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Created March 14, 2012 04:54
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Save mtrovo/2034172 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NLP SpamLord PA slightly modified
import sys
import os
import re
import pprint
# lista com tuplas do seguinte formato (regex, tipo, email_final)
# abaixo exemplo adaptando o exemplo inicial
patterns = (
(r'(\w+)@(\w+).edu', 'e', r'\1@\'),
#TODO: aqui voce colocaria o resto das suas regex,
# no mesmo formato acima
This function takes in a filename along with the file object (or
an iterable of strings) and scans its contents against regex patterns.
It returns a list of (filename, type, value) tuples where type is either
and 'e' or a 'p' for e-mail or phone, and value is the formatted phone
number or e-mail. The canonical formats are:
(name, 'p', '###-###-#####')
(name, 'e', 'someone@something')
If the numbers you submit are formatted differently they will not
match the gold answers
NOTE: ***don't change this interface***, as it will be called directly by
the submit script
def process_file(name, f):
# note that debug info should be printed to stderr
# sys.stderr.write('[process_file]\tprocessing file: %s\n' % (path))
res = []
# para cada linha no arquivo
for line in f:
# para cada expressao regular
for regex,tipo,sub in patterns:
matches = re.finditer(regex,line)
# para cada match dentro da linha
for m in matches:
email = m.expand(sub)
return res
You should not need to edit this function, nor should you alter
its interface as it will be called directly by the submit script
def process_dir(data_path):
# get candidates
guess_list = []
for fname in os.listdir(data_path):
if fname[0] == '.':
path = os.path.join(data_path,fname)
f = open(path,'r')
f_guesses = process_file(fname, f)
return guess_list
You should not need to edit this function.
Given a path to a tsv file of gold e-mails and phone numbers
this function returns a list of tuples of the canonical form:
(filename, type, value)
def get_gold(gold_path):
# get gold answers
gold_list = []
f_gold = open(gold_path,'r')
for line in f_gold:
return gold_list
You should not need to edit this function.
Given a list of guessed contacts and gold contacts, this function
computes the intersection and set differences, to compute the true
positives, false positives and false negatives. Importantly, it
converts all of the values to lower case before comparing
def score(guess_list, gold_list):
guess_list = [(fname, _type, value.lower()) for (fname, _type, value) in guess_list]
gold_list = [(fname, _type, value.lower()) for (fname, _type, value) in gold_list]
guess_set = set(guess_list)
gold_set = set(gold_list)
tp = guess_set.intersection(gold_set)
fp = guess_set - gold_set
fn = gold_set - guess_set
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
#print 'Guesses (%d): ' % len(guess_set)
#print 'Gold (%d): ' % len(gold_set)
print 'True Positives (%d): ' % len(tp)
print 'False Positives (%d): ' % len(fp)
print 'False Negatives (%d): ' % len(fn)
print 'Summary: tp=%d, fp=%d, fn=%d' % (len(tp),len(fp),len(fn))
You should not need to edit this function.
It takes in the string path to the data directory and the
gold file
def main(data_path, gold_path):
guess_list = process_dir(data_path)
gold_list = get_gold(gold_path)
score(guess_list, gold_list)
commandline interface takes a directory name and gold file.
It then processes each file within that directory and extracts any
matching e-mails or phone numbers and compares them to the gold file
if __name__ == '__main__':
if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
print 'usage:\ <data_dir> <gold_file>'
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