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Created September 22, 2021 23:24
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how to list all route53 A records
aws route53 list-hosted-zones | jq '.HostedZones[].Id' | tr -d '"' | while read zone ; do
echo "== $zone"
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $zone --query "ResourceRecordSets[?Type == 'A']" | \
grep '"Name":\|DNSName\|Value' | \
sed -e 's/ //g' | \
sed -n -f route53.sed
/"Name"/ {
1! { x; s/\n//g; p; d; }
/"DNSName"/ {
H; d; x; s/\n//; p; d
/"Value"/ {
$! {H; d;}
$ {H; g; s/\n//g; p; d; }
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