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Last active July 12, 2023 17:35
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Python progress bar
class ProgressBar:
A progress bar that's heavily inspired by click.ProgressBar.
Required imports:
import shutil
import sys
import time
import unicodedata
from typing import IO, Iterable
data = range(100)
p = ProgressBar(total=100, iterator=data)
for item in p:
time.sleep(1) # do a thing
data = range(10)
for item in ProgressBar(total=100, iterator=data):
data = range(10)
p = ProgressBar(total=10)
for index, item in enumerate(data):
time.sleep(1) # do a thing
_cls = "\033[1;J"
def __init__(
total: int,
line_width: int | None = None,
file: IO[str] = sys.stdout,
fill_char: str = "#",
empty_char: str = " ",
iterable: Iterable | None = None,
bar_starting_char: str = "-[",
bar_ending_char: str = "]-",
self.bar_ending_char = bar_ending_char
self.bar_starting_char = bar_starting_char
self.empty_char = empty_char
self.file = file
self.fill_char = fill_char
self.iterable = iterable = total
self.line_width = line_width
self.chunk = 0
self.eta = None
self.finished: bool = False
self.percentage = 0
self.plus_one: bool = False
self.t_end = None
self.t_start = time.time()
size = shutil.get_terminal_size()
self.term_columns = size.columns or 80
self.term_rows = size.lines or 24
self.message = None
if not iterable:
self.iterable = range(total)
if len(self.fill_char) != 1:
raise ValueError("fill_char must be a single character")
if not self.file.isatty():
print("WARNING: your file is not a tty; this is probably not what you want")
def __iter__(self):
for index, item in enumerate(self.iterable):
yield item
self.finished = True
self.t_end = time.time()
def _format_timespan(self, seconds: int | None = None) -> str:
seconds = seconds or self.eta or 0
hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60 * 60)
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
return f"{hours:02.0f}h:{minutes:02.0f}m:{seconds:02.0f}s"
def write(self, message: str):
self.message = message
def clear_screen(self):
def update(self, chunk: int, display: bool = True):
# Make this simpler to use. If we get passed `update(0)`, assume the
# user _actually_ wanted to pass in `i + 1`.
if not chunk:
self.plus_one = True
chunk = 1
elif self.plus_one:
chunk += 1
self.chunk = chunk
t_passed = time.time() - self.t_start
self.eta = (t_passed / chunk) * ( - chunk)
self.finished = chunk >=
if self.finished:
self.percentage = 1.0
self.t_end = time.time()
self.percentage = chunk /
if display:
def _get_char_width(self, char: str) -> int:
"""A pretty naive way of figuring out relative width for a character"""
width_map = {"A": 1, "F": 1, "H": 0.5, "N": 1, "Na": 1, "W": 2}
result = unicodedata.east_asian_width(char)
return width_map.get(result, 1)
def formatted_total_time(self) -> str:
"""Returns a formatted string with the total time"""
if self.t_end and self.t_start:
return self._format_timespan(seconds=self.t_end - self.t_start)
return "???"
def display(self):
number_of_chars_in_total = len(str(
formatted_chunk = f"%0{number_of_chars_in_total}d" % self.chunk
bar_footer = f" ({formatted_chunk}/{}) eta: {self._format_timespan()}"
start_end_length = len(self.bar_starting_char + self.bar_ending_char)
bar_inner_width = self.term_columns - len(bar_footer) - start_end_length
if self.line_width:
bar_inner_width = self.line_width - len(bar_footer) - start_end_length
# Calculate the actual width based on how "wide" the fill character is
number_of_filled_chars = int(self.percentage * bar_inner_width)
filled_text = self.fill_char * int(
number_of_filled_chars / self._get_char_width(self.fill_char)
empty_text = self.empty_char * (bar_inner_width - number_of_filled_chars)
# Finally start building the output
bar = f"{self.bar_starting_char}{filled_text}{empty_text}"
# pin the appending text at a specific position to account for wide
# fill characters. Otherwise the appending text will bounce with wide chars.
footer_pos = bar_inner_width + len(self.bar_starting_char) + 1
bar += f"\033[{footer_pos};G"
bar += f"{self.bar_ending_char}{bar_footer}"
# Move to the bottom
bottom_left = f"\033[{self.term_rows};0;H"
if self.message:
# clear the line and then output the bar
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