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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Download, Unzip, Mosaic, and Reproject National Elevation Dataset 1/3 arcsecond
#All of this tested in in Cygwin on Windows 7 x64
#Requires GDAL, Cygwin (or other *nix terminal) with wget and unzip installed; also requires an installation of Python
#GDAL should be in system PATH
#To download files based on a hand-made text file called "URLZipList.txt" - list of all the .zip filenames needed (files from here:
#Example file name: ""
wget -i URLZipList.txt
#Unzip all files to respective folders
for z in *.zip; do
d=`basename $z .zip`
mkdir $d && unzip $z -d $d
#Run to create mosaic DEM (from:; either of the two lines below will work (the first one makes the previous command unnecessary
C:/Anaconda/python.exe C:/OSGeo4w64/bin/ -o n35w092_n39_w096_30m.tif */*.img
# First argument is path to local python
# second argument is path to
# third argument is output filename
#Fourth argument ('*/*.img') specifies all .img files in all subfolders
#Complete details for here:
#To reproject to UTM zone 15 with cubic resampling
gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=15 +datum=WGS84' -r cubic n35w092_n39_w096_30m.tif n35w092_n39_w096_30m_UTM_cubic.tif
#See documentation for GDALWarp here:
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