup(m1, v1, sz) ! reset matrix and vector
call dgemv('N', sz, sz, 1.0_dp, m1, sz, v2, 1, -1.0_dp, v1, 1)
rnorm = sum(v1*v1)
write(*,'(1x,"dgesv solution, ||A.x-b||:",g12.5)') rnorm
write(*,'(3x," x: ")',advance='no')
write(*,'(100(2x,f12.7))') (v2(ii), ii=1,sz)
end if
! run dgesvx
call setup(m1, v1, sz) ! reset matrix and vector
equed = 'N'
call dgesvx('N','N', sz, 1, m1, sz, af, sz, ipiv, &
equed, rs, cs, v1, sz, v2, sz, rcond, &
ferr, berr, rwork, iwork, info)
if( info /= 0 )then
write(*,*) 'ERR in dgesvx'
! manually check solution
call setup(m1, v1, sz) ! reset matrix and vector
call dgemv('N', sz, sz, 1.0_dp, m1, sz, v2, 1, -1.0_dp, v1, 1)
rnorm = sum(v1*v1)
write(*,'(1x,"dgesvx solution, ||A.x-b||:",g12.5," rcond: ",g12.4)') &
rnorm, rcond
write(*,'(3x," x: ")',advance='no')
write(*,'(100(2x,f12.7))') (v2(ii), ii=1,sz)
write(*,'(3x,"ferr: ")',advance='no')
write(*,'(100(2x,f12.7))') (ferr(ii), ii=1,sz)
write(*,'(3x,"berr: ")',advance='no')
write(*,'(100(2x,f12.7))') (berr(ii), ii=1,sz)
end if
deallocate( v1 )
deallocate( v2 )
deallocate( m1 )
deallocate( af )
deallocate( ipiv )
deallocate( rs )
deallocate( cs )
deallocate( ferr )
deallocate( berr )
deallocate( rwork )
deallocate( iwork )
subroutine setup(mio, vio, isz)
implicit none
real(dp), intent(inout) :: mio(:,:)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: vio(:)
integer, intent(in) :: isz
integer :: jj
real(dp) :: rt
mio(:,:) = 0.0_dp
do jj = 1, isz
vio(jj) = real(jj,dp)
mio(jj,jj) = 1.0_dp
end do
rt = 1.0_dp / sqrt(2.0_dp)
mio(1:2,1) = rt
mio(1,2) = rt
mio(2,2) = -rt
end subroutine setup
end program main
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