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Last active August 3, 2018 18:54
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timing array unformatted writing
module kinds
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
end module kinds
program am_timed
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
integer, parameter :: asz = 1e6
real(dp), dimension(asz) :: rarr1
real(dp), allocatable :: rarr2(:)
integer :: ierr,i,j
real(dp) :: t1, t2, onek
character(256) :: fnam
onek = 1.0e3_dp
allocate( rarr2(asz) )
do i = 1, asz ! fill the arrays with garbage
rarr1(i) = real(i, kind=dp)
rarr2(i) = 0.1_dp * real(i, kind=dp)
end do
write(*,'(2x,"Time to write arrays of size:", es8.1e2)') real(asz)
write(*,'(2x,"Loop Type, Array Type, Time [ms]")')
fnam = 'stackarr_do.dat'
call cpu_time(t1)
call do_write(rarr1, asz, fnam)
call cpu_time(t2)
write(*,1001) 'do', 'stack', (t2-t1)*onek
call do_verify(rarr1, asz, fnam)
fnam = 'heaparr_do.dat'
call cpu_time(t1)
call do_write(rarr2, asz, fnam)
call cpu_time(t2)
write(*,1001) 'do', 'heap', (t2-t1)*onek
call do_verify(rarr2, asz, fnam)
fnam = 'stackarr_seq.dat'
call cpu_time(t1)
call seq_write(rarr1, asz, fnam)
call cpu_time(t2)
write(*,1001) 'seq', 'stack', (t2-t1)*onek
call seq_verify(rarr1, asz, fnam)
fnam = 'heaparr_seq.dat'
call cpu_time(t1)
call seq_write(rarr2, asz, fnam)
call cpu_time(t2)
write(*,1001) 'seq', 'heap', (t2-t1)*onek
call seq_verify(rarr2, asz, fnam)
fnam = 'stackarr_duff.dat'
call cpu_time(t1)
call bloc_write(rarr1, asz, fnam)
call cpu_time(t2)
write(*,1001) 'block', 'stack', (t2-t1)*onek
call do_verify(rarr1, asz, fnam)
fnam = 'heaparr_duff.dat'
call cpu_time(t1)
call bloc_write(rarr2, asz, fnam)
call cpu_time(t2)
write(*,1001) 'block', 'heap', (t2-t1)*onek
call do_verify(rarr2, asz, fnam)
1001 format(2x,a9,2x,a11,2x,f10.4)
end program am_timed
subroutine myopen(fnam, iun, ierr)
! simple open and error check
implicit none
character(256), intent(in) :: fnam
integer, intent(in) :: iun
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
open(unit=iun, file=trim(fnam), form='unformatted', iostat=ierr)
if ( ierr /= 0 ) then
write(*,*) 'Unable to open '//trim(fnam)//', exiting'
call exit(1)
end if
end subroutine myopen
subroutine do_write(array, asz, fnam)
! write with a do-loop
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
! Params
integer, intent(in) :: asz
real(dp), intent(in) :: array(asz)
character(256) :: fnam
! Locals
integer :: i, iun, ierr
iun = 17
call myopen(fnam, iun, ierr)
do i = 1, asz
write(iun) array(i)
end do
end subroutine do_write
subroutine seq_write(array, asz, fnam)
! write with sequentially
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
! Params
integer, intent(in) :: asz
real(dp), intent(in) :: array(asz)
character(256) :: fnam
! Locals
integer :: i, iun, ierr
iun = 17
call myopen(fnam, iun, ierr)
write(iun) array
end subroutine seq_write
subroutine bloc_write(array, asz, fnam)
! write with unrolled do-loop & duff's device
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
! Params
integer, intent(in) :: asz
real(dp), intent(in) :: array(asz)
character(256) :: fnam
! Locals
integer :: i, j, iun, ierr
integer :: dufflim, dolim
integer :: bsz ! block size
iun = 17
call myopen(fnam, iun, ierr)
bsz = 16
if ( asz .lt. bsz ) then ! smaller than block case
do i = 1, asz
write(iun) array(i)
end do
end if
! Block expand do loop in bsz units
do i = 1, asz-bsz+1, bsz
write(iun) array(i)
write(iun) array(i+1)
write(iun) array(i+2)
write(iun) array(i+3)
write(iun) array(i+4)
write(iun) array(i+5)
write(iun) array(i+6)
write(iun) array(i+7)
write(iun) array(i+8)
write(iun) array(i+9)
write(iun) array(i+10)
write(iun) array(i+11)
write(iun) array(i+12)
write(iun) array(i+13)
write(iun) array(i+14)
write(iun) array(i+15)
end do
! finish the remainder with a duff-device
dufflim = mod(asz, bsz) + 1 ! +1 because goto 0 maps to goto 1
dolim = asz - bsz + 2
1399 go to ( 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, &
1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1314, 1315 ), dufflim
1315 write(iun) array(dolim)
1314 write(iun) array(dolim+1)
1313 write(iun) array(dolim+2)
1312 write(iun) array(dolim+3)
1311 write(iun) array(dolim+4)
1310 write(iun) array(dolim+5)
1309 write(iun) array(dolim+6)
1308 write(iun) array(dolim+7)
1307 write(iun) array(dolim+8)
1306 write(iun) array(dolim+9)
1305 write(iun) array(dolim+10)
1304 write(iun) array(dolim+11)
1303 write(iun) array(dolim+12)
1302 write(iun) array(dolim+13)
1301 write(iun) array(dolim+14)
1300 continue
end subroutine bloc_write
subroutine do_verify(array, asz, fnam)
! verify array is EXACTLY the same as that stored in fnam
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
! Params
integer, intent(in) :: asz
real(dp), intent(in) :: array(asz)
character(256) :: fnam
! Locals
real(dp), allocatable :: array2(:)
integer :: i, iun
allocate ( array2(asz) )
iun = 13
call myopen(fnam, iun, i)
do i = 1, asz
read(iun) array2(i)
if ( array(i) .ne. array2(i) ) then
write(*,*) 'Mismatch found: ', array2(i), ', ', array(i)
call exit(2)
end if
end do
end subroutine do_verify
subroutine seq_verify(array, asz, fnam)
! verify array is EXACTLY the same as that stored in fnam (sequential)
use kinds, only : dp
implicit none
! Params
integer, intent(in) :: asz
real(dp), intent(in) :: array(asz)
character(256) :: fnam
! Locals
real(dp), allocatable :: array2(:)
integer :: i, iun
allocate ( array2(asz) )
iun = 13
call myopen(fnam, iun, i)
read(iun) array2
do i = 1, asz
if ( array(i) .ne. array2(i) ) then
write(*,*) 'Mismatch found: ', array2(i), ', ', array(i)
call exit(2)
end if
end do
end subroutine seq_verify
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