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Last active December 4, 2017 11:51
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read kallisto RNA-seq quantification into R / Bioconductor data structures
.require <-
require(pkg, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)
}, warning=function(w) {
}) || {
msg <- sprintf('install %s with
source(""); biocLite("%s")',
pkg, pkg)
stop(paste(strwrap(msg, exdent=2), collapse="\n"))
.open <- function(files, h5) {
lapply(files, function(file) {
if (h5 && H5Fis_hdf5(file))
else file(file, open="rt")
.close <- function(cons)
.close.list <- function(cons)
for (con in cons)
.close.connection <- function(cons)
.close.H5IdComponent <- function(cons)
.colData <- function(jsonfile) {
json <- fromJSON(jsonfile)"data.frame", c(json, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
c("character", "integer" , "numeric", "numeric", "numeric")
KALLISTO_ASSAYS <- c("est_counts", "tpm", "eff_length")
.read <- function(con)
.read.connection <- function(con)
read.delim(con, header=TRUE, colClasses=.KALLISTO_COLCLASSES, row.names=1)
.read.H5IdComponent <- function(con) {
eff_length <- h5read(con, "/aux/eff_lengths")
est_counts <- h5read(con, "/est_counts")
tpm0 <- est_counts / eff_length
data.frame(row.names=h5read(con, "/aux/ids"),
length=h5read(con, "/aux/lengths"),
tpm=tpm0 / (sum(tpm0) / 1e6))
readKallisto <-
json=file.path(dirname(files), "run_info.json"),
h5=any(grepl("\\.h5$", files)),
as=c("matrix", "list", "SummarizedExperiment"))
as <- match.arg(as)
if (missing(what))
what <- what[1]
else {
whats <- eval(formals()[["what"]])
if (!all(what %in% KALLISTO_ASSAYS))
stop("'what' must be in ",
paste(sQuote(KALLISTO_ASSAYS), collapse=", "),
test <- file.exists(files)
if (!all(test))
stop("file(s) do not exist:\n ",
paste(files[!test], collapse="\n "))
if (is.null(names(files)))
names(files) <- basename(dirname(files))
if (as != "matrix") {
stopifnot(length(files) == length(json))
if (!is.null(names(json)))
stopifnot(identical(names(json), names(files)))
names(json) <- names(files)
test <- file.exists(json)
if (!all(test))
stop("json file(s) do not exist:\n ",
paste(json[!test], collapse="\n "))
if (h5)
if (as == "SummarizedExperiment") {
if (BiocInstaller::biocVersion() >= '3.2')
else .require("GenomicRanges")
cons <- .open(files, h5)
value <- .read(cons[[1]])
rowData <- value[, .KALLISTO_ROWDATA, drop=FALSE]
assay <- matrix(0, nrow(rowData), length(cons),
dimnames=list(rownames(rowData), names(cons)))
assays <- setNames(replicate(length(what), assay, FALSE), what)
for (w in what)
assays[[w]][,1] <- value[[w]]
for (i in seq_along(cons)[-1]) {
value <- .read(cons[[i]])
if (!identical(rowData, value[, .KALLISTO_ROWDATA, drop=FALSE]))
stop("rowData differs between files:\n ",
paste(files[c(1, i)], collapse="\n "))
for (w in what)
assays[[w]][,i] <- value[[w]]
if (as != "matrix")
colData <-"rbind", lapply(json, .colData))
switch(as, matrix={
if (length(assays) == 1L)
else assays
}, list={
c(setNames(list(colData, rowData), c("colData", "rowData")), assays)
}, SummarizedExperiment={
partition <-
PartitioningByEnd(integer(nrow(rowData)), names=rownames(rowData))
rowRanges <- relist(GRanges(), partition)
mcols(rowRanges) <- as(rowData, "DataFrame")
SummarizedExperiment(assays=assays, rowRanges=rowRanges,
colData=as(colData, "DataFrame"))
.readIds <- function(con, i) {
if (!missing(i))
h5read(con, "/aux/ids", list(i))
else h5read(con, "/aux/ids")
readBootstrap <-
function(file, i, j)
stopifnot(length(file) == 1L, is.character(file))
con <- H5Fopen(file)
nboot <- as.integer(h5read(con, "/aux/num_bootstrap"))
if (nboot == 0L)
stop("file contains no bootstraps:\n ", file)
if (!missing(i) && is.character(i)) {
idx <- match(i, .readIds(con))
if (anyNA(i))
stop("unknown target id(s)", i[])
i <- idx
if (!missing(j) && is.numeric(j)) {
if (any((j < 1L) || any(j > nboot)))
stop("'j' must be >0 and <=", nboot)
j <- paste0("bs", as.integer(j) - 1L)
m <- if (missing(i) && missing(j)) {
simplify2array(h5read(con, "/bootstrap"))
} else if (missing(i)) {
query <- setNames(sprintf("/bootstrap/%s", j), j)
simplify2array(lapply(query, h5read, file=con))
} else if (missing(j)) {
group <- H5Gopen(con, "/bootstrap")
name <- h5ls(group)$name
query <- setNames(sprintf("/bootstrap/%s", name), name)
simplify2array(lapply(query, h5read, file=con, index=list(i)))
} else {
query <- setNames(sprintf("/bootstrap/%s", j), j)
simplify2array(lapply(query, h5read, file=con, index=list(i)))
rownames(m) <- .readIds(con, i)
if (missing(j)) {
o <- order(as.integer(sub("bs", "", colnames(m), fixed=TRUE)))
} else m
files <- dir("~/a/kallisto/example", "abundance.tsv", full=TRUE,
str(readKallisto(files, as="matrix"))
str(readKallisto(files, as="list"))
(se <- readKallisto(files, as="SummarizedExperiment"))
str(readKallisto(files, what="eff_length"))
readKallisto(files, what="eff_length", as="SummarizedExperiment")
files <- sub(".tsv", ".h5", files, fixed=TRUE)
str(readKallisto(files, what="tpm"))
readKallisto(files, what="tpm", as="SummarizedExperiment")
readKallisto(files, what=c("tpm", "eff_length"), as="SummarizedExperiment")
xx <- readBootstrap(files[1])
ridx <- head(which(rowSums(xx) != 0), 3)
cidx <- c(1:5, 96:100)
readBootstrap(files[1])[ridx, cidx]
readBootstrap(files[1], i=c(ridx, rev(ridx)), j=cidx)
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seandavi commented Jun 9, 2015

Hi, Martin. Thanks for putting this together. I always learn a ton from reading your code.

The check on line 114 includes both "length" and "eff_length" in rowData. I think that the "eff_length" will, in general, vary between samples. This means that for more than one sample, readKallisto always stops at line 115. So, probably rowData should include just length and the "eff_length", if you want to keep it, would need to go in another 2-D container. See my fork of this gist for a quick fix.

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Thanks Sean I updated so that eff_length can be specified with 'what='

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Just a note on installing into R--very easy....


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vjcitn commented Dec 16, 2015

Is there any inclination to package this code? I have obtained the fastq files underlying the RNAseqData.HNRNPC... experiment data package with the aim of comparing a count-based analysis to a Kallisto-based analysis. Would a workflow document that carefully manages the fastq plus sample-level data and takes the information downstream to a SummarizedExperiment be of interest? Or perhaps one already exists?

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vjcitn commented Dec 16, 2015

i see now that sleuth handles parsing -> shiny. there may not be much scope for packaging the parsing code ... but still, the role of bioc object discipline warrants exploration.

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