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Post: List new features in TOM Library
<Query Kind="Statements">
<Namespace>TOM = Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular</Namespace>
var asm = typeof(TOM.Server).Assembly;
var compatAttr = asm.GetType("Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.CompatibilityRequirementAttribute");
string ReadProperty(string name, object attr) => compatAttr.GetProperty(name).GetValue(attr).ToString();
string GetMemberType(Type t) => t.IsEnum ? "Enum" : t.IsInterface ? "Interface" : "Class";
Attribute GetCustomAttributeSafe(MemberInfo member, Type t)
{ // This is needed to avoid errors on a few specific attributes containing unsupported expressions - we're simply ignoring those
try {
return member.GetCustomAttribute(t);
catch (TOM.TomException) {
return null;
var members = asm.GetTypes()
.Select(t => new
Type = t,
CompatAttribute = t.GetCustomAttribute(compatAttr)
.Where(x => x.CompatAttribute != null)
.Select(x => new
Name = x.Type.FullName,
MemberType = GetMemberType(x.Type),
Box = ReadProperty("Box", x.CompatAttribute),
Excel = ReadProperty("Excel", x.CompatAttribute),
PBI = ReadProperty("Pbi", x.CompatAttribute)
.SelectMany(t => t.GetMembers())
.Select(m => new
Member = m,
Name = $"{m.DeclaringType.FullName}.{m.Name}",
CompatAttribute = GetCustomAttributeSafe(m, compatAttr),
MemberType = m.MemberType.ToString()
.Where(x => x.CompatAttribute != null)
.Select(x => new
Box = ReadProperty("Box", x.CompatAttribute),
Excel = ReadProperty("Excel", x.CompatAttribute),
PBI = ReadProperty("Pbi", x.CompatAttribute)
.Where(x => /* toggle this for 1200/1400: */ !(((int.TryParse(x.Box, out var box) && box <= 1400) || x.Box == "Unsupported")
&& ((int.TryParse(x.Excel, out var excel) && excel <= 1400) || x.Excel == "Unsupported")
&& ((int.TryParse(x.PBI, out var pbi) && pbi <= 1400) || x.PBI == "Unsupported")))
.OrderBy(x => x.Name)
// Convert to markdown table for blog post:
Array.ForEach(members, x => $"| {x.Name} | {x.MemberType} | {x.Box} | {x.Excel} | {x.PBI} |".Dump());
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