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Last active September 22, 2017 23:40
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Scatter Plot
license: mit
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var data = [
"country": "United States",
"population": 323050000,
"expectancy": 78.94,
"cost": 9024.21,
"code": "US"
"country": "Switzerland",
"population": 8306200,
"expectancy": 82.85,
"cost": 6786.57,
"code": "CH"
"country": "Norway",
"population": 5213985,
"expectancy": 81.75,
"cost": 6081,
"code": "NO"
"country": "Netherlands",
"population": 16998003,
"expectancy": 81.3,
"cost": 5276.6,
"code": "NL"
"country": "Germany",
"population": 81459000,
"expectancy": 80.84,
"cost": 5119.21,
"code": "DE"
"country": "Sweden",
"population": 9858794,
"expectancy": 81.96,
"cost": 5065.16,
"code": "SE"
"country": "Ireland",
"population": 4635400,
"expectancy": 81.15,
"cost": 5001.32,
"code": "IE"
"country": "Austria",
"population": 8699730,
"expectancy": 81.34,
"cost": 4896,
"code": "AT"
"country": "Denmark",
"population": 5707251,
"expectancy": 80.55,
"cost": 4857.03,
"code": "DK"
"country": "Belgium",
"population": 11306030,
"expectancy": 80.59,
"cost": 4522.04,
"code": "BE"
"country": "Canada",
"population": 35985751,
"expectancy": 81.96,
"cost": 4495.69,
"code": "CA"
"country": "Luxembourg",
"population": 562,
"expectancy": 82.21,
"cost": 4478.97,
"code": "LU"
"country": "France",
"population": 64513242,
"expectancy": 82.37,
"cost": 4366.99,
"code": "FR"
"country": "Australia",
"population": 24026900,
"expectancy": 82.25,
"cost": 4206.85,
"code": "AU"
"country": "Japan",
"population": 126810000,
"expectancy": 83.59,
"cost": 4152.37,
"code": "JP"
"country": "United Kingdom",
"population": 65097000,
"expectancy": 81.06,
"cost": 3971.39,
"code": "UK"
"country": "Iceland",
"population": 332,
"expectancy": 82.06,
"cost": 3896.93,
"code": "IS"
"country": "Finland",
"population": 5490750,
"expectancy": 81.13,
"cost": 3871.39,
"code": "FI"
"country": "New Zealand",
"population": 4671020,
"expectancy": 81.4,
"cost": 3537.26,
"code": "NZ"
"country": "Italy",
"population": 60676361,
"expectancy": 82.69,
"cost": 3206.83,
"code": "IT"
"country": "Spain",
"population": 46423064,
"expectancy": 83.08,
"cost": 3053.07,
"code": "ES"
"country": "Slovenia",
"population": 2069982,
"expectancy": 80.52,
"cost": 2598.91,
"code": "SI"
"country": "Portugal",
"population": 10374822,
"expectancy": 80.72,
"cost": 2583.84,
"code": "PT"
"country": "Israel",
"population": 8476600,
"expectancy": 82.15,
"cost": 2547.4,
"code": "IL"
"country": "Czech Republic",
"population": 10546120,
"expectancy": 78.28,
"cost": 2386.34,
"code": "CZ"
"country": "South Korea",
"population": 51555409,
"expectancy": 82.16,
"cost": 2361.44,
"code": "KR"
"country": "Greece",
"population": 10846979,
"expectancy": 81.29,
"cost": 2220.11,
"code": "GR"
"country": "Slovakia",
"population": 5424058,
"expectancy": 76.71,
"cost": 1970.52,
"code": "SK"
"country": "Hungary",
"population": 9849000,
"expectancy": 75.87,
"cost": 1796.6,
"code": "HU"
"country": "Estonia",
"population": 1311759,
"expectancy": 77.24,
"cost": 1724.51,
"code": "EE"
"country": "Lithuania",
"population": 2881705,
"expectancy": 73.97,
"cost": 1720.84,
"code": "LT"
"country": "Chile",
"population": 18191900,
"expectancy": 81.5,
"cost": 1688.52,
"code": "CL"
"country": "Poland",
"population": 38484000,
"expectancy": 77.25,
"cost": 1624.87,
"code": "PL"
"country": "Costa Rica",
"population": 4832234,
"expectancy": 79.4,
"cost": 1393.95,
"code": "CR"
"country": "Russia",
"population": 146544710,
"expectancy": 70.37,
"cost": 1368.75,
"code": "RU"
"country": "Latvia",
"population": 1968600,
"expectancy": 74.19,
"cost": 1295.01,
"code": "LV"
"country": "South Africa",
"population": 54956900,
"expectancy": 57.18,
"cost": 1146.47,
"code": "ZA"
"country": "Mexico",
"population": 122273500,
"expectancy": 76.72,
"cost": 1052.66,
"code": "MX"
"country": "Turkey",
"population": 78741053,
"expectancy": 75.16,
"cost": 990.19,
"code": "TR"
"country": "Colombia",
"population": 48570200,
"expectancy": 73.99,
"cost": 964.5,
"code": "CO"
"country": "China",
"population": 1375410000,
"expectancy": 75.78,
"cost": 730.52,
"code": "CN"
"country": "Indonesia",
"population": 258705000,
"expectancy": 68.89,
"cost": 302.12,
"code": "ID"
"country": "India",
"population": 1285930000,
"expectancy": 68.01,
"cost": 267.41,
"code": "IN"
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