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Last active October 9, 2015 12:57
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Perl script to automate copying PKGBUILD scripts and makepkg in Arch Linux
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy::Recursive "dircopy";
use Cwd;
use autodie;
use feature 'say';
my @ABS_DIRS = qw(core extra community multilib);
my $BUILD_DIR = "$ENV{HOME}/abs";
# Colors
my $RED = "\e[1;31m";
my $BLUE = "\e[1;34m";
my $GREEN = "\e[1;32m";
my $YELLOW = "\e[1;33m";
my $EC = "\e[0m";
sub yesno {
print "${GREEN}::${EC} $_[0] [Y/n] ";
chomp($_ = <STDIN>);
sub error {
warn "${RED}::${EC} $_[0]\n";
sub info {
say "${BLUE}::${EC} $_[0]";
if (not @ARGV or $ARGV[0] ne "-S") {
say "Usage: $0 -S [packages]";
if (not -d $BUILD_DIR) {
mkdir $BUILD_DIR;
# Remove the -S
shift @ARGV;
for my $pkg (@ARGV) {
my $INSTALL_FILE = "$pkg.install";
my $found = 0;
for my $repo (@ABS_DIRS) {
chdir "/var/abs/$repo";
if (-d $pkg) {
$found = 1;
if (not $found) {
error "Package '$pkg' not found";
dircopy $pkg, "$BUILD_DIR/$pkg";
info "$pkg found in " . getcwd() . " and copied to $BUILD_DIR";
chdir "$BUILD_DIR/$pkg";
if (yesno "Edit PKGBUILD?") {
if (-e $INSTALL_FILE) {
if (yesno "Edit $INSTALL_FILE?") {
say "Enter the arguments to be passed to makepkg";
print "> ";
chomp(my $r = <STDIN>);
system "makepkg $r";
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