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Last active April 7, 2020 08:54
how to set Git repository and global options for multiple GitHub accounts [git] [github]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# let's say we have GitHub 'org' with 'team' of 2 members
# ('member1', 'member2') having Write access to
# 'repo' with URL of ''
# we are going to setup repository and global Git options
# (on macOS) to be able to commit to 'repo' using the
# above GitHub user accounts including different network
# authentication
# configure system credential helper (e.g. for macos)
git config --system credential.helper osxkeychain
git config --system credential.usehttppath true
# remove user personal name and email from system configuration
git config --system --unset
git config --system --unset
# for 'member1' account
# clone repo
mkdir member1
cd member1
git clone
cd repo
# setup user personal name and email
git config member1
git config
# setup authentication credentials
git config credential.username member1
# repeat the above steps for 'member2' account
cd ../..
# clone repo
mkdir member2
cd member2
git clone
cd repo
# setup user personal name and email
git config member2
git config
# setup authentication credentials
git config credential.username member2
# now the corresponding user names/emails, and configured
# credential names are stored in the repo's '.git/config'
# and will be used by Git to push commits to GitHub
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