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bash PS1 setting script
# PS1 setting script, features:
# Regular use: (opt1/opt2 means opt1 has precedence)
## user@host|cmd_time/clock|pwd$exit_code/''>
## print in color (if available)
## first print user@host (green):
## host color is bold if SSH session.
## cmd_time (green|yellow|red) || clock (green):
## clock time or cmd_time (if cmd_time > 20s).
## cmd_time colors: green(20-59s||exemptions in
## x1_formTime), yellow(1-59m), red(>1hr). If
## cmd_time > 1min and on alert list in x1_formTime,
## a GUI alert is sent, > 10min alert is peristent.
## path (blue):
## print abbreviated path that dynamically abbreviates
## the dir names to be shorter the longer the total path.
## To adjust look in x1_PWD(). The pwd is shortened to
## only the current directory inside tmux.
## exit status (red):
## print the last exit status at the end if != 0.
# Git & Conda environments:
## If a conda env is active or in a git repo then the
## username is not displayed and the clock is turned off.
## cmd_time still appears if > 20s. The git repo is
## displayed after the host with the color in the
## following order of precedence: red for dirty, yellow
## for clean but untracked files present, cyan for clean
## but ahead/behind of remote, green for clean.
## The conda env is displaed where the user would be.
## (conda_env)@host(git_branch)|cmd_time|/''pwd$exit/''>
# Non-PS1 features:
## Set window title to last cmd
shopt -s extglob # for pattern matching
X1_PRECNT=0 # counter to see if cmd was blank
X1_CMDCNT=0 # previous count
X1_PRETIM=$SECONDS # time tracker
# User configurable settings, can set here to permanently
# change settings, or can do `SETTING=false` after script is
# sourced to turn off for just that shell (not for colors)
X1_COLORS=true # set to false to turn off colors
X1_GITSTAT=true # whether to show git branch, useful
# to turn off when `git status` is slow
X1_TIMING=true # set to false to turn off cmd timing
X1_DELAY='20' # minimum cmd time (in secs) to print
X1_ALERTS=true # set false to turn off GUI time alerts
X1_SSHALERT=false # whether to try to send alerts over SSH
X1_USER='unameHere' # username on client machine for remote
# alerts, must be keygen ssh connection
X1_SSHPORT='22' # ssh port for client machine
if $X1_TIMING; then
if $X1_ALERTS && $X1_SSHALERT && [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then
# this logic assumes only 1 level of ssh tunnel deep
X1_CLIENTIP=$(echo $SSH_CLIENT |cut -f1 -d' ')
ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=2 $X1_USER@$X1_CLIENTIP \
-p $X1_SSHPORT 'notify-send &>/dev/null; exit $?' &>/dev/null
if [ "$X1_SSHALERT" = '1' ]; then
elif [ "$X1_SSHALERT" = '127' ]; then
echo "SSH client: $X1_USER@$X1_CLIENTIP,"
echo " did not have notify-send installed"
echo "Unable to establish keygen ssh connection"
echo "with $X1_USER@$X1_CLIENTIP, GUI alerts diabled"
fi; fi
notify-send --version &>/dev/null # check if GUI alerts installed
if [ $? -ne 0 ] && $X1_ALERTS; then
if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then # don't care if in SSH session
echo -n "bash command timing GUI alerts requested, "
echo "but notify-send not installed."
fi; fi
x1_preexec() {
# command to run before every 'simple' command, tracks cmd stats
[ "$BASH_COMMAND" = "$PROMPT_COMMAND" ] && return # ignore PS1 func
[ -n "$COMP_LINE" ] && return # ignore auto-complete
X1_PRECMD=$BASH_COMMAND # store command
((X1_PRECNT++)) # increment counter, tracks empty prompt
X1_PRETIM=$SECONDS # store time of command
echo -e "\e]0;"; echo -n $BASH_COMMAND; echo -ne "\007" #set win title
# Trap DEBUG to exec before 'simple' commands, only in newer bash
# this is unsupported in bash3.x?, DEBUG trap execs after
trap 'x1_preexec' DEBUG # $> help trap; # for more info
tput colors &>/dev/null # check for colors
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && $X1_COLORS; then
X1_COLG='\[\e[1;32m\]' # green
X1_COLG0='\[\e[0;32m\]' # green unbold
X1_COLY='\[\e[0;33m\]' # yellow
X1_COLC='\[\e[1;36m\]' # cyan
X1_COLB='\[\e[1;34m\]' # blue
X1_COLR='\[\e[1;31m\]' # red
X1_ECOL='\[\e[00m\]' # end color
# Convert sec to hr+min or min+sec for color display
# Sends GUI alert if time > 1min and on the first
# list in the 'case' section below.
# alert is persistant (must be cleared) if time > 10 min
# alert is transient (cleared after fades) for < 10 min
# Some common interactive commands will always be
# green, such as editors, in the second list of the
# 'case' section below.
# @parameters
# arg1 (int): seconds to convert
# @returns
# X1_CMDTIME (str): stores output in this global
# green for < 1 min and exemptions
# yellow for 1-59 min
# red for > 1 hour
local min=$(( ($1/60) ))
local sec=$(( $1 - ($min*60) ))
local x1col="$X1_COLG0" # green default
local x1alertlvl=0 # alert off default
printf -v X1_CMDTIME "%dm%02ds" $min $sec
if [ $1 -gt 59 ] && [ $1 -lt 600 ]; then # 1-10 min
elif [ $1 -gt 599 ] && [ $1 -lt 3600 ]; then # 10-59 min
elif [ $1 -gt 3599 ]; then # > 1 hour
sec=$(( $1/3600 )) # repurpose sec to hours
min=$(( ($1/60) - ($sec*60) ))
printf -v X1_CMDTIME "%dh%02dm" $sec $min
if $X1_ALERTS; then
case "$X1_PRECMD" in # check alert lists
# list for GUI alerts: (c)make, *.(sh|x|py),
# (i)python & shells (non-interactive),
# SECONDS= for testing
?(c)make?( *)|?(ba|da|z)sh@( *)|?(i)python@( *)|\
# list for no GUI alerts & green color always
vi?(m)?( *)|nano?( *)|pico?( *)|gedit?( *)|emacs?( *)|\
ssh?( *)|tmux?( *)|less?( *)|man?( *)|bc?( *)|?(h)top?( *)|\
gdb?(-ia)?( *)|vimdiff?( *)|tail?( *)|gnuplot?( *))
*) # defaults, no alert but keep color
esac; fi
# send alert if needed
if [ $x1alertlvl -gt 0 ]; then
if $X1_ALERTS && ! $X1_SSHALERT; then
notify-send --hint=int:transient:$x1alertlvl --urgency=low \
-i terminal "$X1_PRECMD took $X1_CMDTIME"
elif $X1_ALERTS && $X1_SSHALERT; then
local notecmd="notify-send --hint=int:transient:$x1alertlvl"
notecmd="$notecmd --urgency=low -i network"
notecmd="$notecmd '$X1_PRECMD @$HOSTNAME took $X1_CMDTIME'"
ssh $X1_USER@$X1_CLIENTIP -p $X1_SSHPORT "$notecmd"
fi; fi
# store colored output in X1_CMDTIME
printf -v X1_CMDTIME "$x1col$X1_CMDTIME$X1_ECOL"
x1_PWD() {
# dynamically abbreviate the pwd
# @params
# arg1 (str): path string, seperated by '/'
# @returns
# X1_DISPPWD (str): global var
[ "$1" = '/' ] && X1_DISPPWD='/' && return # root dir case
local IFS="/" # local field seperator for paths
local PARTS=() # pwd split into dirs
if [ -n "$HOME" ]; then # check if in HOME dir
[ "$1" = "$HOME" ] && X1_DISPPWD='~' && return
case "$1" in
read -ra PARTS <<< "${1/"$HOME"/}";;
read -ra PARTS <<< "${1}";;
read -ra PARTS <<< "${1}"
local plast=$((${#PARTS[@]} - 1)) # current dir index
[ -z "${PARTS[0]}" ] && unset PARTS[0] # unset blank from read
local cdir="${PARTS[$plast]}"
unset PARTS[$plast]
local lenmax=3 # max dir name length of parent dirs
local plen=$(($lenmax*$plast + ${#cdir}))
if [ $plen -gt 24 ]; then #set how much to shorten dir names
lenmax=$(($lenmax - 1))
plen=$(($lenmax*$plast + ${#cdir}))
if [ $plen -gt 30 ]; then
lenmax=$(($lenmax - 1))
if [ "${#cdir}" -gt 14 ]; then
fi; fi; fi
#now set the directory to store in X1_DISPPWD
for i in "${PARTS[@]}"; do
if [ "${#i}" -gt $lenmax ]; then
[ -n "$cdir" ] && X1_DISPPWD="$X1_DISPPWD/$cdir"
x1_get_PS1() {
# Function that makes and sets PS1
# Get last exit value + color
local stat="$?"
if [ $stat = 0 ]; then
# Find if last cmd took > $X1_DELAY
local x1time=''
local gsep="$X1_COLG0|$X1_ECOL" # green vert
if $X1_TIMING; then
if [ $(($SECONDS - $X1_PRETIM)) -gt $X1_DELAY ] && \
[ "$X1_PRECNT" != "$X1_CMDCNT" ]; then
x1_formTime $(($SECONDS -$X1_PRETIM))
X1_CMDCNT=$X1_PRECNT #update outside if[] for ctrl-c
# Check git status (porcelain), show branch & top level untracked
if $X1_GITSTAT; then
local gitstat="$(git status -b -unormal --porcelain 2>/dev/null)"
local gitstat=''
if [ -n "$gitstat" ]; then
local lin1="${gitstat%%$'\n'*}"
local bnam="${lin1#'## '}" # branchname
bnam="${bnam%%'...'*}" # finish extraction
local bcol="$X1_COLG0" # branch color
if [ "${lin1%'[ahead '*}" != "$lin1" ] || \
[ "${lin1%'[behind '*}" != "$lin1" ]; then
bcol="$X1_COLC" # ahead/behind of remote, cyan
lin1="${gitstat/"$lin1"/}" # remove lin1 from gitstat
if [ "${lin1:1:2}" = '??' ]; then # Untracked
elif [ "${#lin1}" -gt 0 ]; then # Dirty
# Check for a conda environment
local condaenv=''
[ -n "$CONDA_PREFIX" ] && condaenv="(${CONDA_PREFIX##*/})"
# Only use current working dir if in tmux
[ -z "$TMUX" ] && x1_PWD "$PWD" || X1_DISPPWD='\W'
#check if we're in an ssh session
local host=''
[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] && host="$X1_COLG" || host="$X1_COLG0"
# Form the pwd color, user, & clock if needed
local dispdir="$X1_COLB$X1_DISPPWD$X1_ECOL" # blue pwd
local user="$condaenv$X1_COLG0@$X1_ECOL"
if [ -z "$gitstat" ] && [ -z "$condaenv" ]; then
user="$X1_COLG0\u@$X1_ECOL" # green user
[ -z "$x1time" ] &&\
x1time="$X1_COLG0\A$X1_ECOL$gsep" # green clock
PS1="$user$host$gitstat$gsep$x1time$dispdir\\\$$stat> "
#echo "$user$host$gsep$time$gsep$dispdir\$$stat> "
#Run any command line args as a command for tmux
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