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Created April 9, 2024 18:28
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# bc config file, define constants and functions
# all units from (if available)
## math constants
## physics constants
g=6.6743*(10^-11) # gravitational, (m3 kg-1 s-2)
h=6.62607015*(10^-34) # planck, (J s)
hbar=h/(2*pi) # reduced planck
e0=8.8541878128*(10^-12) # vacuum electric permittivity (F m-1)
k=1/(4*pi*e0) # Coloumb constant in vacuum
mub=9.2740100783*(10^-24) # bohr magneton (J T-1)
e=1.603176634*(10^-19) # electron charge (C)
c=2.99792458*(10^8) # speed of light in vacuum (m s-1)
## chemistry constants
na=6.02214076*(10^23) # avagadro's number
## length/distance converions
b2a=0.529177210903 # bohr to ang
a2b=1.0/b2a # ang to bohr
ft2m=0.3048 # feet to meters (defined as)
m2ft=1/ft2m # meters to feet
mi2ft=5280 # miles to feet
ft2mi=1/mi2ft # feet to miles
km2m=1000 # meters to kilometers
m2km=1/km2m # kilometers to meters
km2mi=km2m*m2ft*ft2mi # kilometers to miles
mi2km=mi2ft*ft2m*m2km # miles to kilometers
nmi2m=1852 # nautical mile to meters
nmi2km=nmi2m*m2km # nautical mile to kilometers
nmi2mi=nmi2km*km2mi # nautical mile to mile
mi2nmi=1/nmi2mi # mile to nautical mile
km2nmi=1/nmi2km # kilometer to nautical mile
ly2m=24*60*60*365.25*c # light year to meter
au2m=149597870700 # astronomical unit to meter
pc2au=648000/pi # parsec to astronomical unit (IAU B2)
## angle
deg2rad=2*pi/360 # degree to radian
rad2deg=360/(2*pi) # radian to degree
## energy conversions
ha2ev=27.211386245988 # hartree to eV
ev2ha=1.0/ha2ev # eV to hartree
kc2kj=4.184 # kiloCal to kiloJoule
ha2ry=2.0 # hartree to rydberg
ry2ha=0.5 # rydberg to hartree
ry2ev=ry2ha*ha2ev # rydberg to eV
ev2ry=1.0/ry2ev # eV to rydberg
kj2ha=2.2937122783963*(10^20) # kJ to Ha
kjpm2ha=2625.49963947985393 # kJ/mol to Ha = na/kj2ha
kcpm2ha=627.509474063062603 # kcal/mol to Ha = na/kj2ha/kc2kj
## mass/force conversions
lb2kg=0.45359237 # pound to kilogram
kg2lb=1/lb2kg # kilogram to pound
lb2oz=16 # pound to ounce
oz2lb=1/lb2oz # ounce to pount
kg2oz=kg2lb*lb2oz # kilogram to ounce
oz2kg=1/kg2oz # ounce to kilogram
lbf2n=4.448222 # pound-force to newton
## volume conversions (not NIST)
cup2qt=4 # cup to quart
cup2oz=8 # cup to ounce
cup2gal=16 # cup to gallon
ml2cup=236.588 # milliliter to cup
l2ml=1000 # liter to milliliter
ml2l=1/l2ml # milliliter to liter
l2cup=l2ml*ml2cup # liter to cup
## functions
define fact(x) {
# factorial
if( x>1 ) {
return( x * fact(x-1) )
define pow(x,y) {
# pow(x,y) = x^y
return( e( y*l(x) ) )
define log(x,b) {
# log of base b
return( l(x) / l(b) )
# trig functions and inverses
define sin(x) {
return s(x)
define cos(x) {
return c(x)
define tan(x) {
return s(x) / c(x)
define atan(x) {
return a(x)
define asin(x) {
return a(x / sqrt(1 - x*x))
define acos(x) {
return a(sqrt(1 - x*x) / x)
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